Guilded Age – THE RAP SONG
Some of you may remember that we ran a Kickstarter a few months ago. As we trudge through the many, many unforseen obstacles, re-plannings, re-budgetings, and re-OhMyGodWhatAreWeGoingToDos, we have been rather silently keeping machinations in the general “forward” direction. To that end, we are proud to showcase the first result of this project, and also the stretch reward: An original song produced by Dain Saint and Adam Warrock about Guilded Age, now available for your free listening pleasure on GA’s new official YouTube channel!
Or, y’know, just click on it below… please enjoy!
Why do I suspect some earthly desire is being shown by gravedust right about now ?
… Am I a bad person because since these last few updates I’ve been wondering where he stands on chastity now that his order is gone ?
dammit, wrong comment section and no edit button…
Actually a little sad that the only comments here were a mistaken and comment upon it. Alas, still quite an enjoyable song even if not the normal medium one would associate with a technomantic infused medieval fantasy world. Hoping I’m not the only one who listened to it.