Annotated 1-14
In retrospect, I’m not sure why Syr’Nj explains her lack of equipment with her trainee status, unless they’re so short on gear in this armed conflict that they’re only giving them to the experienced medics who are most likely to use them properly. TBH, that seems unlikely, given that Gastonia has vast resources and this isn’t nearly as intense fighting as the nation will shortly see. A better explanation is that someone gave her that excuse and sent her out with less equipment, setting her up to fail. At this point, Syr’Nj would still be trusting enough to be suckered by that.
Shrev’s original last line was “And bedside manner! They’re also supposed to have bedside manner!” and, well, you decide which you like better. I gotta say, if somebody responsible for my medical condition starts using terms like “sap” and “root rot” to describe my organs while informing me that I’m basically their practice dummy, I might get a little insensitive myself.
It’s not easy being green, all right. It’s so hard that Syr’nj can’t even manage it on her right forearm! Or is that her right upper limb? I can never get the wood elf anatomical terminology right…
That’s a sleeve.
Wait… How many sleeves has she got? Short, 3/4 length, full length??
That’s a lotta sleeves…
In Field Rank, not domestic fare!
“Three sleeves won’t overheat
Them if they’ve roots for toes on green feet!”
There’s more, but the bard’s been bound, gagged, and suspended from an oak branch over the banquet.
Good on you for handling that bard.
As to the sleeve, I believe it may be a bracer of some manner? The last page you can see them on both her arms, and they look rather more rigid than the rest of her garb.
I assumed Syr’nj wasn’t formally with the army and had just wandered in with her own gear to fix people up.
I had just assumed that “she was in training, and, not being super familiar with human anatomy and needs, grabbed all she had been trained in using medically, up to this point, before rushing onto the battlefield”.
Which would have been a timely naivete for me to have, when I first started reading this comic, but as I know *slightly* more about medicine now… well, let’s just say that she’d have to be even more naive than I am to do something like that.
Being somewhat more educated now, I think I prefer the reasoning given in the last sentence of the first paragraph of this annotation.
You’re just as likely to die at the hands of a human medic if that makes you feel better.
Sometimes even MORE likely!
Surely she can always do science to him?
But, um, you don’t give equipment to someone not properly trained in its use, even if you have it to spare.
I think my last line would of been something like “I’m the training dummy?!? This day just keeps getting better and better.”
I kinda got tired by nearly every human in this comic being racist, so I’d have preferred one of them to just be a regular asshole instead. But whatever, your comic.
Also possible Syr’Nj was given the equipment, but no one took the time to explain what it is and what it does…
I think the Round Ears line works better here because it helps set up the idea that the animosity between Wood Elves and Humans goes both ways. It helps show that humans aren’t *entirely* just the victims.
One of the reasons I absolute loved Syr’nj right off the bat was this page and the way she describes persons like plants. I feel like it died down considerably later on. I never quite got if it was because the writers thought it’d feel worn out and overused after having the comic go on for so long or a sign of just her “adapting” to other cultures.
I am an easy to amuse guy. This dialog amuses me so much even after re-re-re-reading it. And I’m glad the last line that was taken out was shared. I like it even more, haha.
Dammit Syr’Nj!
I need a doctor, not a tree surgeon!