Annotated 12-12
Phil wrote this scene before he did anything with the Heads of Houses and well before I did the training scenes. I think he had it in mind for a while before that.
It’s the first on-panel interaction between any of these four characters, all of whom have been introduced before (three of them in Chapter 8, Don Gobligno in the Payet Best solo story).
Harky’s appearance in the last panel would become his button. The button images are coming pretty quickly now!
Gondy looks pretty beefy here, compared to most of his appearances.
As all avians, also Avians have the ability to “puff up” their plumage.
Garden-variety avians (also known as birbs) do it to retain heat in cold climates.
Avians, meanwhile, do it to assume a more imposing appearance in threatening situations.
I kinda forgot about the very different motives of Don/Iver and Harky (and I guess Gondolessa). I wonder if their alliance could’ve survived the aftermath of their hypothetical victory.
Iver tried to undermine Harky well before their victory, so I’m going to say “no.”
Not a chance. Iver would have had his knives out as soon as it got convenient, while the Don would have embezzled as much as he could get away with without having to worry about life and limb. Marriages of convenience tned not to last.