Annotated 9-11
“HEY GUY I’M STAB YOU” is primo meme material.
Here’s a thought: if the land sharks are stupid like individual cells in the brain, do they actually think they are trying to stab Best?
As happened a fair amount through Guilded Age, Phil had notes on pencils that I had thought matched the script just fine. As we debated how many sharks should be in this scene, I asked him when we could get together to rewrite the outline from which we were increasingly divergent. Boy, it was fun to fantasize about a small group of sharks who each instinctively knew what all their fellow hunters were thinking, made thorough plans to achieve their simple goals, and wouldn’t need to revise those plans all the freakin’ time.
Welcome to die!
Those land sharks sure know how to PICCOLO note to go out on.
But hey, they do get to choose the VENU.
They were going to set up a web trap, but they were over budget and their manager wouldn’t CLARINET.
Are you sure these are sharks? They look like sharks, but they strategize like BASSOO- *vaudeville hook*
*gets PANned by critics*
That took a lot of BRASS. I WOODn’t WIND to be you.
O Boey!
What are the sticks supposed to be, a trap? I don’t remember that being explained the first time around.
It becomes clear in the next scene.
Aw geez.
Four years of following this comic and NOW I realize Hurricane ks a pun on Blizzard.
Yeah, I’m having a lot of moments like that…
Nice to meet you, Stabue! I’m Justaff l’Eschwuend.
I never noticed Best’s reference to a hive mind before, but it’s always been my headcanon that all the land sharks (except HAMMERHEAD) have the exact same voice. It sounds like a voice one might do when mockingly repeating someone else’s words and trying to make them sound as stupid as possible.
I always imagined them to be ALLCAPS, the race. With one voice. Actually, if you get the reference, now I’m imagining they’re all a slightly less guttural version of LittleKuriboh’s Jack Atlas. If you need/want a reference, or just want a refresher.
Best: “Land shark.”
Best: “I came.”
LS: …
Best: “Heh heh.”
Okay, after all these years, I have to ask…
I know from other sources, “Ghoti” can be pronounced as “Fish.”
So how do you say the “Psolo” part?
“Ps” as in “psychotropic”, “olo” as in “colonel”. So, “Sir Fish”.
Though in my head, I actually just pronounce it “Solo Goatee”. *ashamed*