Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Please remember to keep arms and legs inside The Magick Mount at all times. Please do not disembark until The Magick Mount has come to a full stop. Please retrieve all weapons and other personal belongings before leaving. Thank you for riding The Magick Mount.
Now that race has entered the discussion, it occurs to me that there’s a distinct possibility that Sundar was, albeit unwittingly, arguing for the destruction of the souls of Savasi to the last living mystic.
Possibility? I’m not seeing any room for that to possibly not be the case. Are the Savasi part of what Sundar thinks of as “the savage races”? Yes. Was Sundar arguing for letting the souls of as many “savages” as possible be destroyed? Yes. Is Gravedust a Savasi? Gastonian newspapers aside, yes.
Well, I was couching my word choice for the possibility that there just happened to not be Savasi in the kill zone, but Magda’s presence makes such prudent terminology rather silly.
On a less erudite note, I want to see Frigg do the glow-shit thing to her armor to make a giant mecha to fight the monster.
I just… this page. It’s pretty much Conan’d us. It crushed the punners. It saw them driven before it. It heard the lamentations of the people that wanted to use ‘Savage lover’ but found it was already taken. Also, it’s just a great page otherwise.
You could almost say the page is trolling us. A-gnolling our punning prowess. Dwarfing us all with its pre-emption of the obvious pun while we furtively look at each other for another outlet.
On most browsers, mousing over the image and waiting displays a tooltip describing the image. This comic (and some others) use this to provide alternate commentary on their comics. It’s not accessible to mobile users unless it’s stored elsewhere on the page and occasionally certain browsers or OSes willl fail to display it.
When you mouse-hover over the page, some text might appear. Some browsers don’t support it though, and sometimes it bugs out, and you have to look at the source code for the page, but it usually works.
And just in case it helps anyone stuck reading on a mobile device or other browser where viewing the alt-tag text is difficult, today’s alt text is “I would *absolutely* consider Frigg a savage lover.”
In addition to the other replies, I want to say welcome to the exciting new world of the Hidden Punchline, have fun going back through all of the archives of every webcomic you regularly read to see if they use alt text.
All this suspense is making me hover on the edge of my seat, then cycle back to just going along for the ride. I sure am revved up for tomorrow’ update!
…Really, Sundar? You wouldn’t have figured Gravedust Deserthammer, the dwarf, who joined your side in order to save the savage races from their own leadership, for a savage lover?
That’s Sundar the Sunderer you’re talking about, man. The visionary who foresaw fountains in our toilets, as well as mechanical whores! MECHANICAL WHORES! There’s nothing he can’t figure, in or out.
Sundar’s reaction seems a bit confusing. On the one hand, he fought against Gastonian soldiers to save orcs. On the other, he has no problem with some Lovecraftian style entity shredding everyone down in the quarry, which includes orc slaves.
This isn’t going to end well, is it? Sending the holy pugilist and tank into a fight against a digital corruption beast whose slightest touch dissolves… Sure.. hit it with a hammer. Just don’t expect to get the hammer back.
Hope WAV has something to help protect these numbskulls.. I’d rather like them to stay in the story.
They might be able to smack it around a bit. Both Frigg and Rachel can conjure up glowing constructs to beat things up with. And the beast isn’t constantly derezzing everything touching it, else it would of sunk to the core of the planet a long time ago.
New crackpot theory: WAV=Ferris (somehow)
Supporting nonsense: Just as one disappears the other appears. Somehow using Ferris in the spell created WAV as well as some side effect to all the other stuff. Manifests this way because Ferris was involved in the other game somehow.
!-wait a minute! IS PANEL THREE A SECRET OF MANA HOMAGE!? Frigg’s totally doing the Geshtar/Mechrider taunt he uses right before he charges or casts a spell!
Alright, the alt text is HILARIOUS!
Alt text stole my pun.
The alt-text stole my pun, and Ishmael stole my response.
The Alt text stole my pun, Ishmael stole my response and Lexible stole my response to the stolen response!
You stole my breath, and my heart.
I hear there’s a pill for that now.
… Unless the alt text stole those as well >.<
I used to give a f*ck, but I take a pill for that now.
…Unless the alt-text stole my prescription too…
you should of copyrghited it then, wouldn’t got stolen
If you liked it, you should have put a © on it.
*snorts briefly*
while you all debated whose alt text it was, i stole your kidneys.
And Bandit stole your wallet
And would anyone wish to explain why my boots are strung together and thrown over a wire?
Meanwhile, I am wearing the Alt-text as a stole.
The Alt-Text turned me into a newt!
This is the best page. Nothing can make this page better. Not even Raptor Jesus.
I am pleased.
Paladins gonna pal.
As battlecries go, “FFFFUUUUU-” is not really intimidating, but highly in character.
Wha?! Why… cease thy inarticulate elocutions impostor impostor Byron!
They mean ‘FFFUUUUUNNNN!’, you dingbat. Berserkers, awfully hacky, not very bright.
SoundS like Grounds Is dropping the kids off at the pool.
Please remember to keep arms and legs inside The Magick Mount at all times. Please do not disembark until The Magick Mount has come to a full stop. Please retrieve all weapons and other personal belongings before leaving. Thank you for riding The Magick Mount.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Magick Mount.
Now that race has entered the discussion, it occurs to me that there’s a distinct possibility that Sundar was, albeit unwittingly, arguing for the destruction of the souls of Savasi to the last living mystic.
Possibility? I’m not seeing any room for that to possibly not be the case. Are the Savasi part of what Sundar thinks of as “the savage races”? Yes. Was Sundar arguing for letting the souls of as many “savages” as possible be destroyed? Yes. Is Gravedust a Savasi? Gastonian newspapers aside, yes.
Well, I was couching my word choice for the possibility that there just happened to not be Savasi in the kill zone, but Magda’s presence makes such prudent terminology rather silly.
On a less erudite note, I want to see Frigg do the glow-shit thing to her armor to make a giant mecha to fight the monster.
Ok, talk to the hands… Errr, hands. Also, can you say double bitch slap?
Or they’re groping. Digi-elder creature is blushing.
I just… this page. It’s pretty much Conan’d us. It crushed the punners. It saw them driven before it. It heard the lamentations of the people that wanted to use ‘Savage lover’ but found it was already taken. Also, it’s just a great page otherwise.
You could almost say the page is trolling us. A-gnolling our punning prowess. Dwarfing us all with its pre-emption of the obvious pun while we furtively look at each other for another outlet.
Okay, I’ve been bothered with this for a while now (quite a few pages), what alt text people on about? I can’t find it?
On most browsers, mousing over the image and waiting displays a tooltip describing the image. This comic (and some others) use this to provide alternate commentary on their comics. It’s not accessible to mobile users unless it’s stored elsewhere on the page and occasionally certain browsers or OSes willl fail to display it.
When you mouse-hover over the page, some text might appear. Some browsers don’t support it though, and sometimes it bugs out, and you have to look at the source code for the page, but it usually works.
And just in case it helps anyone stuck reading on a mobile device or other browser where viewing the alt-tag text is difficult, today’s alt text is “I would *absolutely* consider Frigg a savage lover.”
In addition to the other replies, I want to say welcome to the exciting new world of the Hidden Punchline, have fun going back through all of the archives of every webcomic you regularly read to see if they use alt text.
Being Frigg the next panel most surely is “-CK YEEEEEEAH!”
Panel 3 – I got your Damned Key right here you Green piece of crap!
At least, that’s what I heard Frig say.
Holy Fist hotwires everything.
All this suspense is making me hover on the edge of my seat, then cycle back to just going along for the ride. I sure am revved up for tomorrow’ update!
…Really, Sundar? You wouldn’t have figured Gravedust Deserthammer, the dwarf, who joined your side in order to save the savage races from their own leadership, for a savage lover?
That’s Sundar the Sunderer you’re talking about, man. The visionary who foresaw fountains in our toilets, as well as mechanical whores! MECHANICAL WHORES! There’s nothing he can’t figure, in or out.
Just’a good ol’ girls
Beating and maiming the horde.
Beat all they ever saw
Been in trouble with the warg
Since the day they was spawned
advanced apologies to Waylon Jennings and the butchering of the Dukes of Hazard theme
Sundar’s reaction seems a bit confusing. On the one hand, he fought against Gastonian soldiers to save orcs. On the other, he has no problem with some Lovecraftian style entity shredding everyone down in the quarry, which includes orc slaves.
This isn’t going to end well, is it? Sending the holy pugilist and tank into a fight against a digital corruption beast whose slightest touch dissolves… Sure.. hit it with a hammer. Just don’t expect to get the hammer back.
Hope WAV has something to help protect these numbskulls.. I’d rather like them to stay in the story.
They might be able to smack it around a bit. Both Frigg and Rachel can conjure up glowing constructs to beat things up with. And the beast isn’t constantly derezzing everything touching it, else it would of sunk to the core of the planet a long time ago.
Well, I am not more in love with Frigg than ever before.
So in love I seem unable to spell.
*NOW more in love
Spelling is always the first thing to go.
They came for my spelling and I did nothing.
Then they came for your math skills, and you kept arguing there were four lights?
He always remembered the number one though.
New crackpot theory: WAV=Ferris (somehow)
Supporting nonsense: Just as one disappears the other appears. Somehow using Ferris in the spell created WAV as well as some side effect to all the other stuff. Manifests this way because Ferris was involved in the other game somehow.
Well, his
greysepia matter did get smashed all over one of the tanks…Some sort of reverse osmosis filter, or something? Dx
And WAV was just two points from beating his Flappy Bird high score.
Good idea, Penk – quarryntining the threat is always a solid strategy.
!-wait a minute! IS PANEL THREE A SECRET OF MANA HOMAGE!? Frigg’s totally doing the Geshtar/Mechrider taunt he uses right before he charges or casts a spell!
I do not foresee this ending well for the WAVrider.
Did I miss something, or has this page been up for over four years without a single reference to Thelma and Louise?
No love for Toonces the Driving Cat, either?
I feel… old.