Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
No End
Erli, Kromi
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
In the grand scheme of things first posts are irrelevant… and comments remarking “first” are also irrelevant. Not good. Not bad.
On the flipside, many of the things that people do in comments sections regularly without even the hint of criticism from others… or worse yet, encouraged… are far worse.
Well, Syr’nj probably isn’t party LEADER per se..but something tells me she has the best diplomacy scores out of the lot of them. , not to mention the highest overall intelligence. Makes her the natural choice for party mouthpiece.
She’s former (or possibly current) military- she probably just immediately started barking responses in “SIR YES SIR!” format the moment a uniformed officer asked a question, and everyone else in the group decided that her stepping forward saved them the trouble of all stepping back simultaneously.
Yup, if you look at her she’s standing at attention. Totally military lol
And I doubt her diplomacy scores are that high, I mean, she’s a wood elf who are generally hated, if I understand correctly.
She is for sure military, but not enlisted, her responses are not just yes sir/no sir. She gives both accurate cause (who made the chain of kids) and reason (who they don’t want to be around) for the situation that ended the adventure. I think she was an officer, not an Lt. though, they usaully don”t have the “experience” to give the right statement that keeps them out of the way of the giant ball rolling downhill. Or maybe a Senior NCO, elves age slowly, she could be old enough for that kind of experience. Anyone agree?
I love how actions actually have consequences outside of group dynamics. I’ve seen far too many “We did this epic shiz that also endangered civilians but we don’t get any flak for it” stories. Simply wonderful!
I likewise have not truly expressed my appreciation for the rectangular slab of metal Frigg calls a shield.
It is basically all one really needs a shield to be.
I wonder if it were possible to make Bandit stand out any more? I mean, just in case someone didn’t notice her with her bright blond hair among all that muted grey background…
Byron is clearly checking to make sure that thing is still attached. Fortunate that he never took any hits to a vital area.
Great character feature of Syr’Nj that she defaults to Basic Training mode when getting called on the carpet by a Superior Officer, even if Captain Ross Valory there isn’t from the same military she was.
It’s always good to have one character in the group that has at least some basic military training. It greases the wheels in this kind of situation. Just like you should have one person with some Noble heritage, and someone from the streets. Even among members of the same race these types have a lingo all their own, and respond better to someone who speaks it.
they are following a regular format – the first few strips of each chapter are flashforwards. It’s a predictable well paced format, so I think it works fairly well :)
Textover joke: Is this a Warcraft reference? Since Syr is a wood elf, and a female, and has military training…that seems to match up to the Night Elf Sentinels of World of Warcraft lore, to me at least.
In which case, yay! Because I am proud to admit to WoW addiction.
Also, I agree totally with Hopeless. That’s my kind of line!
Hey, not every thing sounds better formalised. “Mentally unstable person we gave axes to” and “Person who acts as a volunteer mercenary because he believes dead people tell him to” sound a whole lot less lovely than “Berserker” & “Mystic”.
Any game where you actually have to report on your mission generally ends in hilarity. These things escalate very quickly. =D
One I was recently in (modern-day pulp setting), our mission was to investigate suspicious happenings in a southern French town, including possible links to legends of a local monster. The next day, our report began: “We are happy to report that we have killed the senator and defused his lycanthropy bomb. Regrettably, some of his werewolf guards fell out of the airship during evasive manoeuvres, and are currently in various locations around Paris.”
There was an entirely logical series of events that lead to us fighting werewolves in the sky five hundred miles from where we started, whilst on a routine investigation. Try explaining it to the boss, though. >.>
That’s the thing about RPG’s, if you try and explain the steps of your quest, it seems:
1. Awesome
2. Crazy
3. Crazy Awesome(a la TV Tropes, look it up.)
What about the flying continent? Were those sky elves underground the whole time then? Or was that a flash-forward?
Speaking of numbered lists, I can recall that most of the plans I create(much to the collective groans of the rest of the party) usually go like this:
1)Try to fight everyone.
3) Profit!
Have you tried entering the business of the Fantasy Black Market Organ Trade? I hear it’s quite lucrative, but you need to have inside knowledge (<PUN).
Anyone notice or favorite little blonde in panel 2 is wearing manacles?
……Just throwing that out there… not her, the statement, midget tossing is not *snicker* right. ….OH GOD I CAN”T STOP LAUGHING NOW!!! LOL
Well, OBVIOUSLY she’s wearing manacles. She’s a tiny bandit, a runty rogue, a minute rapscallion, a hobbit housebreaker, a diminutive defalcator, a little larcenist, a compact kleptomaniac, a petite pickpocket, a stunted shoplifter!
Funny that they old tell the officals about who had the idea to use the children as chain for the anchor but not who did killed the whole crew all alone. <.<
I am trying to come up with something relevant to say but all I can think of is FIRST POST FIRST POST FIRST POST
You just have to resist the temptation to be a responsible first-poster.
He rolled a 1.
In the grand scheme of things first posts are irrelevant… and comments remarking “first” are also irrelevant. Not good. Not bad.
On the flipside, many of the things that people do in comments sections regularly without even the hint of criticism from others… or worse yet, encouraged… are far worse.
I had thought Byron was the leader, but Syr’nj is doing the talking so I guess she is? And I don’t really get the textover joke. Sorry.
Well, Syr’nj probably isn’t party LEADER per se..but something tells me she has the best diplomacy scores out of the lot of them. , not to mention the highest overall intelligence. Makes her the natural choice for party mouthpiece.
Really? I got the impression that Byron had the best diplomacy skills. At the very least, he’s the best at dealing with clients.
She’s former (or possibly current) military- she probably just immediately started barking responses in “SIR YES SIR!” format the moment a uniformed officer asked a question, and everyone else in the group decided that her stepping forward saved them the trouble of all stepping back simultaneously.
Given the situation, a party’s leaders or spokesmen often emerge without being appointed.
Or even agreed upon…
Yup, if you look at her she’s standing at attention. Totally military lol
And I doubt her diplomacy scores are that high, I mean, she’s a wood elf who are generally hated, if I understand correctly.
That makes sense. Thanks for reminding me, Texas. It also makes Dusty’s expression more understandable.
yeah, she was the medic in that introduction sequence, so she’s the only one who’s technically not a random mercenary…
Got the Nintendo references. Iwata, Miyamoto… not sure what Pardo is a reference to.
I believe Syr’nj has ties to the Gastonian military, being a field medic and all, which is why she’s representing the group.
Rob Pardo works for Blizzard. As far as I can tell, no other people named Pardo have anything to do with video games.
Bandit is my favourite character.
So Payet is really gone? But he was the best!
I demand more ultraviolent primadonas
Syr’nj is defiantly a soldier
She is definitely not defiant… quite the subservient soldier here, in fact :)
Hey, remember how she stood up to her kin and said to help humans understand nature rather than destroy it? That’s pretty defiant.
Being ‘defiant’ with a superior officer isn’t the best way to do things, I think Syr’nj already proved she’s no push over.
She is for sure military, but not enlisted, her responses are not just yes sir/no sir. She gives both accurate cause (who made the chain of kids) and reason (who they don’t want to be around) for the situation that ended the adventure. I think she was an officer, not an Lt. though, they usaully don”t have the “experience” to give the right statement that keeps them out of the way of the giant ball rolling downhill. Or maybe a Senior NCO, elves age slowly, she could be old enough for that kind of experience. Anyone agree?
I love how actions actually have consequences outside of group dynamics. I’ve seen far too many “We did this epic shiz that also endangered civilians but we don’t get any flak for it” stories. Simply wonderful!
I love how frigg is holding her mace like she’s about to bash that dudes head in.
behind the back sneak attack style.
I like how the deer on the wall is watching Syr’nj, probably with the same disbelief as everyone else.
He’s thinkin’ “bitch be trippin’ yo!”.
You know, when you write it out on one page like that…that side quest did seem a little absurd. But, it was fun!
I love Frigg’s shield. It makes the tank in me giddy.
It looks like she’s carrying a door on her back :)
Frigg looks adorable!
I likewise have not truly expressed my appreciation for the rectangular slab of metal Frigg calls a shield.
It is basically all one really needs a shield to be.
I wonder if it were possible to make Bandit stand out any more? I mean, just in case someone didn’t notice her with her bright blond hair among all that muted grey background…
Also take note she seems to be listening in on the conversation with some interest while every one around her could care less.
I love your comic, it is excellent, but your story has ADD
They’re called ‘flashbacks.’ You may have heard of them.
Flash forwards, to be precise.
We have a bunch of flashers here!
*plays music to Ray Steven’s The Streak*
Don’t get me wrong, I love this comic, but there have been a lot of flashes, and not just in this chapter. It’s a bit disorienting.
With any luck, Syr’nj will run out of magnesium soon.
You say ADD like it’s a bad thing.
Byron is clearly checking to make sure that thing is still attached. Fortunate that he never took any hits to a vital area.
Great character feature of Syr’Nj that she defaults to Basic Training mode when getting called on the carpet by a Superior Officer, even if Captain Ross Valory there isn’t from the same military she was.
It’s always good to have one character in the group that has at least some basic military training. It greases the wheels in this kind of situation. Just like you should have one person with some Noble heritage, and someone from the streets. Even among members of the same race these types have a lingo all their own, and respond better to someone who speaks it.
+5 circumstance bonus, FTW.
Hahahah, Oh, you.
I must say that all these hops in time have starte to become annoying
they are following a regular format – the first few strips of each chapter are flashforwards. It’s a predictable well paced format, so I think it works fairly well :)
“Sir I was there and am still pinching myself, sir.”
A classic line if there ever was one!
Textover joke: Is this a Warcraft reference? Since Syr is a wood elf, and a female, and has military training…that seems to match up to the Night Elf Sentinels of World of Warcraft lore, to me at least.
In which case, yay! Because I am proud to admit to WoW addiction.
Also, I agree totally with Hopeless. That’s my kind of line!
Hehe, explain THAT with your science.
Syr’Nj looks so good standing at attention. :3
Also “musical warrior”. :P What a lovely way to formalize the term “bard”.
Hey, not every thing sounds better formalised. “Mentally unstable person we gave axes to” and “Person who acts as a volunteer mercenary because he believes dead people tell him to” sound a whole lot less lovely than “Berserker” & “Mystic”.
Don’t get me started on “Crusader”
I can just imagine Frigg’s reaction:
“What’s wrong with Crusader? you lookin’ at me? Bring it!”
Syr’Nj isn’t at attention. She’s actually at a mix between Attention and Parade Rest; her hands behind her back are the distinguishing feature.
I would say she’s simply standing there, in all her science/medic glory, doling out witty one-liners.
Any game where you actually have to report on your mission generally ends in hilarity. These things escalate very quickly. =D
One I was recently in (modern-day pulp setting), our mission was to investigate suspicious happenings in a southern French town, including possible links to legends of a local monster. The next day, our report began: “We are happy to report that we have killed the senator and defused his lycanthropy bomb. Regrettably, some of his werewolf guards fell out of the airship during evasive manoeuvres, and are currently in various locations around Paris.”
There was an entirely logical series of events that lead to us fighting werewolves in the sky five hundred miles from where we started, whilst on a routine investigation. Try explaining it to the boss, though. >.>
That’s the thing about RPG’s, if you try and explain the steps of your quest, it seems:
1. Awesome
2. Crazy
3. Crazy Awesome(a la TV Tropes, look it up.)
What about the flying continent? Were those sky elves underground the whole time then? Or was that a flash-forward?
Speaking of numbered lists, I can recall that most of the plans I create(much to the collective groans of the rest of the party) usually go like this:
1)Try to fight everyone.
3) Profit!
Have you tried entering the business of the Fantasy Black Market Organ Trade? I hear it’s quite lucrative, but you need to have inside knowledge (<PUN).
And hey who cares how it got accomplished? The kids are safe, and that’s what counts.
Yeah! Who cares if one of the team threw them off a flying ship.
Well, in all fairness, that member was PROMPTLY thrown off said team. I think that goes a long way toward forgiveness.
Anyone notice or favorite little blonde in panel 2 is wearing manacles?
……Just throwing that out there… not her, the statement, midget tossing is not *snicker* right. ….OH GOD I CAN”T STOP LAUGHING NOW!!! LOL
Well, OBVIOUSLY she’s wearing manacles. She’s a tiny bandit, a runty rogue, a minute rapscallion, a hobbit housebreaker, a diminutive defalcator, a little larcenist, a compact kleptomaniac, a petite pickpocket, a stunted shoplifter!
Oh. And she’s a thief, too.
bets on those manacles not being locked?
I commend you for your verbosity sir.
Noted: when confronted with authority figures, the stick up every Wood Elf’s behind goes ramrod straight.
Maybe most of them are paladins then.
“Well, when you put it like that, you make it sound rediculous!”
tune in next week when frigg uses “you callin me a liar!?” as her battle cry and starts swinging.
then again i wonder if she has high enough intelligence to make that connection…
Funny that they old tell the officals about who had the idea to use the children as chain for the anchor but not who did killed the whole crew all alone. <.<
Well, when he put it like that it DOES sound like a good story… which it has been so far allright XD
My first comment, made perhaps decades after the comic is finished, and all I can think to say is how Frigg’s shield seems to get bigger as we go…