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Okay, so a modern day Robin Hood style slave liberator. And still the fastest lock picker on the team.
I can live with this; it’s a happy enough ending for Bandit.
I wonder why Orc enslavement is legal at all in Newstonia. The whole thing has a shady tone anyway, since the Goblins hired a disgraced mage to guard the cart.
Depends on how the new government votes. The Savage Tribes didn’t have a problem with it although I doubt Gravedust would continue the practice. Perhaps extraordinary decisions require 2/3rds of the council or maybe Clair voted in favor of it for Goblin support since they’re the most vulnerable tribe and need their backing.
Merely being humanoid doesn’t necessarily make them sapient. We haven’t really seen enough of the orcs to know if they’re any smarter than, say, gorillas.
They were smart enough to carry twice as much stuff, after Goblaurence said not to whip them for no reason. That made their cruel slave drivers look stupid, and demonstrated that they were willing to do more work in exchange for less beating.
I can only thank you so much for such inspiration, it’s been so much fun to try to write these!
And I had to try something more interesting to make up for missing the last two updates, the boyfriend was in town most of last week.
On a side note, it took me 10 minutes and finally a Google search to realize “styles” is in fact one syllable and that I was emphasizing it weird into 2.
I don’t disagree on principle. On the other hand, political expediency ya know. Both sides of the war were using orcs as slaves, so it’s a deeply ingrained institution. Sort of like how Don Gobligno isn’t suddenly less of a grumpy war profiteer because the good guys won.
The problem is one of perception. If you view some group as being ‘lesser humans’ or ‘lesser creatures’, it becomes really easy to rationalize the problem. The part of the Rebellion alliance that didn’t think of the orcs as lesser creatures decided to bide its time and work on the problem once the most immediate threat was over.
For that to be her official name would require that orcs are legally recognized as people. As Some guy pointed out above, in the eyes of the law and Don Gobligno, she’s still stealing, and is in fact now acting like a proper bandit instead of the burglar, pickpocket, or purse-snatcher she was previously.
I’m still wondering what class is Watcher. we haven’t seen much of her abilities
Amulet :
– Image Capture / Camera ? (C45-P18)
– Communication device (C47-P03)
Wand :
– Projector / Displaying Image (C45-P18)
– Also works as some kind of Physical Weapon too (C45-P20)
– might be able to channel some beam (C50-P19)
Slavery is legal, but a growing portion of the society looks on it in disgrace. These were key factors in what lead to the US Civil War. So I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the next big challenge to this new nation.
On a different note, have we heard the name of the new nation yet? I know we’ve heard the name of the capital, but I can’t recall if we’ve seen the nation’s name mentioned. Can’t imagine it be called the “World’s Rebellion” or the “Savage Races.”
Well, so they’re still on the straight and narrow. Sorta. A little curvy, but heading to the right place.
Jemmington still hasn’t done anything illegal technically. I imagine from his point of view the gnomes are just bandits that attacked out of nowhere.
I still side with Bandit on this, it’s just something I thought I’d point out.
Bending towards justice, I believe the saying goes.
shes still bandit. but shes more into wibbly-wobbly crimey-wimey sort of heists…
Okay, so a modern day Robin Hood style slave liberator. And still the fastest lock picker on the team.
I can live with this; it’s a happy enough ending for Bandit.
She made Gravedust sad how can you live with that, you monster?!
To be fair, when you’re competition is someone literally named Bandit…
Damn it. Couldn’t stop the typo from posting in time -_-
We’ll, we’ll, we’ll…
I was briefly confused as to why their was an echo. Then I re-read the top comment.
Just three wheels? No wonder they stopped the cart so easily.
Well they’re liberating orcs which may or may not be legal, but is at least noble.
Wonder what the object that Jemmington’s lightning incinerated?
The ball on Bash-Meister Berta’s bludgeon is being blown to bits by a blue blitz.
I thought at first that Jemmington got blown to bits and was really confused.
I think he was. Struck by the steel ball as it apparently built up an excessive amount of electrical charge.
I wonder why Orc enslavement is legal at all in Newstonia. The whole thing has a shady tone anyway, since the Goblins hired a disgraced mage to guard the cart.
‘Orcs ain’t properly people’ was one of the few things both sides agreed on during the war.
Depends on how the new government votes. The Savage Tribes didn’t have a problem with it although I doubt Gravedust would continue the practice. Perhaps extraordinary decisions require 2/3rds of the council or maybe Clair voted in favor of it for Goblin support since they’re the most vulnerable tribe and need their backing.
Merely being humanoid doesn’t necessarily make them sapient. We haven’t really seen enough of the orcs to know if they’re any smarter than, say, gorillas.
They were smart enough to carry twice as much stuff, after Goblaurence said not to whip them for no reason. That made their cruel slave drivers look stupid, and demonstrated that they were willing to do more work in exchange for less beating.
Chapter 28 – Pages 8 & 9
do something! they’re freeing the prisoners with jobs!!
Quick, someone offer them a binding contract, they still don’t know how to read!
Hit me once and fry
Loot me twice and you may die
But please not the eye
Both rhyme and meter
Combined styles of east and west
Your progress brings pride!
But seriously, the fact a silly comment of mine has inspired your increasingly prolific works? Warms the heart.
I can only thank you so much for such inspiration, it’s been so much fun to try to write these!
And I had to try something more interesting to make up for missing the last two updates, the boyfriend was in town most of last week.
On a side note, it took me 10 minutes and finally a Google search to realize “styles” is in fact one syllable and that I was emphasizing it weird into 2.
So Long Jemmington, you really know how to go out with a bang
So this is how the Orkz Horde started.
If we’re going to have a rebellion against oppression, maybe we should do away with slavery at the same time? Just a thought.
I don’t disagree on principle. On the other hand, political expediency ya know. Both sides of the war were using orcs as slaves, so it’s a deeply ingrained institution. Sort of like how Don Gobligno isn’t suddenly less of a grumpy war profiteer because the good guys won.
US Founding Fathers: … Nah.
The problem is one of perception. If you view some group as being ‘lesser humans’ or ‘lesser creatures’, it becomes really easy to rationalize the problem. The part of the Rebellion alliance that didn’t think of the orcs as lesser creatures decided to bide its time and work on the problem once the most immediate threat was over.
Since a gnome’s name is their job, is she still Bandit? Shouldn’t she be “Liberator” or something?
For that to be her official name would require that orcs are legally recognized as people. As Some guy pointed out above, in the eyes of the law and Don Gobligno, she’s still stealing, and is in fact now acting like a proper bandit instead of the burglar, pickpocket, or purse-snatcher she was previously.
That said, yay Bandit.
I’m still wondering what class is Watcher. we haven’t seen much of her abilities
Amulet :
– Image Capture / Camera ? (C45-P18)
– Communication device (C47-P03)
Wand :
– Projector / Displaying Image (C45-P18)
– Also works as some kind of Physical Weapon too (C45-P20)
– might be able to channel some beam (C50-P19)
Slavery is legal, but a growing portion of the society looks on it in disgrace. These were key factors in what lead to the US Civil War. So I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the next big challenge to this new nation.
On a different note, have we heard the name of the new nation yet? I know we’ve heard the name of the capital, but I can’t recall if we’ve seen the nation’s name mentioned. Can’t imagine it be called the “World’s Rebellion” or the “Savage Races.”