Guest Week – Aaron Wood
This adorable guest strip was bestowed upon us by one of our best Webcomics pals, Aaron Wood of Near and Far, and shows us that not only is silence golden, but scrumptious as well.
(Prints of this Guest Comic are not for sale)
Stealth action without any lines. Bandit goes to the same awesome school as Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes.
(hmm, that was mostly for 30+ old geeks, I suppose)
Should I feel bad that my first thought on reading your comment was ” Now you Know! And Knowing is half the battle!” ?
Nice strip, but I have one big complaint. Bandit has always been shown as being fairly cute, but in this Fanstrip she has taken on a Piggish look that is really unbecoming.
I wonder if Bandit would share any of that prime PB&J with me?
‘Cause stolen food tastes better.
I’m going to pretend it was flaxseed almond butter (instead of peabnut) and boysenberry jam.
This is Bandit we are talking about….
Apple Butter and Elderberry preserves, FTW!
Its peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time,
Peanut butter jelly! Peanut butter jelly! Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat!
DAMNIT beat me to it!
This is ominomnomnominous indeed!
I sure hope she didn’t forget to remove the poison from her daggers.
Just as her mentor’s recipe described, peanut butter from the grocer, blackberry jam from the herbalist and a baker’s loaf to make the perfect peanut butter and jam sandwich!
So does Bandit have the run feat along with a level of barbarian for the +10′ per round movement thereby making it easy for her to outpace those foresters… woodsmen…
“Sorry, Timmy. Looks like you’re going hungry, tonight…SOMEBODY rolled well on their move silently checks.”
PB&J stands for Priceless Burglary and Jogging
Looks like a lil’ piggy in the last panel. Oink!
Why do drawn pb and j sandwiches look so much more delicious than they do in real life?
As with most artistic renderings, it is the idealized version of the PB&J.
Often when thinking about sandwiches, people forget that everything squeezes out of one end. THE END AWAY FROM THE MOUTH.
This is exactly why God gave us burritos and egg rolls.
I hate that fake photoshoped food displayed in fast food restaurants. Just like with physical appearance the fuckers in marketing are creating an unrealistic image of what we’re supposed to be eating.
Love it Aaron! Great job!
Hear Hear I do heartilly agree. make the bastards pay dearly!
She COULD have just bought those ingredients to make some PB&J Sammiches, but what’s the fun in That?! :))