Guest Week – Nikki Lecomte
Today’s piece comes from Nikki Lecomte, aka Dr. Girlfriend, one of my homies from the best website for nerds who are too cool to admit that they are nerds, Otaku Booty. It helps drive home the point that appropriate attire is a definite necessity for adventuring.
As an added bonus, she also gave us this drawing of Chipper and Girly Syr’Nj which, as she promised us, will haunt our nightmares for years to come. Thanks for going above and beyond the call of duty, Nikki!

And with that, we should mention that Nikki also blogs over at Your Geek World sometimes as well. What a talented lady!
(Prints of this Guest Comic are not for sale)
Discussion (31) ¬
Frigg was not the first to tap that ass, but she was certainly the snarkiest. XD
Hello, welcome to Elflands, Please try not to confuse our preistesses with our prostitutes, they get very offended (I may or may not know this from experience)
Frigg giving beauty advice?
More like unwarranted criticisms.
But since when is Frigg the type to give a shit about whether someone tweezes their eyebrows? The comment about the lack of pants was perfectly in character, but…
Oh well. Her expression in the third panel is great.
Did you see that freak’s eyebrows?
They could poke an eye out. :P
i reference you to the book of biff. Her eyebrows havnt seen nuthin yet
Yay this comic makes me happy =D
I’m always wondering when I see comic outfits like that. Really? Would anyone really go into battle like that? As Stephen Fry says, the short answer is no … the long answer is fuck no.
I also love how much taller Syr’Nj is than Frigg in the first panel =) It reminds me strongly of two old friends … I once got a photo of them standing side by side, and the shorter one was not amused.
Frigg really shouldn’t complain considering what a fan of elven booty she is.
I’m tempted to believe that Calvin and Frigg share a genome or two.
I always hate to disagree with Frigg for a number of reasons.
Nonetheless, I must stand by my deep and long held convictions, and declare myself completely in support of the trend of dumb bitches not wearing any pants.
This has been a political broadcast from the Aboulic Party.
How would pants protect her from a mace-blow anyway?
How would pants protect her from a mace-blow anyway? Or does “Well, she’d be fine if she had pants on” just mean that Frigg wouldn’t’ve then had reason to hit her?
Also (not that I think Frigg would care the slightest), by my interpretation of her phrasing, the elf now putting on pants afterward would make her fine (Frigg doesn’t say “had had pants on,” merely a single subjunctive had).
I somehow doubt peace talks with the blood elves would go anywhere fast even without the asstapping on Frigg’s part. Warcraft elves have a serious need to pack on a few pounds and stop training thier tailors with victoria’s secret catalogues.
pfft. as if frigg would comment on such womanly things as unplucked eyebrows….!
and i think she would enjoy slappin as$ too much to bash the no-pants
She could be wearing pants under the cloth… Totally. =/
I concur with the comments about Frigg’s commenting about eyebrows.
Especially considering the way hers look in some times.
Beauty-tip: You pluck eyebrows Thin, but long eyebrows are actually a sign of virility for both Femme AND Gents ;)
…unless you’re Tamaranian >.>
A tip for…well, everyone. If all it takes to turn your outfit into a decency violation is a breeze, you are doing clothes WRONG.