Guest Week – William Payne
Today’s installment is provided by William Payne of Coping With Failure, showing us why Syr’Nj and Frigg make the worst best dynamic duo.
(Prints of this Guest Comic are not for sale)
Today’s installment is provided by William Payne of Coping With Failure, showing us why Syr’Nj and Frigg make the worst best dynamic duo.
(Prints of this Guest Comic are not for sale)
Hrm… I would inject it with Truth Serum first, just in case it was lying about how to prevent it from killing you.
It’s the Reluctant Dragon!!
Why do science to it when you can do magic? Or even combine the two?
Magic is just another word for, I don’t understand how it works, but it works. So, it all just depends on the person doing it.
there’s a cool quote that i can’t remember about how science becomes indistinguishable from magic when we can no longer understand it,,,.
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
“Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology.”
…I can’t remember exactly where I last saw this one…
*its* skull.
Frigg was never the one for proper grammar :p
apparently frigg persuaded it on the grounds that afterwards they could get blind drunk… well that would be enough to get a dragon curious now wouldn’t it?!
“I mean really, isn’t making yourself immune to incineration taking half the fun away from fighting a dragon altogether?”
If by “fun”, you mean “excruciating pain”, then yes.