This one simple poster is designed to hook all five of our apparent protagonists as neatly as possible. But it’s not, like, targeting any hyper-specific aspects of their characters: there’s no “prove you’re tougher and more professional than anyone else! Rewards include peace talks, wartime reparations, and an epic song composed in your honor!” It’s just, anyone with even baseline decency agrees that helping rescue kids is the right thing to do, and all of them are freelancers or freelancers-by-default who need to eat.

“Contact Marshall Ardaic at the barracks for more information.” We won’t see Ardaic before we see the noble families themselves, but it’s safe to say he’s acting as a kind of buffer here: drifters and riffraff who’d love an open invitation to a noble family’s estate will need to get his approval first. If Bandit were free and the first to see this poster, she might have been tempted by this job, but she wouldn’t want to do it badly enough to let the local police chief get a good look at her face.

And here we have one final “failure to meet,” as Best could have joined up with the rest of the group here but didn’t, because he’s the kind of dick who takes down a help-wanted poster when he applies for the job instead of copying or memorizing its information.