Annotated 22-5
Not sure whether or not we should have done a little more with Ashok’s “tactical genius.” He doesn’t really seem to see things through the eyes of a tactician anywhere in this chapter. Before his story is through, we’ll realize that his threat-assessment abilities are a wee bit overrated, but watching him try and fail to show a tactical mind before then might’ve been amusing.
Or distracting: he and Ulak have to hit a balance between grabbing too much of the spotlight and not enough. They’re rounded enough to be interesting characters, but they are ultimately secondary ones; the main character in their scenes is Brother Tom or the convention itself.
Remember conventions? AKA “pre-Coronavirus gatherings?”
He did stage a fight in a warzone and escaped it by throwing himself off a cliff.
“Tactical genius” probably describes that move in some context, but definitely in a different one than that.
Fair point!
Also, uh, not real sure what happened to my avatar. But that’s me, up there, again…
You’re showing up with a different email address in your first post than in your second here. Could be related.
Ah, yep, that’ll do it.
“Do you have anything to declare?”
“My undying love for all of mankind.”
“Uh… What?!”
“Oops, sorry, that’s for the other cult I’m a member of.”
I’m just glad I didn’t buy Aftershock tickets this year.
“I have nothing to declare except my genius.” (Oscar Wilde)