Yikes. Big yikes. See what I meant yesterday? Those fungus-pink eyes, and that normally styled but now slightly ragged hair… when Syr’Nj says later in this chapter that she “can’t allow herself to start crying,” I think she’s speaking broadly, as in “I can’t let myself keep crying in public.” She’s been scream-weeping recently and is not doing a great job of hiding it.

Panel 4: DOUBLE YIKES. Gravedust, you are damn lucky that Bandit is there to soak up most of Syr’Nj’s anger, because telling a possible widow who’s begging you to save her husband “This is just how it was meant to be, the cosmos works in mysterious ways” is a really good way to find out if that anger can reach Frigg-like proportions.

And yet, in spite of it all, she somehow manages to make a really solid philosophical argument that takes Gravedust’s faith 100% into account. Though he’s startled, he indeed does have to respect it. She has to maintain her reason here. Byron’s (return to) life may depend on it.