Annotated 5-15
Erica’s shading effect here was all her idea, too.
I like how committed Syr’Nj is to trying to live up to her ideals, even when it doesn’t seem likely to affect her life long-term. Hold on to that, because she’s gonna fail again before the end of the chapter and won’t have mead as an excuse.
Original version had Syr’Nj seeing signs of a struggle and then finding Frigg’s weapons. It was conceivable that the Sisters would leave them behind as Phil suggested, but seemed more likely they’d take them as spoils, and we didn’t want to make things too easy. The fact that Frigg’s weapons and armor were then missing in action also ended up giving Syr’Nj and Bandit a good side quest in the next chapter, so no regrets.
“They will pay for breaking that twig.”
This seems like an appropriate time for the Kill Bill Siren:
Otherwise known as “excerpt from ‘Theme from Ironside'”:
Oh Frigglesticks!
Come, Watson! The game is aroot!
“They made me deduce while hung over. That was a mistake!”
Panel 6: WATCH OUT! (gotta get back… back to the past…)