Annotated 9-23
I realize this is setting the bar kind of low, but I do think it’s significant that Best reaches down to help this buried dwarf when he’s in shock, instead of just standing there dumbstruck. He’s helped people all the time, but always while acting like he was putting on a performance. But he does have the INSTINCT to do right.
(Although as commenter Kyn pointed out, it would’ve been just hilarious if Best had jumped backwards shrieking “ZOMBIIIEEE!” and swinging his axe around like a lunatic.)
I wasn’t totally keen on “Galloping glockenspiels!” when Phil added it, but it’s grown on me now. It feels like Best trying to put this weird event back into his performative comfort zone.
Grabbing GD’s hand in the midst of shock was Bests’s most genuinely humane gesture probably.
Or is the proper term “shitelfin gesture”, perhaps?
Justifies the name “Gravedust”.
Was HR’s magic spell from the last page timed because he thought Best might resurrect them soon? Was it just another failed attempt? Did his spell in any way accidentally assist them in staying / coming back to life?
No. Yes. No.
Almost as if the only thing HR got right was the “how to put people into another world”.
Of course, there’s the distinct possibility that the five unexpectedly godblocked him as soon as they were in there… so maybe he was more capable of manipulating things before they got in there?
After planting dwarf seeds, Payet Best waited patiently until his crop was ready to be harvested.
Dwarf seeds are tough. You have to plant them deep.
Just an observation… if Gravedust hadn’t said “your blade may damage me,” he could have maintained the illusion that Best was being guided to his destiny by some other spirit, and thereby instilled some faith in others in Best.
That would’ve been nice.
Because dishonestly exploiting people’s deep-seated insecurities for personal gain is … nice
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Just hit me, this is SO videogame. Someone’s near-death, but an ally grabs their hand and helps them stand so they’re stable and able to continue.