Rachel is the only one of the five of them to not only meet but work with the woman that they praise, and she’s the one that hasn’t seen the light?
“And so sayeth Frigg ‘Fight the power!’ and so fight the power we must. She hath the power herself and so we must fight her. Row row amen.”
-Church of the Heartless
That’s what happens when you base your religion on not having a vital organ. The cult of the gall bladder-less probably would have faired better probably.
I guess you’re being facetious, but if not you’re kinda missing the point. It’s not so much that Frigg beats the crap out of everything; it’s that she doesn’t use her strength to make people do what they don’t want (well, outside of combat, that is). Or more specifically, she doesn’t use her strength to bully people into doing what she thinks is right the way the Bloodshot Eyeball did (Chapter 6). She used her strength to rebel against that and ultimately made the order face the fact that might does not mean right.
That’s what Rachel saw. You don’t force people to do what you think is right and beat the crap out of them if they refuse. What’s good involves letting them be, letting them see and choose what’s right (Chapter 24, page 18) for themselves.
allow me to introduce you to the concept of religous zealotism – where people will use something or someone as an excuse to do something utterly heinous to their own ideal.
for more refrence, see the KKK,Al Quida and the like
Tamara- the blind female monk who KO’d Rachel- is not part of this group, hence 5 minus 2 (Tamara and Rachel). Note that she was with the adventurers and not with the rest of the Open Heart.
An idea/theory popped into my head in the last update and it’s grown more likely based on this discussion: Tamara got booted out. It’s even possible that these nuns were the ones who blinded her. They did it because she disagreed with them.
So Rachel and Frigg come riding past on their grass goats or whatever those are, and the stubby member of the order doesn’t appear to even notice them?
There were originally 5; remove Rachel and Tamara, you have 3. The group we see here that excludes them number more than 3. Therefore, the stubby nun who didn’t recognize them is a new member, a “novice” if you were. As such, she wouldn’t have recognized them by face.
I’m pretty sure all 3 of the girls in the brown robes are novices. They’re dressed differently, and taking orders from, rather than acting like equals to, Hestia, who they call Mother, instead of Sister.
Well, I was just hovering over the sheep herder in the last panel, when the alt text appeared. Sorry man, didn’t mean to call you some random jerk, when I was pointing randomly at you.
“You are not prepared.”
Took me a while to figure out where I rememebered that from. Man, it has been 7 years since the burning crusade , it doesnt seem so long ago…
Rachel is the only one of the five of them to not only meet but work with the woman that they praise, and she’s the one that hasn’t seen the light?
That’s religion for ya
Zealotry is deadly sin zero, after all.
In fact, it would seem very likely to me that when Frigg opposes them, they will decide she is some false prophet or some bull.
she is a false prophet to herself! she has been corrupted
“And so sayeth Frigg ‘Fight the power!’ and so fight the power we must. She hath the power herself and so we must fight her. Row row amen.”
-Church of the Heartless
And then they died, the end
That’s what happens when you base your religion on not having a vital organ. The cult of the gall bladder-less probably would have faired better probably.
Rachel is kind and peaceloving.
Frigg beats the living fuck out of everything.
Technically, these guys are right about the whole ‘Rachel is a heretic’ thing, because she’s definitely not following the teachings of Frigg.
I guess you’re being facetious, but if not you’re kinda missing the point. It’s not so much that Frigg beats the crap out of everything; it’s that she doesn’t use her strength to make people do what they don’t want (well, outside of combat, that is). Or more specifically, she doesn’t use her strength to bully people into doing what she thinks is right the way the Bloodshot Eyeball did (Chapter 6). She used her strength to rebel against that and ultimately made the order face the fact that might does not mean right.
That’s what Rachel saw. You don’t force people to do what you think is right and beat the crap out of them if they refuse. What’s good involves letting them be, letting them see and choose what’s right (Chapter 24, page 18) for themselves.
allow me to introduce you to the concept of religous zealotism – where people will use something or someone as an excuse to do something utterly heinous to their own ideal.
for more refrence, see the KKK,Al Quida and the like
by their own, I mean the person/ideal they’re using as an excuse, not themselves…
My Life for Aiur!
i uh, i mean, “Ner’zhul”
I’m shocked, SHOCKED to find that hypocrisy is going on in religion!
Your avatar and that comment = perfection.
Beige’s avatar is pretty apt for this discussion as well.
Tamara- the blind female monk who KO’d Rachel- is not part of this group, hence 5 minus 2 (Tamara and Rachel). Note that she was with the adventurers and not with the rest of the Open Heart.
An idea/theory popped into my head in the last update and it’s grown more likely based on this discussion: Tamara got booted out. It’s even possible that these nuns were the ones who blinded her. They did it because she disagreed with them.
So Rachel and Frigg come riding past on their grass goats or whatever those are, and the stubby member of the order doesn’t appear to even notice them?
There were originally 5; remove Rachel and Tamara, you have 3. The group we see here that excludes them number more than 3. Therefore, the stubby nun who didn’t recognize them is a new member, a “novice” if you were. As such, she wouldn’t have recognized them by face.
I’m pretty sure all 3 of the girls in the brown robes are novices. They’re dressed differently, and taking orders from, rather than acting like equals to, Hestia, who they call Mother, instead of Sister.
to be fair… I didn’t notice them, either *facepalm*
Well, I was just hovering over the sheep herder in the last panel, when the alt text appeared. Sorry man, didn’t mean to call you some random jerk, when I was pointing randomly at you.
A gamer stuck in a VR fantasy world is riding into a town full of zealots on a green yak alongside a nun.
I love this webcomic.
You are so right. All it takes is one sentence like that to sell a book or webcomic or what-have-you to anybody whose imagination isn’t dead.
Today’s weather : Friggstorm with high chances of having you ass kicked.
This conclude this weather report.
Sucks to be you.
Just realized…All the novices are wearing an eye for a clasp.
The more things change…
Look who’s coming to visit!
I’ve seen this one before… a castle town, a false prophet, and nuns that love spanking…
Actually it was a castle, Anthrax, and the nuns were the ones that wanted to be spanked.
Hmm, Sword of Truth?
Sir Galahad in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, goes to castle Anthrax and is then assaulted by nuns wishing to be spanked.
“You are not prepared.”
Took me a while to figure out where I rememebered that from. Man, it has been 7 years since the burning crusade , it doesnt seem so long ago…
@the alt text – how’d you lot know my troll handle was SOME JERK?
I always thought that was what some overly dramatic chef would say.
I wonder if Frigg’s going to be extra pissed off after being stood up by someone she never expected to have the spine to do it.
This is nice and all, yes, but which is the price for the kobolt skins at the end?
Useless nuns.
These are the evil opposites of the nuns in Sister Claire
Five of them originally, now four? Hmmmm.