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The Otherknown
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Dumbing of Age
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Paint the Town Red
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Guilded Age
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Slightly Damned
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Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
The phrase “axe-murderer slampiece,” the fact that she doesn’t think Byron’s in charge, and the fact that she knew about Bandit being locked up suggests Frigg has almost certainly been informed of the events at Cultshire, or whatever that stupid village’s name was.
She got a point? Well, I don’t see Frigg paying much attention to others either.
Does she pay attention about Rachel? Yes. And besides her? No. Frigg sees others as shagmates. (At least, about the males.)
And she doesn’t seem to be too much affected by Byron’s death. At least, she has the basic decency of not saying “F*cker’s dead. Serves him right.” or something along those lines, even if her name-calling of Byron isn’t exactly nice. But well, Frigg isn’t exactly the level-headed type, right?
As I recall Gravedust stopped, and…apparently decided that it wasn’t worth continuing? I feel like either the timescale is all weird here, or the division of labor needs to be a lot more clear cut.
I think it’s more that Gravedust recognized that Syr’nj would not listen to him regardless of what he said, due to her frustration and desperation to save Byron.
As hilarious (and also disturbing) as that might have been, there wasn’t actually a corpse left over for Rachel. Corrupter-beast seems to delete everything it touches.
I do kinda wish that weren’t the case, though, just so Frigg could’ve done what you just described.
She could use the Hat of Rachel to impersonate her again. (you know she still has it… and now she has Magic Knights helmet. What is she gathering up the hats of her comrades for anyway?)
I award this comment my Gold Ticklesword. A ticklesword is a giant feather with a sword-hilt handle. It has the powers to tickle through clothes and make the nonticklish people ticklish. Every silly person should have one!
It’s time for Best to get his shit together and take the reins of this horse race. Lead the Peacekeepers to victory over everything bad and make the whole world his groupies.
…and having the exact same face, apart from skin color.
Not that WAV needed to look like Best to be Best’s player’s new character; they obviously don’t have the same personality. But it’s a nice bit of confirmation, and it’s consistent with The Five being physically similar to the tubed players.
hey guys, remember to leave off the “http://” from a URL if you just want to post a link to a video. the coding for this comments section will auto link an URL without it and will embed a URL with it.
thank you for your time.
Redundancy, I. R.
Maj. Gastonian Army,
1st Recruit Training Div,
Martial, Historical, and Basic Education Bn, Commanding
WHOA. Did not realize birchface didn’t even KNOW Rachel was dead yet.
But wow, I love Frigg even more than I already did; the voice of reason in just the perfect tone to get it through stubborn Syr’s delusional head.
Wake up, Syr!
Damn. No I kinda realize why Rachel kinda started a cult based on Frigg. And it also makes me realize, Frigg sorta has a history of handling problems efficiently despite her personality.
Well, when we first see Syr’nj Gravedust is running after her asking her to slow down, here eyes are bloodshot, and she’s in a room with a few hundred bodies, only half of which are prepped for burial, which is what she’s doing wrapping up Byron.
I think that implies that Syr’nj was up for got only knows how long prepping the bodies of the dead herself. Frigg is off doing whatever, Fr’nj and Scipio hit the sack, E-merl is visiting bandit, and everybody else is locked up with crazy disease.
I think that kind of implies that Syr’nj is pretty much the only person doing anything…it also implies that the sky-elves are even bigger dicks than one would imagine, since they’re not even helping with the bodies aside from providing a large enough closet to keep them in.
Hm…went back and took a look, and yeah, looks like you’re right.
The wrappings definitely LOOK like funeral wrappings, but Byron is the only one in them. Coulda sworn there were other bodies wrapped up as well.
Even so, that, at best, puts Syr’nj on equal footing with everyone else. Syr’nj just lost her husband. No one else has done anything particularly productive, and the two who have told her specifically that they’re taking action are taking the action of up and leaving the guild.
Frigg can give Syr’nj shit for not caring about Rachel, but there’s, like, 200 people in the NEXT ROOM who are in the same, very dead boat, and if they don’t get their asses back to Gastonia right fucking quick, the Heads of Houses are going to wreck their shit. Remember who’s signature is on the contract for the guild.
If they can’t convince the houses that the Adventurer’s guild isn’t a complete disaster, you better believe it’s gonna get real Game-of-thronesy on the leftover adventurers, real quick, especially since the berserker rage seems to be a CONTAGION, now.
This is the perfect opportunity for the background villains to marginalize all adventurers, remove syr’nj from the council, and wipe out the guild.
The cult is still out there, Savage Races still have all of their champions, and there’s definite scheming going on in the House of Lords, and all the flirting with Wav in the world isn’t gonna fix any of that, no matter how dead Rachel is. They still need a leader and they still have to do something, and quick.
She has been from the start. When they had a vote on whether Bandit or Byron would be field leader, Frigg was behind Bandit, because she hadn’t exactly forgiven the whole ‘killed them all’ thing.
Actually, I think if that’s anyone’s fault it’s Gravedust’s. He basically tried once to tell her about Rachel, got distracted, and then apparently never tried again, which is pretty irresponsible. There’s no indication of anyone else seriously trying to tell her. And there seem to be so many people leaving, scattered about, wounded, dead, and off the radar, that it’s hardly fair to expect Syr’Nj to ask after every single adventurer she hasn’t put eyes on. I mean, it seems Frigg only just got back herself.
To be honest, I don’t understand why everyone is so mad at Syr’Nj. She is becoming more and more disagreeable, but that’s a pretty understandable reaction to everyone’s basically expecting her to ignore her grief, on top of all the other stress she’s having to take on. Yes, she is supposed to be a leader, but she is also a person who just unexpectedly lost her lover to a horrific fate. It seems to me that the others are simply asking way too much of her, given the circumstances.
Yes, but Syr’s the one who distracted Gravy from telling her. Maybe he got just as fed up with her behavior as everyone in the comments section is and figured “I’m out; someone else will tell her.” and doesn’t have the same will that Frigg does to put his foot down.
Syr didn’t exactly ask, either. Both groups went on dangerous missions, but because one was more panic-inducing than the other, its aftermath got far more attention than the aftermath of the other one because losses were heavier.
But as miiiight be implied here, stress or no stress, Syr should be caring a little more about needs that aren’t her own, or at least paying more attention to them and dealing with them later if she has to, which would be understandable. Syr’s not the only one with problems right now and she seems to have not noticed it until now.
Syr’nj is basically being lambasted for not being omniscient, but it’s reasonable that Gravy decided not to deliver a critical casualty report because he was mildly upset?
I might be sort of taking this whole comment thread out on you, and I apologize if so, but let me sort of run this by you. The Guild didn’t really have a leadership structure. Byron was the boss, Bandit was the slightly smaller boss, and everybody else just kind of did whatever they felt like. Byron is dead, Bandit is being held pending investigation re: killing Byron, and Syr’nj, the boss emeritus, stepped back into the picture just in time to keep the casualty rate somewhere just south of “Everyone“.
She is currently a Head of House in absentia (which is to say being stabbed in the back), Guild Leader, Field Leader, and Head Surgeon probably since she walked off the battlefield until now. It’s hypothetically possible she’s slept since then, but my money is on stimulants, triage, convincing the sky-elves to allow them to quarantine a bunch of medicated berserkers in their city, and trying to keep tabs on how much damage the HoH are doing to them back in Gastonia. I’m not inclined to think she’s done anything unreasonable, including “trust that the most senior guild members will actually deliver critical information if they have it.”
That is all very reasonable; I’ve been trying to give every character quarter on both sides. I like them all, and I want to give them all the benefit of the doubt. That’s why I like using vague terms such as “a little” or “smidge” and “could be” when trying to say some character could be doing this, that, or some other thing better, but knowing full well why they aren’t. Grief, death, stress, everything. I’m offering reasons as to why OTHER characters (and commentors) might be feeling miffed at certain characters, not really saying any character or commentor is incorrect.
Nobody’s exactly outright saying “Syr’Nj stop with this grieving thing”, but it seems to me that many of the main cast think she’s being stupid and unreasonable for not being perfectly considerate, understanding and efficient. Frigg just now accused her of caring about nothing but Byron because she’s distracted by the fact that he just died.
When a person is in grief, they need time to work through their loss and emotions. Nobody seems giving Syr’Nj the time, space, or consideration to do that, so she’s trying to deal with it while running around like a headless chicken to keep the guild together. That’s just my take on it, of course.
No, they think she’s being stupid and unreasonable for being so far up her own ass she’ll falsely imprison a hero and actively refuse to hear vital intelligence, because it’s not about bringing Byron back to life.
You do know that Frigg is grieving as well right? She may not have been in a relationship with Rachel, but the two of them were closer friends than Frigg would care to admit. Should she not be given the same leeway?
Damnit, Sy’nj makes five. I think thats it, but if I realize I’m wrong I’m not going to put in another post to correct myself. This wouldn’t be the first comment section that lacks an edit button that I accidentally spammed trying to do that.
The foundation is starting to sink into the mud. The walls are starting to crack.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
I built a guild, but it sank into the swamp.
So I built a second one!
And that one burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp.
Birch?!? What a horrible thing to say to a Weeping Willow!
It could have been worse. She could’ve called her a pine in the ass.
Or and Ash-hole.
I unno, that sounds oakay to me.
That wooden’t have been very conifer.
Syr’s not too poplar with the rest of the team right now.
Fir gods’ sakes, this is no time for acorny pun.
She’s just trying to spruce things up and get things going.
yew lot have gotten carried away with all these puns…
Tree puns always become deciduously worse.
I’m gettin sycamore of these jokes.
Seriously, wattle you all think of next?
Sometimes, you just gotta go with it & just scream “Bonsai!”
Cedar’s the problem: all these puns I’ve redwood make even my dad cringe.
If you don’t like it, you can leaf!
Syr’nj just needs to learn when to stop needling people.
Wait, does Frigg know Byron is dead at this point?
She knows Bandit is in jail…or…was… Let’s restart…she knows Syr had her locked up. Knowing that, but not the circumstances would be odd.
I dunno, Frigg doesn’t seem the type to really care about reasons.
Umm… yeah, she does.
Byron, not Rachel.
The phrase “axe-murderer slampiece,” the fact that she doesn’t think Byron’s in charge, and the fact that she knew about Bandit being locked up suggests Frigg has almost certainly been informed of the events at Cultshire, or whatever that stupid village’s name was.
Frigg’s got a point. I’m actually kind of astonished at Syr’nj here.
Well, she is in pain. People tend to act like assholes when in deep pain, “sharing is caring” and stuff.
She got a point? Well, I don’t see Frigg paying much attention to others either.
Does she pay attention about Rachel? Yes. And besides her? No. Frigg sees others as shagmates. (At least, about the males.)
And she doesn’t seem to be too much affected by Byron’s death. At least, she has the basic decency of not saying “F*cker’s dead. Serves him right.” or something along those lines, even if her name-calling of Byron isn’t exactly nice. But well, Frigg isn’t exactly the level-headed type, right?
“At least, she has the basic decency”
EDIT: “But, at least, etc.”
I’m guessing people tries, but she brushed them off, or just failed to pay attention.
Either way, that does rather seriously undermine her credibility as a leader.
That nobody trusts her enough to tell her or that she never asked about a team member who had mysteriously vanished?
Shit, I meant “That she didn’t listen to her teammates or that she didn’t care enough to ask”. Gotta remember to proofread before posting…
Can’t it be both?
Gravedust did in fact. At first Syr’nj was moving too fast for Gravy to talk to her and once she stopped they were busy talking about Byron instead.
Gravedust tried, and she instead chose to say ‘Fuck whatever you’ve got to say, Byron’s more important.’
As I recall Gravedust stopped, and…apparently decided that it wasn’t worth continuing? I feel like either the timescale is all weird here, or the division of labor needs to be a lot more clear cut.
I think it’s more that Gravedust recognized that Syr’nj would not listen to him regardless of what he said, due to her frustration and desperation to save Byron.
Well, it could have been a lot more awkward if Frig had followed that order to the letter.
*Flails Rachel about like a corpsey puppet*
As hilarious (and also disturbing) as that might have been, there wasn’t actually a corpse left over for Rachel. Corrupter-beast seems to delete everything it touches.
I do kinda wish that weren’t the case, though, just so Frigg could’ve done what you just described.
She could use the Hat of Rachel to impersonate her again. (you know she still has it… and now she has Magic Knights helmet. What is she gathering up the hats of her comrades for anyway?)
A game of Team Fortress 2.
I award this comment my Gold Ticklesword. A ticklesword is a giant feather with a sword-hilt handle. It has the powers to tickle through clothes and make the nonticklish people ticklish. Every silly person should have one!
She’s picking up the slack from Bandit.
“…Oh, also Best is back. So if a strange badass healer pops up, take off their helmet.”
It’s time for Best to get his shit together and take the reins of this horse race. Lead the Peacekeepers to victory over everything bad and make the whole world his groupies.
Damn, that would be so awesome! XD
A hero! The chosen one! The prophecies fortold his valor!
I still don’t get that. WAV doesn’t look much like Best at all, other than both being narrow-faced male elfy types.
…and having the exact same face, apart from skin color.
Not that WAV needed to look like Best to be Best’s player’s new character; they obviously don’t have the same personality. But it’s a nice bit of confirmation, and it’s consistent with The Five being physically similar to the tubed players.
“Rachel’s dead!”
Everyone? What about Byron?
hey guys, remember to leave off the “http://” from a URL if you just want to post a link to a video. the coding for this comments section will auto link an URL without it and will embed a URL with it.
thank you for your time.
Redundancy, I. R.
Maj. Gastonian Army,
1st Recruit Training Div,
Martial, Historical, and Basic Education Bn, Commanding
Putting a Birch in her place while still tormenting Electro-Knight. That’s my kind of multitasking.
Frigg always makes the heavier parts of the comic go down smooth and sweet.
WHOA. Did not realize birchface didn’t even KNOW Rachel was dead yet.
But wow, I love Frigg even more than I already did; the voice of reason in just the perfect tone to get it through stubborn Syr’s delusional head.
Wake up, Syr!
Well, this is all falling apart terribly.
Damn. No I kinda realize why Rachel kinda started a cult based on Frigg. And it also makes me realize, Frigg sorta has a history of handling problems efficiently despite her personality.
Despite? I’m pretty sure her personality is the cause.
Yeah, efficiency comes easily with a tact deficiency.
Tact deficiency isn’t the same as efficiency. Oh no, it isn’t.
Ain’t nobody got time for emotional drama! Cut to the quick, mop up the blood and move the Frigg on.
If method A fails, apply alcohol and retry.
That sounds accurate, except for the mop up the blood bit. Frigg leaves that to the minions.
No no, Syr’nj. Not picking daisies, pushing daisies.
Frigg for the win.
Of course you see anyone else stepping up. You didn’t give them even two seconds to do so.
*don’t see
Well, when we first see Syr’nj Gravedust is running after her asking her to slow down, here eyes are bloodshot, and she’s in a room with a few hundred bodies, only half of which are prepped for burial, which is what she’s doing wrapping up Byron.
I think that implies that Syr’nj was up for got only knows how long prepping the bodies of the dead herself. Frigg is off doing whatever, Fr’nj and Scipio hit the sack, E-merl is visiting bandit, and everybody else is locked up with crazy disease.
I think that kind of implies that Syr’nj is pretty much the only person doing anything…it also implies that the sky-elves are even bigger dicks than one would imagine, since they’re not even helping with the bodies aside from providing a large enough closet to keep them in.
Except she wasn’t prepping Byron for burial, but for preservation, and eventual restoration.
Hm…went back and took a look, and yeah, looks like you’re right.
The wrappings definitely LOOK like funeral wrappings, but Byron is the only one in them. Coulda sworn there were other bodies wrapped up as well.
Even so, that, at best, puts Syr’nj on equal footing with everyone else. Syr’nj just lost her husband. No one else has done anything particularly productive, and the two who have told her specifically that they’re taking action are taking the action of up and leaving the guild.
Frigg can give Syr’nj shit for not caring about Rachel, but there’s, like, 200 people in the NEXT ROOM who are in the same, very dead boat, and if they don’t get their asses back to Gastonia right fucking quick, the Heads of Houses are going to wreck their shit. Remember who’s signature is on the contract for the guild.
If they can’t convince the houses that the Adventurer’s guild isn’t a complete disaster, you better believe it’s gonna get real Game-of-thronesy on the leftover adventurers, real quick, especially since the berserker rage seems to be a CONTAGION, now.
This is the perfect opportunity for the background villains to marginalize all adventurers, remove syr’nj from the council, and wipe out the guild.
The cult is still out there, Savage Races still have all of their champions, and there’s definite scheming going on in the House of Lords, and all the flirting with Wav in the world isn’t gonna fix any of that, no matter how dead Rachel is. They still need a leader and they still have to do something, and quick.
OOooh, Frigg is on side Bandit.
She has been from the start. When they had a vote on whether Bandit or Byron would be field leader, Frigg was behind Bandit, because she hadn’t exactly forgiven the whole ‘killed them all’ thing.
She was more behind Gravy, I think, but Bandit was her second choice. So yeah. Still side Byron.
Dammit, I meant side Bandit*! Too many B names!
Also, they should probably stay in sky elf town for at least a little bit longer. They need new recruits and Isidro and Tobias seem like good choices.
That, is to say, new recruits for the Peacemakers. As far as I can tell Tobias and Isidro are part of the Adventure’rs Guild, but not the Peacemakers.
Actually, I think if that’s anyone’s fault it’s Gravedust’s. He basically tried once to tell her about Rachel, got distracted, and then apparently never tried again, which is pretty irresponsible. There’s no indication of anyone else seriously trying to tell her. And there seem to be so many people leaving, scattered about, wounded, dead, and off the radar, that it’s hardly fair to expect Syr’Nj to ask after every single adventurer she hasn’t put eyes on. I mean, it seems Frigg only just got back herself.
To be honest, I don’t understand why everyone is so mad at Syr’Nj. She is becoming more and more disagreeable, but that’s a pretty understandable reaction to everyone’s basically expecting her to ignore her grief, on top of all the other stress she’s having to take on. Yes, she is supposed to be a leader, but she is also a person who just unexpectedly lost her lover to a horrific fate. It seems to me that the others are simply asking way too much of her, given the circumstances.
Yes, but Syr’s the one who distracted Gravy from telling her. Maybe he got just as fed up with her behavior as everyone in the comments section is and figured “I’m out; someone else will tell her.” and doesn’t have the same will that Frigg does to put his foot down.
Syr didn’t exactly ask, either. Both groups went on dangerous missions, but because one was more panic-inducing than the other, its aftermath got far more attention than the aftermath of the other one because losses were heavier.
But as miiiight be implied here, stress or no stress, Syr should be caring a little more about needs that aren’t her own, or at least paying more attention to them and dealing with them later if she has to, which would be understandable. Syr’s not the only one with problems right now and she seems to have not noticed it until now.
Syr’nj is basically being lambasted for not being omniscient, but it’s reasonable that Gravy decided not to deliver a critical casualty report because he was mildly upset?
I might be sort of taking this whole comment thread out on you, and I apologize if so, but let me sort of run this by you. The Guild didn’t really have a leadership structure. Byron was the boss, Bandit was the slightly smaller boss, and everybody else just kind of did whatever they felt like. Byron is dead, Bandit is being held pending investigation re: killing Byron, and Syr’nj, the boss emeritus, stepped back into the picture just in time to keep the casualty rate somewhere just south of “Everyone“.
She is currently a Head of House in absentia (which is to say being stabbed in the back), Guild Leader, Field Leader, and Head Surgeon probably since she walked off the battlefield until now. It’s hypothetically possible she’s slept since then, but my money is on stimulants, triage, convincing the sky-elves to allow them to quarantine a bunch of medicated berserkers in their city, and trying to keep tabs on how much damage the HoH are doing to them back in Gastonia. I’m not inclined to think she’s done anything unreasonable, including “trust that the most senior guild members will actually deliver critical information if they have it.”
This all the way.
That is all very reasonable; I’ve been trying to give every character quarter on both sides. I like them all, and I want to give them all the benefit of the doubt. That’s why I like using vague terms such as “a little” or “smidge” and “could be” when trying to say some character could be doing this, that, or some other thing better, but knowing full well why they aren’t. Grief, death, stress, everything. I’m offering reasons as to why OTHER characters (and commentors) might be feeling miffed at certain characters, not really saying any character or commentor is incorrect.
Who, in the comics, was expecting her to ignore her grief?
Nobody’s exactly outright saying “Syr’Nj stop with this grieving thing”, but it seems to me that many of the main cast think she’s being stupid and unreasonable for not being perfectly considerate, understanding and efficient. Frigg just now accused her of caring about nothing but Byron because she’s distracted by the fact that he just died.
When a person is in grief, they need time to work through their loss and emotions. Nobody seems giving Syr’Nj the time, space, or consideration to do that, so she’s trying to deal with it while running around like a headless chicken to keep the guild together. That’s just my take on it, of course.
No, they think she’s being stupid and unreasonable for being so far up her own ass she’ll falsely imprison a hero and actively refuse to hear vital intelligence, because it’s not about bringing Byron back to life.
You do know that Frigg is grieving as well right? She may not have been in a relationship with Rachel, but the two of them were closer friends than Frigg would care to admit. Should she not be given the same leeway?
In fact, I would like to add a kudos to Phil and T for showing three different characters each grieving in their own way. (Four if you count Bragg.)
Damnit, Sy’nj makes five. I think thats it, but if I realize I’m wrong I’m not going to put in another post to correct myself. This wouldn’t be the first comment section that lacks an edit button that I accidentally spammed trying to do that.
……Fr’nj not Sy’nj (as I aleady counted her). /sigh
And I can’t help but thinking:
“OMG! Rachel’s dead!”
“You bastard!”
Wow I seriously picked the worst time to get caught up after months of not reading because I was studying abroad. XD
Now I have to wait until I find out whats going to happen XD
*WAV quietly slumps into a corner, his respiratory system slowly breaking down.*