The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
God only knows what will go wrong next. Probably because he’s actively trying to make it happen. With lots of human sacrificing. And intensely reflecting light with his glasses.
Or, to put in one of my favorite Shakespeare quotes:
What fool hath added water to the sea,
Or brought a faggot to bright-burning Troy?
My grief was at the height before thou camest,
And now like Nilus, it disdaineth bounds.
Oh, good, it doesn’t seem like Frigg is going to leave, at least. Which makes sense. She enjoys teamwork the most when she can tell her companions that they’re fuck-ups, loudly, over and over. Now that they actually deserve it, it’s like Axemas!
Normally promotions are only punishments in Sauron or (insert evil overlord’s name here)’s armies if orcs and (insert go to evil fantasy race here). Given what just happened however, I belief an exception can be made to that rule.
Not really true…being ‘kicked upstairs’ is a real thing. Generally, it means moving you somewhere where you get no real power, it just looks like you do, but getting assigned to herd cats is a perfectly cromulent way to accomplish it, too.
Usually, that’s a way of dealing with someone who’s been promoted into their level of incompetance. They’re given a position which is more prestigious on paper, but in practise is tailor-made to get something useful out of them while minimising the potential damage. (If it’s done well, the subject probably enjoys it more than what they were doing anyway and everyone wins, apart from the fact that they’re effectively being paid two grades up from their actual responsibility.)
That’s the most common type, yeah… Getting kicked upstairs because you gained the enmity of someone in the position to kick you. Such as the infamous case of James Buchanan, who was given an ambassadorship just because Andrew Jackson didn’t like him.
The most notable case I know of being Teddy Roosevelt. He was annoyingly not corrupt as the governor of New York, so the corporations pressured him into accepting the Vice President assignment where he’d ironically have less power. This of course backfired spectacularly as McKinley promptly got himself shot.
The moral of the story is not to choose a VP you hate no matter how much you know it’ll help you appeal to a wider range of voters. It just guarantees you’ll die.
I forget if Jackson chose Calhoun for votes, but it doesn’t really matter since Jackson was too stubborn to die.
Sorry, should have specified: promotion to field command of a combat squad (as in sergeant or second lieutenant rank) is normally only used as a punishment in the evil overlord’s horde. And normally because the previous holder of said command was killed in an incredibly painful way by said overlord for a relatively minor failure when the odds were stacked against success in the first place.
(Walk, walk, walk, walk)
Walk like a man
Oh, how you tried
To cut me down to size
By telling dirty lies to my friends
But my own father
Said give her up, don’t bother
The world isn’t coming to an end
He said walk like a man
Talk like a man
Walk like a man my son No(The right) woman’s worth
Crawling on the earth
So walk like a man my son
Syr’Nj would probably stop and root her toes around in the dog poop. She likely hasn’t had time to eat a decent meal, lately, so she’d probably savor a nice steamy pile of organic fertilizer. :poop:
That’s a valid point. Syr’Nj is certainly having a bad day, but E-Merl’s also had a loss (and probably more permanent than Syr’Nj’s, particularly since Rachel’s player isn’t in a tank), has been right in the middle of it all, and doesn’t have the benefit of being on the top of the Chain of Screaming like Syr’Nj is.
At the rate the guild is losing members, I don’t think E-Merl is in any danger of being fired. But he still may end up unemployed if the guild collapses.
Well, according to the alt-text, E-Merl isn’t going to be fired. But to make up a new word for what will happen to him, it’ll probably involve some kind of anatomical impossibility being inflicted.
Frigg is kind of a bitch here. Really? Blaming Syr’Nj for worrying about her husband and her country like nothing else matters? Because those aren’t important, maybe?
You’d better be sorry? Seriously?! Dismissing her worries about her husband’s death and her homecountry’s peril? Of all the jackass, least subtle moves she made, Frigg has set a record here.
Syr’nj has that classic “What else can go wrong today” look on her face.
Well, at least Payet Best isn’t here to make everything worse.
God only knows what will go wrong next. Probably because he’s actively trying to make it happen. With lots of human sacrificing. And intensely reflecting light with his glasses.
Maybe Wav’s statement about “needing the helmet to survive in this alien world” is not so exagerated as Frigg portrays…
PLEASE let that face be an avatar for someone! PLEASE!
This would be acceptable.
Or, to put in one of my favorite Shakespeare quotes:
What fool hath added water to the sea,
Or brought a faggot to bright-burning Troy?
My grief was at the height before thou camest,
And now like Nilus, it disdaineth bounds.
Oh, good, it doesn’t seem like Frigg is going to leave, at least. Which makes sense. She enjoys teamwork the most when she can tell her companions that they’re fuck-ups, loudly, over and over. Now that they actually deserve it, it’s like Axemas!
Axemas in July? How novel!
My Flammable Homeland sounds like the worst band name ever.
*the best worst band name ever
it would be better than My Problematic Husband . . .
You’re worse than fired. We’re going to give you a promotion.
So true.
Normally promotions are only punishments in Sauron or (insert evil overlord’s name here)’s armies if orcs and (insert go to evil fantasy race here). Given what just happened however, I belief an exception can be made to that rule.
Not really true…being ‘kicked upstairs’ is a real thing. Generally, it means moving you somewhere where you get no real power, it just looks like you do, but getting assigned to herd cats is a perfectly cromulent way to accomplish it, too.
Usually, that’s a way of dealing with someone who’s been promoted into their level of incompetance. They’re given a position which is more prestigious on paper, but in practise is tailor-made to get something useful out of them while minimising the potential damage. (If it’s done well, the subject probably enjoys it more than what they were doing anyway and everyone wins, apart from the fact that they’re effectively being paid two grades up from their actual responsibility.)
That’s the most common type, yeah… Getting kicked upstairs because you gained the enmity of someone in the position to kick you. Such as the infamous case of James Buchanan, who was given an ambassadorship just because Andrew Jackson didn’t like him.
The most notable case I know of being Teddy Roosevelt. He was annoyingly not corrupt as the governor of New York, so the corporations pressured him into accepting the Vice President assignment where he’d ironically have less power. This of course backfired spectacularly as McKinley promptly got himself shot.
‘I can’t believe it. That cowboy’s President, now!’
“Huh. The one person who could do some good is now my nearly powerless VP. Welp, I think I’m going to go get myself shot.”
The moral of the story is not to choose a VP you hate no matter how much you know it’ll help you appeal to a wider range of voters. It just guarantees you’ll die.
I forget if Jackson chose Calhoun for votes, but it doesn’t really matter since Jackson was too stubborn to die.
Sorry, should have specified: promotion to field command of a combat squad (as in sergeant or second lieutenant rank) is normally only used as a punishment in the evil overlord’s horde. And normally because the previous holder of said command was killed in an incredibly painful way by said overlord for a relatively minor failure when the odds were stacked against success in the first place.
In this case: “Worse, you’re promoted. I’m delegating responsibility for dealing with that and anything else that comes up to YOU!”
I got punished with a “promotion” in real life. Got a new title, WAY more responsibility and obligations…. and about the same pay.
Punishment through promotion occurs in retail, too. Usually by not training a person for the new position.
And worst of all, Lisa needs braces.
And prom is tomorrow!!
And you came to the test naked!
And Frigg broke Marsha’s nose with a football!
“Dental Plan…”
so we’ll march day and night by the old cooling tower
they have the plant, but we have the power
“Can ya fly, E-Merl?”
“No? Then you’re going to fall a long way & land very hard.”
Ahah! Syr’nj’s reactions in this comic. They’re funny cause I’m not E-Merl.
There’s a lot of things that are funny because we’re not E-Merl. ^_^
And there’s a lot of funny things because HE’S E-Merl & we aren’t.
“And we call this next indescribably painful administrative correction the larch. The… larch.”
In the Navy, we used to call it the “8-10-12 Attitude Adjustment.” It involves 8 Medics taking 10 hours to remove a size 12 boot from your @$$.
I feel it’s important to share some words of wisdom from another fantasy/rpgish dramedy webcomic.
Choose a scenario…kupo!
Perfect timing, E-merl. XD
Seriously, though, Syrn’j, that was on par with “what can possibly go wrong ?”
And glad she got put back in her place. Go Frigg !
And we haven’t even gotten to the Best part. :D
Don’t worry the Best is yet to come.
Oh he’s right behind Frigg. Or did you mean the other way.
The two faces in the last panel could totally start memes/meme generations.
Go forth and meme, young ones.
What happens when the gold star needs to be given to Phil? Who gilds the guildmaster?
That would be the Master Jeweler. He’s got methods to gild just about anything.
Sounds like someone’s going to be walking funny for a while….
Just don’t geld the guildmaster!
(Walk, walk, walk, walk)
Walk like a man
Oh, how you tried
To cut me down to size
By telling dirty lies to my friends
But my own father
Said give her up, don’t bother
The world isn’t coming to an end
He said walk like a man
Talk like a man
Walk like a man my son
No(The right) woman’s worthCrawling on the earth
So walk like a man my son
……………………..At least no one stepped in dog crap. That would make my day worse.
Sooo, guess what happens to be up next in Syr’Nj’s walking path?…
Syr’Nj would probably stop and root her toes around in the dog poop. She likely hasn’t had time to eat a decent meal, lately, so she’d probably savor a nice steamy pile of organic fertilizer. :poop:
I was just thinking she would follow up with. No, not at all. We’ll follow my homeland’s tradition for you. You get the Ax.
E-Merl’s taking this whole shitstorm like a champ
That’s a valid point. Syr’Nj is certainly having a bad day, but E-Merl’s also had a loss (and probably more permanent than Syr’Nj’s, particularly since Rachel’s player isn’t in a tank), has been right in the middle of it all, and doesn’t have the benefit of being on the top of the Chain of Screaming like Syr’Nj is.
I would like to point out that “no one knows this” and “that just means being held responsible for all of the screaming”.
At the rate the guild is losing members, I don’t think E-Merl is in any danger of being fired. But he still may end up unemployed if the guild collapses.
No E-Merl. You’re not fired. I’m promoting you. Congrats, you are now the new squad leader…
Man, that’s cruel and unusual punishment.
With this nice new red shirt…..
…comes the Starfleet Manual of Security Procedures.
Cue thunderstorm.
Is his face scared or hopeful or yes?
“I was made aware that your girlfriend is dead literally a minute ago, and you have already exhausted my sympathy for you!”
Warning: lame joke ahead
“Yes, you are going to be fired. Get in the cannon.”
Good news! You’re going to be canonized!
Well, according to the alt-text, E-Merl isn’t going to be fired. But to make up a new word for what will happen to him, it’ll probably involve some kind of anatomical impossibility being inflicted.
…Wait. This thought just me, as I was rereading the second to last panel.
What if the bag Gravedust was carrying wasn’t (just) carrying Byron’s body, but Bandit?
I mean, I can’t really think of any other way that she could leave the city…well, at least alive.
If that’s the case, the only question, then, would be if Gravedust knew about Bandit being in the bag.
Frigg is kind of a bitch here. Really? Blaming Syr’Nj for worrying about her husband and her country like nothing else matters? Because those aren’t important, maybe?
You’d better be sorry? Seriously?! Dismissing her worries about her husband’s death and her homecountry’s peril? Of all the jackass, least subtle moves she made, Frigg has set a record here.
Alt text: “And that word is ‘extirpation’.”
No, no…That word already exists. The alt-text says that a totally NEW word will need to be made.