You’re sipping the dregs of humor there, tokay? I imagine that would bring a rosé blush to your cheeks. I am serious… and stop calling me Sherry! Or I am liable to press the prosecotion.
I am no lager able to go without food. I’m so tired I can barley hop, much less walk. A’le just leave and buy a shake – no, a malt, a Stout one that I can lick, ’cause I’m a malt licker.
Aaaand – I’m done.
(thunderous applause)
Jo-say cwervoh, you are a friend of mine
I like to drink you with a little salt and lime
Did I – kill anybody on the highway last night?
Did I get some VD? Is my liver all right?
Syr’Nj probably shouldn’t be so angry with him. He’s clearly not in the inner circle. His loyalties are to Gastonia, but he’s stuck by the adventurers throughout it all.
I think Syr’Nj is too enraged to think clearly. Otherwise she would realize that Ardaic doesn’t know anything about what’s really going on, and Jarvis doesn’t trust him enough to let him find out; there’s no other plausible reason why Jarvis wanted Ardaic to leave.
Questionable. Ardaic’s part in previous oustings does seem to indicate he’s trusted enough to at least have some idea of what’s going on. On the other hand, Ardaic may still be more of an idealist who’s shielded from what’s really going on: Caneghem’s warning to the gnome, for instance, may indicate that Ardaic thought he was genuinely just suggesting to the gnome that it’s more valuable for him to be doing something else with his time, while Caneghem was aware that a more… permanent… removal might be on the cards if the gnome refused.
On the gripping hand, though, Syr’Nj isn’t aware of that particular interaction, and Ardaic’s surprise at being asked to leave suggests that it’s a rare occurrence and thus that Ardaic is generally a de facto part of the inner circle. It would be reasonable to think that Ardaic is culpable, and his being asked to leave the chamber was for some other reason than secrecy (for instance: to add a sense of added gravity due to the discussion being for Heads of Houses only; to send Syr’Nj a message that Ardaic can’t help her on this one; or to trick Syr’Nj into thinking that Ardaic isn’t on it and thus can be trusted as a confidante, to name a few possibilities).
She might be mad about that whole ratting Frigg out to the Bloodshot Eye thing. Because, yea, that was Ardaic. He may have done it under orders but he still did it.
Dear Syr’Nj,
C’mon, you’re the lady who Does Science To It and saves the day, what happened? Did you get high on your own supply or something?
Please, for the sakes of all our nerves, stop being so dumb!
Just Another Commie Elf Lover
The way she goes about doing things is science, the reason behind why she uses science is ideology and principle, and for some people, you can’t compromise that. Think Rorschach, only less gritty and more grieving despite the callousness of your peers.
She’s got a lot on her plate and all that good stuff and all, she’s only a person and people have breaking points. Give her time, she’ll come through better for it.
Yeah, I’m not buying that Ardaic isn’t in on it. He seemed too pleased when Syr’nj left to fight the cultists, and made excuses for the Inner Circle when Syr’nj’s secretary (can’t remember her name) was asking about them.
Panel 3: I just can’t get over how “Darth Vader”-esque Syr’nj looks in that massive cloak, and framed how she is by the scene. I keep waiting for her to say something like, “You have failed me for the last time, Field Marshall.”
Is this when we find out she’s only “done science” to everything to hide her true powers? ;)
Could it be he knows about the inner circle, and is aware of their behaviors, but wants her in so he can have allies? Is he planning a hostile take over? Does he need like minded allies to help him outfox dangerously political foes? it could be he’s there because he infiltrated the inner circle in an attempt to get intel on them and thwart them. And being told to wait outside, may have surprised him because he’s worried they noticed his plans.
For some reason I can only see the top half of the comic on this page, although the comments give a good impression of what it contains. I have tried refreshing on two different internet connections and still it is the grey of ‘loading’
Aw, c’mon, baby -er- your Grace. I did it … for us.
All he ever truly wanted was to be the marshal of Syr’Nj’s heart.
Or at least the Captain of her heart? ;)
That one’s already taken.
Now KISS!!!
The angry flaming face mace adds a whole level to that comment. Man I love this avatar shuffle system,
Kinda makes me miss having a shuffling avatar instead of the gravatar I have now…
Hey, no fair making the characters pun for us! Some readers lack the fertile imaginations to dig deep enough for a truly divine wine pun.
That pun was a slam drunk.
You’re sipping the dregs of humor there, tokay? I imagine that would bring a rosé blush to your cheeks. I am serious… and stop calling me Sherry! Or I am liable to press the prosecotion.
(Also: damn the lack of edit button!)
Truly, GA is the most honest platform in existence.
I dunno. Maybe if they add few puns up there the ones down here will STAHHHHHP!
Unlikely. You’ll just have to beer with it.
I am no lager able to go without food. I’m so tired I can barley hop, much less walk. A’le just leave and buy a shake – no, a malt, a Stout one that I can lick, ’cause I’m a malt licker.
Aaaand – I’m done.
(thunderous applause)
[Slow clap, with accelerando.]
Now Syr’Nj, don’t kick the lap dog.
Probably best not to lap the kick dog, either.
I’d imagine it tastes… boot-y.
Sure, he can handle cosmopolitans, but not margaritas. The salt on the rim of the glass is too gritty for him.
I recommend tequila warfare.
Tequila Mockingbird?
…is the name of a Mexican bar and grill in Maryland.
Jo-say cwervoh, you are a friend of mine
I like to drink you with a little salt and lime
Did I – kill anybody on the highway last night?
Did I get some VD? Is my liver all right?
Tequila makes her clothes fall off!
Perhaps he’d prefer something with a slightly ‘woody’ aftertaste.
Syr’Nj probably shouldn’t be so angry with him. He’s clearly not in the inner circle. His loyalties are to Gastonia, but he’s stuck by the adventurers throughout it all.
I think Syr’Nj is too enraged to think clearly. Otherwise she would realize that Ardaic doesn’t know anything about what’s really going on, and Jarvis doesn’t trust him enough to let him find out; there’s no other plausible reason why Jarvis wanted Ardaic to leave.
Questionable. Ardaic’s part in previous oustings does seem to indicate he’s trusted enough to at least have some idea of what’s going on. On the other hand, Ardaic may still be more of an idealist who’s shielded from what’s really going on: Caneghem’s warning to the gnome, for instance, may indicate that Ardaic thought he was genuinely just suggesting to the gnome that it’s more valuable for him to be doing something else with his time, while Caneghem was aware that a more… permanent… removal might be on the cards if the gnome refused.
On the gripping hand, though, Syr’Nj isn’t aware of that particular interaction, and Ardaic’s surprise at being asked to leave suggests that it’s a rare occurrence and thus that Ardaic is generally a de facto part of the inner circle. It would be reasonable to think that Ardaic is culpable, and his being asked to leave the chamber was for some other reason than secrecy (for instance: to add a sense of added gravity due to the discussion being for Heads of Houses only; to send Syr’Nj a message that Ardaic can’t help her on this one; or to trick Syr’Nj into thinking that Ardaic isn’t on it and thus can be trusted as a confidante, to name a few possibilities).
She might be mad about that whole ratting Frigg out to the Bloodshot Eye thing. Because, yea, that was Ardaic. He may have done it under orders but he still did it.
Unless Jarvis mentally projects imagery when he exposits, there’s no way for her to know it was him from what she’s been told.
What are you trying to say? That when you have a flashback nobody else can see it but you?
I would not be surprised if he didn’t know what she’s talking about.
But how convenient is it, that he’s there now, an “outsider”…
A trap, after all?
They need certainty whether or not she will accept.
Ardaic: So… is this a bad time to ask you out for… coffee and a movie?
she looks happy to see him
Ardaic’s wondering if there is an Elven law against wine or something.
Dear Syr’Nj,
C’mon, you’re the lady who Does Science To It and saves the day, what happened? Did you get high on your own supply or something?
Please, for the sakes of all our nerves, stop being so dumb!
Just Another Commie Elf Lover
The way she goes about doing things is science, the reason behind why she uses science is ideology and principle, and for some people, you can’t compromise that. Think Rorschach, only less gritty and more grieving despite the callousness of your peers.
She’s got a lot on her plate and all that good stuff and all, she’s only a person and people have breaking points. Give her time, she’ll come through better for it.
Yeah, I’m not buying that Ardaic isn’t in on it. He seemed too pleased when Syr’nj left to fight the cultists, and made excuses for the Inner Circle when Syr’nj’s secretary (can’t remember her name) was asking about them.
Panel 3: I just can’t get over how “Darth Vader”-esque Syr’nj looks in that massive cloak, and framed how she is by the scene. I keep waiting for her to say something like, “You have failed me for the last time, Field Marshall.”
Is this when we find out she’s only “done science” to everything to hide her true powers? ;)
She is using science. The kind of science you use to accelerate mass.
Please don’t be the last page of the chapter, uh, page? I want this conversation to continue, on a less sour note. :(
Aaaand seeing the face shuffle
To be fair this was an almost excessively Machiavellian induction into the inner circle.
Could it be he knows about the inner circle, and is aware of their behaviors, but wants her in so he can have allies? Is he planning a hostile take over? Does he need like minded allies to help him outfox dangerously political foes? it could be he’s there because he infiltrated the inner circle in an attempt to get intel on them and thwart them. And being told to wait outside, may have surprised him because he’s worried they noticed his plans.
For some reason I can only see the top half of the comic on this page, although the comments give a good impression of what it contains. I have tried refreshing on two different internet connections and still it is the grey of ‘loading’