A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
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A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
Paint the Town Red
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Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Dumbing of Age
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Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Guilded Age
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No End
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All Known Alternatives
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Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
That would be a cool twist!
I mean, surely he knows this is not the time to propose anything else. For many reasons.
Or maybe he doesn’t expect reciprocation, he’s just confessing anyway.
Oh, definitely both. My kids all wanted to know why Mommy suddenly went batshit crazy and started yelling incoherently at her laptop screen. (Thanks, Phil and Co., for that awkward parenting moment.)
Took me a while to spot them waaaaaaaaaaay in the background of panel four.
But I still have to wonder, do we really need tags for Caneghem, Jarvis, Iwatani, Miyamoto, and Bedard? They may have contributed much to the advancement of Gastonia, but what are they contributing to the advancement of this page?
Only if it’s a true plot turn! He’s been shown recently to be far, far more untrustworthy than originally thought, so now whatever he says and does needs to be taken with a shaker full of salt… xP
And if it happens and it’s truly what he feels, at least it’s not out of nowhere? There has been a long build-up of the relationship between them, even if it’s only one-sidedly romantic.
“You talk about about coercion as if it is negotiation.” To be honest, Syr’nj’s “negotiation” with the Sky Elves doesn’t seems to fit that same definition. If you want to make change you have to play the game and this offer just seems like an opportunity to play the game at the next level.
That isn’t Ardaic blushing out of embarrassment, no. See he’s already stopped listening to her by now and has been contemplating the best way to ask her how far down the roots really go.
So, I hear you’re a widow . . .
(too soon?)
never too soon for love
I sure wish we could upvote comments here.
Regarding the alt text, she’ll be a football widow.
Ardaic…. I don’t think she’s interested.
He’s also cares about.. securing the world for his wife and children, about whom we’re only just now hearing.
Wait, are people really expecting something else from this dramatic mini-cliffhanger? Though I suppose he DOES look a little like Byron.
That would be a cool twist!
I mean, surely he knows this is not the time to propose anything else. For many reasons.
Or maybe he doesn’t expect reciprocation, he’s just confessing anyway.
If this is what it sounds like, I’m thinking this. Aradic is blunt but he’s not insensitive nor a fool.
Looks like Ardaic is looking for lip service.
Looks like Ardiac just squeezed her cooter.
That sounds like a difficult prospect, given her posture and clothing.
You’re doing it wrong.
Can we be sure? She is practically a tree.
Yeah, his little girl, Lisa, still needs braces…
“I think, field Marshall, that you only care about YOURSELF.”
“MYSELF? … Subtract the “S”, and that statement is true. See, I’m being cryptic now.”
Heh, nice one.
Sure, Ardaic, try to change the subject…
“… what’s that?”
“Viciously violating people’s personal space.”
It’s starting to get on my nerves how this comic always manages to go on the weekend break right at the most interesting part of a conversion
All brain function just shut down from all the WTF NO.
Are you talking about Syr’nj or yourself? Because I think that describes Syr’nj perfectly right at this moment.
Oh, definitely both. My kids all wanted to know why Mommy suddenly went batshit crazy and started yelling incoherently at her laptop screen. (Thanks, Phil and Co., for that awkward parenting moment.)
That look on Adaic’s face in the next to last panel…
Are you ready for ARDAIC CENA?
I am terribly sorry, but I don’t know what John Cena has to do with any of this. :/
What does John Cena NOT have to do with this?
John Cena is the new Rickroll
Judging by the sheer amount of people I see screaming it with little to no correlation between situations, I’m guessing its the new dumb meme.
The airhorn in the hover text.
Oh, I thought they were just endorsing Bernie Sanders.
Goddamn it, if I didn’t hear that goddamn music in my head as I heard that. It may be a dumb meme, but I lol’d
Too soon?
XArdaic420X is about to 360 no-scope his way right into Syr’nj’s heart.
I wager that this comic will cut to “something completely different” come Monday. ;)
And yes, I so think that Ardaic will confess his love for her.
ahhhhh noooo Ardaic. Not only does this not work but it also guarantees you have to die heroically for her later
or you have to become infected by the berserkers and die not so heroically for her later
A good whiskey.
The best whiskey in the world is made here in Gastonia, and I would do anything to protect it!
This is worth one intarwebz. Hats off to you, sir.
“Aha. So you ADMIT that you care that your country is the strongest!”
“My glorious mustache.”
Last panel score: Trombones of Trepidation or Sultry Sax Solo? You decide!
Yakety Sax for me.
See, these are the benefits of not being bound to a predetermined soundtrack.
Took me a while to spot them waaaaaaaaaaay in the background of panel four.
But I still have to wonder, do we really need tags for Caneghem, Jarvis, Iwatani, Miyamoto, and Bedard? They may have contributed much to the advancement of Gastonia, but what are they contributing to the advancement of this page?
Because of them this is the most advanced and prosperous page yet :V
Please tell me he hasn’t fallen for her! That would be really uncomfortable :P
I hope it’s something else… ANYTHING else.
I admit I would be kind of disappointed in that plot turn. /shrug
Only if it’s a true plot turn! He’s been shown recently to be far, far more untrustworthy than originally thought, so now whatever he says and does needs to be taken with a shaker full of salt… xP
And if it happens and it’s truly what he feels, at least it’s not out of nowhere? There has been a long build-up of the relationship between them, even if it’s only one-sidedly romantic.
Ahhh! Too soon! Like, really really soon!
…we’re going to jump to something else on Monday, aren’t we.
“I saved a lot of gold switching to Geico!”
“You talk about about coercion as if it is negotiation.” To be honest, Syr’nj’s “negotiation” with the Sky Elves doesn’t seems to fit that same definition. If you want to make change you have to play the game and this offer just seems like an opportunity to play the game at the next level.
*does seem to fit
Cursed lack of editing
Oops, sorry, I missed the birthday announcement. CONGRATULATIONS, PHIL!
And holy shit, I’m older than you? <– Something I find myself saying or thinking more and more often.
But…are you older than me?! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN!
Let’s say I’m not. I’m older than enough people already.
“Technology, wealth, and conquest do not a peaceful civilization make!”
I truly can’t decide if this line sounds off or if I’m just crazy.
It appears to be reasonable, what she’s getting at is Materialism (Technology), Greed/Capitalism (Wealth) and Imperialism (Conquest)
Activate your porn stache, Field Marshal!
“… I also care for Bertold Brecht’s existential musical drama. Gastonia is kept alive by bestial acts.”
*stabs her in the guts*
“Do you…Do you know if Frigg is seeing anyone?”
Oh dear.
That isn’t Ardaic blushing out of embarrassment, no. See he’s already stopped listening to her by now and has been contemplating the best way to ask her how far down the roots really go.