Chapter 40 – Page 20
This moment was too big for one page, so we had to do three.
Our sincerest apologies for over-comicking you this day.
This moment was too big for one page, so we had to do three.
Our sincerest apologies for over-comicking you this day.
It’s official, Insanity Wolf is the best spirit animal.
Apparently he’s got something against glowy hammershit too, not just berserker virus rage aura.
Not necessarily – that visual could have been about separating the two so it could break the virus rage aura WITHOUT destroying the glowy hammershit. It only rips apart the berserker spirit – the glowy hammershit may just have faded because without being powered by the berserker spirit, Frigg is simply too exhausted to keep it up.
How exhausted? Too-tired-to-swear exhausted. For Frigg, that’s probably on death’s door.
I was kinda thinking the same thing. I was imagining it that Wolfie pulled the two apart because the virus was kinda also attached to and using the glowy hammershit power.
Which, I also imagine, is why HR wanted to infect Frigg? Clearly the most powerful of the group because, (partly) of the hammershit, so how about getting a virus in there to make it twice as deadly?
Nah she just can’t swear with vomit in her mouth.
I kinda think Frigg just changed classes! >_>
Lupus ex machina.
Looks like more of a deus ex vomitu to me.
Looks like a lupus ex Friggia to me.
Vomitus Canis. Carpe Virus.
YES! My prediction was so close I could taste it!
The prediction so good, you have to taste it twice.
Congrats! You win many cookies, tossed your direction!
New prediction: Frigg will become the cure of the berserker curse, by vomiting Insanity Wolf onto the its victims.
They probably could have used the berserker spirit as something to study, for those inflicted with the curse.
Shame it had to split.
….And for some reason, all I can hear as insanity wolf goes back into her mouth is Mario’s voice from Mario 64…. “So long-ay Bowser!”
No idea why.
Really? I always heard it as “So long gay Bowser.”
There can only be one…
Isn’t HR Finalboss still right there? This seems like a good time to shoot him.
Actually, I think he split after Syr’Nj darted him; he figured that a berserker Frigg would be enough to finish the job. Which, in all fairness, was not an unreasonable assumption.
I’m pretty sure he ‘ported out.
He casted “Recall”
Yeah, I wish he’d been around to see this. It’s going to seriously set back his understanding of what he thinks he’s created. We’ll just have to wait until the next time he sees Frigg up and around and craps his robe.
Status: Normal — Frigg vomiting.
Situation Normal All Frigged Up \ Situation Normal Frigg Threw Up
Situation Triumphant, Frigg Upchucked.
Frigg Upchucked, Barfed, And Regurgitated.
You. I like you.
What, you think these flashbangs make themselves? I need to go on a milk run for materials.
Frigg is going to be more pissed about her hair then the berserker rage.
AGREED. I don’t want to be near her when she looks in a mirror and says: “What th’ … a MULLET?! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU …”
No, I don’t she’s the type to care one bit about how her hair looks.
And after all the abuse she’s give Byron over his inability to control the curse, she’ll probably be poed about having to be saved by the “god of completely useless a-holes“
Berserking spirit DeWOLFied
Awesome moment capped off by a classic Frigg moment(vomiting) to make it even more complete.
Dang, Spirit Wolf may take a while, but when he comes through he does it in spades!
I completely agree!
So far as “mysterious, unknown deities” go, Spirit Wolf has a lot going for him. It would be very interesting to see more on its creation/purpose. Maybe, if we’re still running with the “just a game world” idea, it’s a representation of the almighty “balance”? The more HR interferes, the more potent it becomes to counter him?
Didn’t HR suggest Byron’s Berserker rage was something he made(presumably a subconscious thing).
Couldn’t the Wolf also be a subconscious construct of Frigg’s?
If Byron really did make his own double edge super power, then it shouldn’t be a stretch the others did as well, right?
By HR’s wording, it sounds like all of the five made their own backstories turned into canon as part of their testing the chamber stuff, and Byron made the Berserker rage when creating his backstory thus inventing it for the world.
I would bet that the Sisterhood of the Bloodshot Eye was Frigg’s creation – and probably Spirit Wolf as well – when making her backstory.
When folks make backstories for characters for games, there are typically three types of people: Those who wedge their character fully into the canon lore, those who stretch the canon a little, and those who go full out lore breaking without a care for rule of self-cool. I bet all five were the first two – Gravedust seems like he might have been the first, avoiding “adding anything special” except being in human lands.
I don’t think so, in regards to Gravedust. The dwarf shamans are pretty unusual, and they were implied to be an integral function of dwarven society(prior to their collective murder). They don’t appear to have a strong mining/metalworking/ connection, either.
That makes them pretty distinct from the other common fantasy race tropes. Elves being arrogant, magic and nature aligned isolationists and gnome tinkers and inventors with a much more science-minded approach to existence.
I think Gravedust’s player essentially rewrote the existing lore on dwarves. The only way for the game magic to mesh his alterations with everything else was to make the dwarves refugees from human wars, which meant their entire society was now in disarray, and to eliminate the new character class(Dwarf Shaman) via treasonous murder.
Frigg. YEAH.
The feels. Made my eyes sweat.
As a consistent contrarian, I appreciate Frigg a *lot*. “Resist” as a primary mode of life is not an easy path, but someone has to do it.
Panel 4 reminds me of the climactic “Leelu barfs a death ray” pyramid scene from The 5th Element.
“Are there any problems that vomiting doesn’t solve?”
Well, there is the problem of how to clean vomit stains.
Vomit on everything. Now it’s not a stain, it’s a new paint job.
Bulemia. Vomiting does not solve bulemia.
It also doesn’t solve dehydration.
She’ll be fine. Hair regrows.
digging Frigg’s new haircut already
She’ll be fine, she just needed some hair of the dog that bit her.
Frigg continues to be awesome.
Fuck. Yes. Go Frigg!
For some reason I can picture Frigg shaving the one side of her head like Natalie Dormer in Hunger Games and just rolling with the new hairstyle.
Bad-ass. Glad for the gift of extra Guilded Age
A legendary puke-and-rally.
Holy shit, guys.
Yes! yes, YES!
Tear it out with your inner strength! Be your own Champion!
Wav’s helmet seems to have recovered… That armor of his is pretty neat stuff.
Wallpaper of Insanity Wolf God tearing the berserker demon apart. Please.
Wallpaper or poster sized print? The aspect ratio is in portrait, not landscape. Even though the beast is now splattered across the landscape.
I wonder how much of that the others actually SAW. Frigg’s “glowy hammershit” seemed to be invisible to the others in the past. Did they actually see a wolf spirit tear apart a cybernetic demon, or did they just see Frigg tear out her hair and barf?
There is not alot of detail because of how far they are, but in panel 5 it looks like they are looking up at the wolf spirit.
G-DAYUM, that was even more awesome than I was expecting! And I was expecting pretty fucking awesome!
Never has a barfing woman with torn-out hair been so beautiful.
I’m getting sympathetic scalp pain looking at that
Coolest. page. in the entire comic.
She must be Egyptian because she is the Queen of De…fial… um, okay… that doesn’t quite work…
Silly attempts at humour aside, Frigg was awesome as expected, just took longer than we thought. :D
So let me try to get this straight. She threw up a wolf spirit which shredded a berzerker virus, crawled back down her throat, and tossed her cookies for her. Does that sound right to everyone?
Is it just me, or does Insanity Wolf Spirit seem a bit…possesive?
-It’s down! Yay!
-Hooray! What did it drop?
-Oh. Eeeewww…
Frigg just got a cameo blame…
By chance? Well, you never know, Rob does make a lot of subtle references.
Wrong Frigg:
OotS dwarves have Norse gods.
Rich Burlew writes The Order of the Stick, which has some references, but not a lot. The references that are there are usually Dungeons and Dragons ones.
Were you were thinking of Rob Balder and Erfworld? That comic references everything.
Worst haircut ever.