Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
No End
Erli, Kromi
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
But I’m hoping we get to see some closure between Ardaic and Syr’nj, because I felt that their relationship was a sort of plot point that got left behind. (By relationship, I mean in the broader sense … although at one point it did seem almost flirtatious.)
The impression I had was that Ardaic did actually have romantic inclinations towards Syr’nj, but wasn’t going to push when he knew she had someone else.
Yeah, she turned him down, and then they tried to kill her, and while he may not have been directly involved in that, they promptly went on to imprison all the gnomes and try to kill people she considered friends or at least allies to fight with. I think he knows that ship has sunk without asking.
Speaking of relearn, I wonder if Ardaic is going to have to give up the amulet. Relearn what it means to be a paladin and learn to access his inner light as opposed to using a magic item.
I think it’s kind of like E-Merl’s magic items (or even Frigg’s weapon when she first discovered her power). They’re more of a focus that helps guide the user.
Ardaic : when have you Ever given a “flying fuck for the rules” HA! he got her pegged there.
cause she has given a flying fuck for the rules the 1st of never.
Well, I guess the tunic with its emblem is “a fuck,” and that Frigg made it fly by throwing it. And by throwing it at his face she gave it to him….
So I guess she “gave a flying fuck” right there and then for the first and last time.
Am I stretching it..? Yeah, sorry. There’re still the rules to consider in this equation.
Curious, on panel 4, there seems to be some red scar thing on ardaic’s face. Does anyone remember if that’s from a previous battle? Or is that just some of the background texture bleeding in?
I think that’s just the poverty showing. Looks like a dirt smudge that he didn’t quite clean off all the way. He has been coming here regularly after all. And since he no longer has his government position I’m guessing he eventually had to sell his household and everything just to continue living.
Here, wash this. Cause scrubs gotta scrub.
Every new page fills me with emotions of both happiness and sadness, like the extended ending of LoTR:TRotK.
I still miss Rachel…
“Now, lessee here … we can’t call you a nun … definitely not a priest … howzabout – a eunuch? Yeah!”
Priest, nun, split the difference and call him a prune.
I say, old prune….
I’m 37!
I did say sorry about the old woman……..
Well, I’m sorry, but I did apologize for calling you “old woman”…
We could juice ‘im… But only babies and oldsters would like ‘im… (…and maybe Klingons.) Cos of, you know… Poopin’ reasons.
Call him an Elder. That has the right mix of derogatory respect.
…. and yes, of course, Frigg just gave Ardaic the finger right to his face.
Banned from government service, he now spends his time working for an NGOMGWTFBBQ.
uh …No Government Or Major God What The Fuck BarBeQue?
I, too, am not too proud to thurp.
But I’m hoping we get to see some closure between Ardaic and Syr’nj, because I felt that their relationship was a sort of plot point that got left behind. (By relationship, I mean in the broader sense … although at one point it did seem almost flirtatious.)
The impression I had was that Ardaic did actually have romantic inclinations towards Syr’nj, but wasn’t going to push when he knew she had someone else.
Yeah, she turned him down, and then they tried to kill her, and while he may not have been directly involved in that, they promptly went on to imprison all the gnomes and try to kill people she considered friends or at least allies to fight with. I think he knows that ship has sunk without asking.
Good, I was always kind of fond of Ardaic.
I mean, he bent too far without breaking, but he wasn’t a bad guy and deserves a chance to relearn.
Speaking of relearn, I wonder if Ardaic is going to have to give up the amulet. Relearn what it means to be a paladin and learn to access his inner light as opposed to using a magic item.
Only to realize… he was in fact the amulet.
“No Ardaic, you ARE the amulet!”
And then Ardaic was a ring.
I’m surprised that thing has any mojo left now that Gastonia is gone.
Nah, Gastonia is still what remains of the human nation, although it is subsumed under whatever this grand Coalition is.
Asgard is where our people stand, Thor.
Don’t call me Thor. Not in public.
I think it’s kind of like E-Merl’s magic items (or even Frigg’s weapon when she first discovered her power). They’re more of a focus that helps guide the user.
Check out E-Merl’s description of his magic items in Ask An Adventurer How To Spell
Where’s my upvote button?
There you go, best I can do.
He’s not too proud to what? Beg? Did we just see Ardaic begging to wear a middle-finger tunic? That’s kind of sad.
I think it was going to be “take orders and learn a new way.”
When I left before
But now I am the master
Wait I have that wrong
This is unbelievably satisfying.
That hovertext tho.
Clue me in?
Stick your mouse over the comic and hold it still for a moment.
I chuckled at Ardaic doing the “grampa trying to impress the youth with their hip lingo” schtick.
Also, being accepted by Frigg’s order after all their rivalry is pretty heartwarming.
Ardaic : when have you Ever given a “flying fuck for the rules” HA! he got her pegged there.
cause she has given a flying fuck for the rules the 1st of never.
With Frigg, you do have to specify what the flying f— was about, because she has almost certainly done those two things at the same time…
Well, I guess the tunic with its emblem is “a fuck,” and that Frigg made it fly by throwing it. And by throwing it at his face she gave it to him….
So I guess she “gave a flying fuck” right there and then for the first and last time.
Am I stretching it..? Yeah, sorry. There’re still the rules to consider in this equation.
She literally gave HR a flying f— when she rocketed into his face with a green lantern style middle finger.
I continue to really appreciate Ardaic. Not perfect in knowledge, but beyond perfect in dedication and selflessness.
I want to take you seriously but your avatar makes it absolutely impossible, even with that face resembling admiration.
Is a thurp like when you think you’re just going to burp but then you throw up in your mouth? Kind of like a shart, except at the other end?
Better to thurp and taste it than to shart and waste it..?
Looks like everyone around Fregg is getting with her program–to Fregg’s regret. :D
Gonna have to write Friggiand Ardaic fanfic. Bye!
Curious, on panel 4, there seems to be some red scar thing on ardaic’s face. Does anyone remember if that’s from a previous battle? Or is that just some of the background texture bleeding in?
I think that’s just the poverty showing. Looks like a dirt smudge that he didn’t quite clean off all the way. He has been coming here regularly after all. And since he no longer has his government position I’m guessing he eventually had to sell his household and everything just to continue living.
Of all the ‘heroes’ who were fated to live, due to how the story telling of this world; you had to allow the volatile asshole to live.
I continue to forget that the gods are cruel.
Ardaic has many flaws, but I think “volatile” is stretching it.
I’d go with “staid.”
I’m talking about Frigg, Ardaic is cool.