Hmmm, looks like we’re a bit inconsistent with our colors here. The number of the Cultists is given as eight and all eight are visible here, but page 6 makes clear that one of them is an elf. He appears as orange on this page (he’s the one holding the non-struggling boy by the neck), but he’ll show up as green there… and comparing the two pages, some other colors seem to have shifted as well. Ah, well, it took me this long to notice, so hopefully it didn’t bother any of you too much.

Since everyone else here appears to be Savage Race-aligned, that elf was probably their way into town.

I realize “let’s just have a comet wipe us all out already” is a more popular line of thought now than it was when this story came out. But time has only sharpened my revulsion for the Cultists, for the same reason I don’t find doomer humor all that funny: when institutions fail us, as they sometimes will, it falls to us to create our own meaning. I refuse to surrender to despair, even despair that cloaks itself as a joke. This troll is right, though, that such meaning is often created and threatened on the personal scale, especially as we age.