Well, that was fun while it lasted, wasn’t it?

I can’t really govern your reactions to this story, so I’ll just say that I’m not judging Naror’Nj too harshly for this. Arranged marriages on the cusp of adolescence were very much the done thing in many of the societies from which Guilded Age takes inspiration, or at least their farming communities: the idea that a young woman should always decide whom she marries or if she marries is a pretty modern perspective, historically speaking.

Wood elf culture is somewhere in between our way of doing things and the arranged-marriage tradition: it does appear that some wood elves choose their own mates, but at times, the family leans on them pretty hard. Like Phorpha’Thr (forefather) advises, the family is more likely to get involved when the child doesn’t seem to be feeling “the call of nature” on their own. Hormonal development aside, Syr’Nj isn’t feeling that call too strongly because she hasn’t met a boy-elf who can keep up with her roving intellect, and there’s no time for dances when there’s so much to learn!