Annotated 39-20
Yeah, why not tag Byron here. He’s at least as much of a presence in this strip as in the ones where he’s just a sack of mummified remains. Yes, alt text, Syr’Nj is a badass…but she could also be […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yeah, why not tag Byron here. He’s at least as much of a presence in this strip as in the ones where he’s just a sack of mummified remains. Yes, alt text, Syr’Nj is a badass…but she could also be […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Another little flash of Syr’Nj’s pain doing the talking in panel 1. Also…she left Frigg in charge? Did…did anyone tell Frigg this? (I mean, I guess she’s kinda bossing people in the bar on page 2, but no more than usual, you […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Times are hard. But good on Syr’Nj for managing to turn a dire situation into a beautiful moment with her assistant. Panel 2 Kur’Ik just had every moment she’s spent in Gastonia vindicated. The smear campaign against the Peacemakers is […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Nicely paced, with the revelation of Jarvis’ voice given its proper weight. Last panel is an interesting place to break out the King James Bible language, but if there’s one person there for whom government service qualifies as a religion, […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
“I doubt you know the meaning of the word. I mean, Bedard there seems to subscribe to the Humpty Dumpty school of definitions, Caneghem comes from a culture of takers, Miyamoto would rather dis people with his determined ignorance of words than […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…