It’s Frigg’s fault. The guys with the plan lost to her in a game of poker. Never before had they failed to razor, but she skillfully called their bluff and it got the axe when they lost.
Major Bandit cuteness in this one. And as many good things as I could say about GA, given time, “cute” usually isn’t on the list. Kudos, Mr. Waltrip. (call her “Bandittie” and you die!)
Ugh. THAT stuff. I get a seriously berserker-style migraine from every single line of their product.
They call it “Axe” coz of the path it cuts of people passing out in the wake of douchebaggery.
(Note: If you are *not* a d-bag, and you wear that stuff, do yourself a favour and choose a brand that reflects your compassion, intellect and wit. And also body chemistry. Get advice from female friends who can’t abide the stuff!)
Oh! Now I do, too! Stadtler & Waldorf! They’re heckling Fozzie Bear; next, they’re gonna start reciting
“Fozzie-Wozzie wazza Bear
Fozzie-Wozzie had no Hair
He Shaved it in the corner, there–”
“In the corner, by the Stair?”
“Just before his Curtain Call,
In tufts, he let it fall & fall!”
“Fozzie-Wozzie wasn’t fuzzy, wuzz’e?”
(in unison)
“So if you are a Boring Bear,
Use Burma Shave Cream
for Coarse Hair!”
“OH, Ho hohohohahahahah!!!”
Fozzie: “Oh, very funny, you guys. Yeah. *I’m* the comedian here; don’t give up your day jobs!
Waldorf: “‘Day jobs?’ Ya think we get *paid* to sit here and razz you?”
Stadtler: “Nah! We do this for the pure joy and love of it!”
W & S: “OH, HOHOhohohohhahahahHAH!”
And Bandit is totally stealing the show *w* about time!
Those mini-axes will definitely make for a close shave, Byron! 8D
Well, yeah, twin blades always makes for a smoother finish.
I’m giving out prizes, and you’re getting one.
A golden medallion for you good sir.
Theeese are my friends, see how they glisten….
He already had Bayen and Brayen – and now Gilette and Wilkinson?
Shaving axes? That sounds dangerous and irresponsible!
I’ll take six.
The cosmetics industry really dropped the ball on making axe-shaped razors.
It’s Frigg’s fault. The guys with the plan lost to her in a game of poker. Never before had they failed to razor, but she skillfully called their bluff and it got the axe when they lost.
Gravatar win!
Best used with Axe shaving gel, followed by Axe aftershave.
Calling it right now, Scipio is checking Frigg’s behind on last pannel.
Well then I hope that Fr’Nj, is ready for something that rhymes with Gleesome, because she is she is sitting right there.
Yay for the Schlock Mercenary reference! :D
…and let’s hope she (and they) are up to something like that ;)
Uuuh… hey, E-merl… You shouldn’t sit between Scip and his squeeze… ‘nless you’re ready to do that “winters’ gale” thing to protect yourself…
“A sandwich just isn’t a sandwich without the tangy taste of ‘Merle’s Miracle Cantrip.”
I totally approve this train of thought! Where’s the station, so I can hop on board? 8D
Uhh… don’t you mean where’s the dock so you can ship it?
Respond with a sound effect if you find Bandit’s expression in panel 3 at least kinda sexy.
Bow Chicka wow wow
Ding Ding Ding
*bangs on table, whistles sharply, resembles a wolf*
Can I give you a Gold Star? I know that’s usually your thing, but the Tex Avery reference merits it.
A gold apple for you.
Those eye’s call for a cockadoodle doo!
“cricket chirps”
Wait. Someone else already used that one.
Fa–*gets dragged off*
“Doctor Scott!”
(that was my head)
Talking, huh? Social life, here I come!
Would someone pick up the phone?
…and Bandit becomes even more adorable.
I had NO IDEA she had a level (or three) in Raconteur.
Nicely done Seussian Panels 1 & 2, Mr. Waltrip.
thanks, cold.
do it! watski is SICK!
im switching up my style like the beatles with my pieces…
yeah, she’s a cutie, isn’t she? also good job on the Seuss style
Spanner-antlers = awesome.
So, I’m GUESSING you like Dr.Seuss….
Who doesn’t, though?
Hint: it’s Hitler.
Awww. Bandit is so cute when she’s lost in reverie. And then when she’s freaking out… let’s face it: Bandit is cute. (Like Dot.)
Major Bandit cuteness in this one. And as many good things as I could say about GA, given time, “cute” usually isn’t on the list. Kudos, Mr. Waltrip. (call her “Bandittie” and you die!)
Unless there’s severely bloody combat going on Cute is ALWAYS on the list when Bandit is involved.
Gravedust is in serious danger of smiling if he doesn’t watch himself. I like it. It should happen more often.
So many comments about the shaving axes. Still though, that’s a nice touch; I was tickled. In a “harhar get a shave mountain man” kind of way. :P
Speaking of which the scruff could use a shave…
No lie, the tiny shaving axes made me laugh harder than anything in quite a while.
Probably because Rachel just looks so darn PLEASED with herself.
Ha ha! Yeah, and I totally love Byron’s distincly underwhelmed expression!
Byron never axed for this…
I’ll axe you to shave those silly puns for another day…
I never realized Bandit was pretty. Must be hard being a thief when everyone just wants to look at you.
Lol, Distraction has always been the lady thiefs best method.
Hard to watch the hands when you’re captivated by the eyes, cleavage and derriere.
I know! I always get slapped afterwards!
And THAT’S when you first notice her hands?
Is he going to get Axe spray with that?
Ugh. THAT stuff. I get a seriously berserker-style migraine from every single line of their product.
They call it “Axe” coz of the path it cuts of people passing out in the wake of douchebaggery.
(Note: If you are *not* a d-bag, and you wear that stuff, do yourself a favour and choose a brand that reflects your compassion, intellect and wit. And also body chemistry. Get advice from female friends who can’t abide the stuff!)
So Bandit is Cindy Lou Who?
Given some of the thoughts Bandit engenders, let’s be glad she’s rather more than 2….
Shaving axes
Use ’em where
You don’t want
dire hair
Burma Shave
Girlfriend blue ‘cuz
madness kissed ‘er?
Trade ‘er up
Tap the sister
Burma Shave
Super-shaved, you’re
almost squeakin’
Healing aftershave, to
stop the leakin’
Burma Shave Elixir
A steady hand and
to harvest the crop
your face is fielding
Burma Shave Mini-Axes
Oh, man! Mega-LOLs for all of the above, coldelectrons!
Yowza, Burma Shave jingles, even!
Mnngg! Especially the “tap the sister” one!
is it bad that I read it in those two’s voices in your icon? |D
Oh! Now I do, too! Stadtler & Waldorf! They’re heckling Fozzie Bear; next, they’re gonna start reciting
“Fozzie-Wozzie wazza Bear
Fozzie-Wozzie had no Hair
He Shaved it in the corner, there–”
“In the corner, by the Stair?”
“Just before his Curtain Call,
In tufts, he let it fall & fall!”
“Fozzie-Wozzie wasn’t fuzzy, wuzz’e?”
(in unison)
“So if you are a Boring Bear,
Use Burma Shave Cream
for Coarse Hair!”
“OH, Ho hohohohahahahah!!!”
Fozzie: “Oh, very funny, you guys. Yeah. *I’m* the comedian here; don’t give up your day jobs!
Waldorf: “‘Day jobs?’ Ya think we get *paid* to sit here and razz you?”
Stadtler: “Nah! We do this for the pure joy and love of it!”
W & S: “OH, HOHOhohohohhahahahHAH!”
So… What happened between hanging Rotten-Root Wreaths and Spanner’s disappearance? I’m not getting the full story, here.
Two tiny hatchets! ahdok was right!
I guess we have a spanner in the works.
Y’know… I just realised. Bandit talks like Ranma Saotome.