Annotated 1-11
If we had kept Frigg’s aversion to puns and kept Byron’s keen appreciation for puns, we could’ve established some slapstick bit where Byron would make a pun, Frigg would deck him… and repeat every so often until Chapter 50, I guess? As motivated conflicts go, it’s not quite up there with “mad dog.”
The first half of this monologue would prove more influential. Even though Byron thinks of himself as talking to his ax-brothers here, it’s really more like he’s speaking for Bayen, who, as we’ll see later, regarded every experience in life as an opportunity for a lesson. (If you’re generous, you can see the puns as his way of acknowledging Brayen, the more irreverent brother.) These captions were all Phil’s, but I immediately started hearing the advice in the measured tones of Michael Weston from Burn Notice, another character who liked to explain the tips and tricks of his trade to his audience while he was working.
So many dead Deekins.
Yeah, I can see Byron war dancing to the tune to Paranoia Survivor on a Kobold Flux pad.
“…all you need to use is, at BEST, a big heavy object.”
Foreshadowing much?
A big heavy object that is Best’s alt.
OK, ‘everything is Best’s alt’ is officially funny, as of this one.
Oh good, I’m not the only one who heard Michael Weston in these scenes.
After the first airship his rugged scruffiness changed how I read his voice, but the foundation is still Burn Notice.
Hmm. Just realizing that the only people who have “voices” to me are Gravedust, Penk, and… Weo? Odd. I guess I hear interior monologues better than exterior ones. Also, don’t go to movies much or watch much TV, so.
(Weo sounds like a little kid, until he starts prophesying. Then, his voice gets juuuuuust a little multiplicity and reverb, like he’s really acting as a loudspeaker for every Winter Elf.)
Oh man, I missed my chance when this page first came out. It’s so obvious now that I think about it though.
In AD&D, Kodbolds are 1d8 for hit points. ie: 1 Hit Dice monsters.
In the last panel Byron turned them into 1/2 HD monsters…