Annotated 42-11
“Luckily f’r you, I’m an extrovert in desp’rate need of a tribe after my big fallin’-out with my last one, an’ learnin’ there might be a place f’r me on the fringes of gnomish s’ciety aft’r all has made this by far my best, practic’lly my only, option. I mean, you don’ wanna know how close I was t’ joinin’ the land sharks oth’rwise. I r’hearsed for a few hours b’fore I remembered. ‘HEY! HEY, LET’S EAT THAT GUY!'”
Not sure what Bash-Meister Berta did that was so much worse than the others in Bandit’s circle (“Even for Bash-Meister Berta”), but still not so bad that Bandit wouldn’t refuse to work with her. I mean, I kid above, but Bandit’s need to be accepted is not so great that she’d ally with just anyone. My headcanon is that Berta’s been accused of murder, which is anathema to the close-knit supertribe of Gnometown, but she denies it, and Watcher has confirmed her innocence. Bandit knows a thing or two about being tried in the court of gnomish opinion, especially if you’ve already been found guilty of another crime.
FB: “GUILDED AGE’s Bandit Keynes is all like, ‘Well, pardon US.'”
Bandit’s naivité is showing. Yes, Reynolds can pay her and strike her (and her recruits’) criminal record clean, sure, but what, exactly, does she think Reynolds can do to make her an accepted citizen of Gnometown? She wants to be accepted by the ordinary folk while having extraordinary privileges and remaining a practitioner of the arts that made a pariah in the first place? Yeah, that’s not looking good from where I’m standing.
She’s going to be a direct agent of Gnometown’s leader. That’s as accepted as Bandit is ever likely to get.
She did learn something from the collapse of her relationship with the Peacemakers: the “autonomy” requirement. She won’t follow orders she disagrees with, and there’s a chance of her relationship with her employer not turning sour if her contract says she doesn’t have to.
Nothing like saving the town to give a girl’s rep a shine-up.
– Terms listed under Three are exactly JJ Berten’s terms with Carol.
– Overall, this reads as a parody on the above situation or a similar scene in a gangster movie. In an other universe, Bandit’s character would be smoking a cigarette, but the most hard-ass thing she can manage here is biting down on an apple. I guess Gnomes are just too cute and wholesome to make convincing tough-guys.
Although Franzington and Micheluszek are definitely more sinister…