Annotated 46-11
FB: The gray-bearded Deserthammer will sometimes hide behind its namesake, an actual desert hammer, for camouflage purposes.
Having started our look at the troubled Savasi society with the very young, our focus now shifts to the very old, old enough to make Gravedust look like part of a boy band by comparison. Just floating immobile into the afterlife, tormented by a sharp sense that it wasn’t supposed to be this way. I hope that’s not how I go out.
Like Grayl the Gravedigger, Bonecrusher* has a name that evokes the fearsome reputation he must have had in the prime of his life. All things pass.
*(Or…IS he Bonecrusher? See comments and tomorrow’s entry.)
Bonesmasher, or Bonecrusher?
Comic calls him Bonesmasher, but he’s tagged Bonecrusher?
I mean, it’s obvious he broke a lot of bones when he was younger, but which method did he use?
Probably -crusher, but Gravey, being an old friend, calls him by a savasi-style nickname. It’s hella funny to them.
Oh, you guys.
The open tent and the rocking chair invoke the mental image of a cradle. Not sure this is intentional, but it seems fitting.
The most important question: is it bones-masher or bone-smasher?
1) Merely smashing bones doesn’t grind them find enough
2) It is never enough with just one bone
3) I’ve got this nice avatar to go with a statement like this