Annotated 46-13
I think we did a pretty good job of making Thunderpeak here almost instantly likable. Yes, he’s partly in this scene to voice certain prejudices, but his transparent affection for his ma and da, as well as the way Gravedust addresses him, moves him from knee-jerk antagonist to sympathetic figure. That’ll come in handy later, because he surprised both me and Flo with the role he assumed in the series finale.
FB: Gravedust is more interested in the future than the past imperfect tents.
“I would’ve said ‘further’ until today. But now the end seems really close…just a few seconds away in fact…here it comes…GURK!” [dies]
“Ye! Ye! Ye! Ye! Ye! … Oh, he dead…”
But that’s a silly thing about people who have strong opinions. Even those that seem totally wrong to you. Hell, even those whose opinions are not only wrong, but they know it and still they cling to them because they are beneficial to them…
They are still human. The are not some silly cartoon villains you can just hate because they’re evil sus evil and nothing good can ever come from them. Very, very rare human (or in this case humanoid) is ever that evil. They all strive for something good. Many a times it is their own. And their very vehement in their belief that they should do the good. For them. And only them.
But they are still people. Exactly the same as you. Well, in case humanoids, some differences can actually be (should be even, WoC and DnD-friends!)
They were born just the same as you and the only difference is that they made different choices. And most of those choices they didn’t even make themselves, but were guided to them by upbringing and many, many other outside influences. Should we judge them? Heck yes! If they do wrong, they do wrong. But we should not hate them. ‘Cose they are just like us. We had the same capability of becoming such abhorrent people. We just got lucky.
Isn’t it weird that some of the bits of this story make people say things like this? I’ve had the same impulse a few times.
All bitching about hard-to-notice inconsequential details aside, I think the ethical/(meta-)human aspects of this whole thing are just absolutely lovely.
“Enemies become friends when bitterness ends” :)
When the annotations have a crueler joke than the alt text. What a day! LOL
I interpreted that as the voice of prophecy rather than a “Hello Death” moment
Oh look, if it isn’t Five-Minutes-With-an-Option-of-an-Extension Ahmed!