Thief 1
Truth be told, I should’ve published this story earlier in this recap, because according to Phil, it fits chronologically between Chapters 6 and 7. But oh, well, we’re not rerunning this stuff twice, so as Phil also used to say, dealwithit.gif.
This story was a Kickstarter reward for Razgril, who designed Isidro and won the right to have him appear in a Guilded Age bonus story. This tale originally appeared in the beginning of our print Volume 2.
Phil did this script, I had some edits, Phil rejected some. I wasn’t sure that the variation on “I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you if you believe that” would register as something that transfers between worlds, but it bothers me a lot less on rereading; I’m now inclined to follow Phil’s reasoning that as long as there are bridges and there are scammers… there’ll be some cheeky references to both.
Took me a few seconds to remember I even drew this.
I thought, “Wow, this looks pretty good. Who did they get to draw this?” ;-P
Ooh! A new-to-me story. Very cool! Did not realize Isidro appeared so early.
A gnome is apparently selling a model bridge. Hopefully it’s not a scam!
“What is this? A bridge for ANTS?!”
Here is an example of YMMV – which for convenience ‘s sake, we can also call subjectivity: Where you see a bridge, I see an overland archway.
Wanna buy it?
It bothers me that the subjunctive is properly used in most of the statements of counterfactuality here, but mysteriously dropped for the last sentence.
I love how the “Then I’ve got a bridge to sell you…” line is right next to a gnome selling a model bridge to another.
I trust this guy. *thumbs up*
At last! A Perfectly Reliable Narrator!