As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, the first page of my first comic as a professional, Fans, was strongly motivated by how patient and charming I found Star Trek actors and comics superstars when I met them at conventions. I had a stutter through childhood and most of adolescence, so anyone who’s patient like that in conversation with me makes a really good impression. But I always knew such behavior wasn’t… universal among stars, and the asshole stories tended to be more common in the realm of popular music.

Best is definitely being a rotten guy here, but we also see how his fame enables his behavior. The people around him are generally so excited to meet a famous person that they will convince themselves they are having a wonderful encounter as long as Best doesn’t actually punch any of them, and maybe even if he does. Granted, Tiny Tad has to flex his denial muscles a bit harder than the others do.

In fact, the end of this page may be the first time since he reached epic-hero status that anyone (other than a villain in his heroic story) has suggested his actions weren’t perfect in every way. Let’s see how he handles this small challenge!