Annotated 21-5
At least Braggadocio gets to thrash around and get under his enemies’ skin a bit. Poor Bert is just looking down in disbelief, and considering how he’s going to end up after this battle is over, he’s really going to regret not trying to put up more of a fight. I mean, it probably wouldn’t have made a difference, but it’s the principle of the thing. Do not go gentle into that good disability leave.
Original version of this script was a little rougher on the ears, describing in more graphic detail the atrocities that humans have committed against Savasi. Not like such detail would be out of character for these furious fighters, but it would’ve messed with the scene’s tone.
On the other hand, I’m not sure we should’ve lost the clarifying last two words of “Like men? Like HUMANS?”
I read that less as ” looking down in disbelief” and more as “being unconscious”.
Happy landings!
Well, Bragga was just musing on eating new things (although I find Clif bars hit-or-miss)
Considering how pathetic Warlord Iver looks at the ignoble end to his ignoble career, this page is a useful reminder of why he was respected for so long. All the Savasi knew he was an honorless snake. They just thought they needed an honorless snake to have a chance at beating the Gastonians at their own game. In the end though, there was indeed a better way.
Bert is probably reflecting that he should have gotten in on the father-daughter threesome when he had the chance.