Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
No End
Erli, Kromi
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
All Known Alternatives
Karolina 'Kajotko' Jankiewicz
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
On the one hand, there’s something to be said about a broken clock being right twice a day. On the other hand, the thing is this one took y’all… the best part of five years!
I was happy enough that he was a helpful character from another world (which is where crazy vortexes send you) of the right basic build. The keytar clinched it though.
i, on the other hand, felt that every single newly introduced character was best/related to best/the way that best would revive back into the storyline.
Ditto. I thought every “Character X is Best” theory prior to WAV was stupid, because DUH, he was sucked into a parallell universe, and DUH, of course that parallell universe is Hurricane’s other franchise, Cyberia, so he’s not just going to pop up as another Arkerran character, even if that other character is also a bard.
WAV wasn’t another one in a long list of possible candidates for AltBest, he was the first and only possible candidate, on account of being from Cyberia. That alone did not make him a likely candidate, but it made him someone worth paying attention to. And the clues started to pile up, to the point that the only way WAV could not be AltBest would be if T and Phil were going for a massive trolling of the entire readership.
True, calling out every character with half a feature that reminded us of Best as being a Best avatar for the next couple of years was a strategy that had a high probability of calling out the right character as being the next Best. (eventually)
Now the question remains…does he remember being Payet?
I ask because, musical talent notwithstanding, WAV’s personality is pretty much the opposite of both Payet’s and that of the Sepia World guy behind Payet. (See Chapter 9, page 16.)
Thus far each ‘Tuber’s avatar seems to be shaped by their own subconscious ideas; Gravedust’s player having been all about the community, Byron’s being into, well, Byronic archetypes, Frigg looking to kick some ass. Best’s player mentioned having different stage personas, so I’d rather guess that each reBest is similarly shaped by one of said stage personas into a functionally separate person.
Well, even if he does get his memory back, that does not mean that he will be the same person.
This is because he would also have whatever memories he has as being WAV, which seems to have made him a fairly balanced and reasonable fellow. He would then be able to chose between the lifestyles based on what he has seen the in the results of each.
-sigh- Much like Conner in Angel. I need to stop making Joss Whedon references with every other comment.
So when Payet got transferred to Cybernua by the portal, his character memory got erased or something, so he doesn’t remember being Best? The different personality makes some sense in this case, as it could probably be described as Payet’s “base” personality from before he got all egocentric from being mistaken for a hero in that first village. Very interesting. Very interesting indeed.
Probably the fact that he’s a combat bard, the fact that Best disappeared into a strange energy vortex, the fact that WAV appeared out of a strange energy vortex, the fact that WAV was summoned here by Homon who is the alter ego of H.R., the fact that Best’s player was one of the five people who H.R. is obsessed with undoing, the fact that H.R. lost track of Best and has been looking for a way to get control of him again for a long time, and the fact that Best is, ostensibly, one of the five main characters of the comic, who hasn’t been seen in a very long time, and whose absence from the story had been growing more and more conspicuous the more we delved into Sepia World.
WAV was summoned here by Homon? Thought the original cult leader (Brother Tom?) tried to open the portal to Cyberia and H.R. allowed/helped him to do it letting that thing through. I was guessing that once the H.R. had officially created a link between the worlds WAV was able to break through it on his lev bike by following the beast’s trail. Did I miss a scene where WAV comes through the portal Homon opened? Could you link it?
You didn’t miss a scene that explicitly showed WAV coming through the portal, but H.R. was definitely the one who created the portal and had control over it. Anything that came through was because H.R. let it through, and if WAV found the portal in Cyberia it’s because H.R. opened it near him.
See Chapter 22 – Page 24.
Actually they set up the portal and H.R. provided some magical keyboarding spell to help make the bridge but there is no indication he has anymore precise “control” over this door he opened then any of his other spells/commands. That’s sort of been his trouble all along. What he plans and what happens ain’t exactly been all that perfectly similar. I think there are other forces in this living world that fight his precise control.
Beyond that he described this like he was opening a door that was going to stay open (those with the means, spells or lev bike computer/power source could now get through). Basically he linked the two worlds and now anybody can take advantage of it. “Damned shall I be to give them my other universe.” was his only comment on it. If he was certain that only what he said should come though would and mostly only planned to let demon “beasts” through to Arkerra then he wouldn’t really think of it as “give”ing them his other world would he?
Beyond that if Best did indeed make an impromptu portal and force his way through to Cyberia back when H.R. couldn’t find him (assuming this isn’t just an Alt with a shared soul or something odd like that) then WAV/Best might have an odd link to both worlds that allowed him to follow with enough power (the bike devices and energy source). So folks might have been able to cross over before H.R. helped finish this other portal without H.R. having a clue. Once the link has been widened maybe its even harder for him to keep track on this world he doesn’t really have control over.
We should know soon as we get back to sepia world at H.R.’s headquarters cause I don’t see him being able to go without commenting on the return of the rogue he totally lost back then. If we don’t see or hear something then to say he knows then I say he’s made another mistake and made things even more fluid. (control continues to slip from his weak grasp)
Upgrade available! Best version 2.0 has been released.
This release introduces improved social skills, party support, increased stability and bug fixes.
After upgrade is complete you may need to reboot your brain.
It’s not Payet Best :o
Payet and WAV switched universes when the thing happened, WAV is the Cyberia-version of Payet, IE the most awesome maddafakka in the world, Payet is saving Cyberia currently!
Am I the only one who’s shocked that he’s flesh and blood? I’d been under the impression that the helmet was part of his body, or an outer shell over a data-based form.
Subconscious shapeshifting into something the other person hates, to counter amorous advances? Well, this might backfire on WAV when Frigg decides she’s drunk enough to not hate Best…
He’s keeping his unique tag so I think he will be keeping his unique WAV personality for the time being and maybe even if he gets his memory back someday he will “learn” from the experience and become a merged being.
Well, considering Best apparently was, in-world, a character someone in Sepia World invented…if that Sepia World person is a good roleplayer, who deliberately made one character an egomaniac, there’s no reason to expect other characters played by the same player to be terribly similar.
Yeah “asshole bard” is a reasonable expression of the Troupe. Maybe the base guy behind isn’t a huge douche so much as “This character I made? Payet? The way I’m gonna play him he’s just a HUGE DOUCHE!” I figure all his characters tie in a to a music theme, but otherwise he’s a good enough RPer to do more then “Huge Douche” every time. Best could be less the reflection of his soul and more just sticking with what’s on the character sheet.
Whatever he saw in that last vision of the future was so at odds with his perception of who he was it broke him. Some time out of his head was exactly what the doctor ordered and when/if they recombine its WAV’s personality, memories, and (I’m guessing at the future here) stronger relationships he will be clinging to desperately to repair the damage done by that vision. Basically the old Best needed perspective and a sense of something to fight for that is not entirely wrapped up in himself. He’s pretty darned lucky this happened this way really.
You know, thanks to the loveliness of prophecy’s and their trickery, Best might literally be able to move past that vision now if reintegration occurs. After all, everybody knows he’s dead. They probably already buried him. All he needs to do is see his grave and everything after that is a future he can craft for himself, beyond that of the Basin’s foresight. Though I suspect “Best” is dead no matter what. And the man who’s definitely not him might just think that’s for the best.
Of course if this is his alt and the original manages to get back to Arkerra to find that everybody thinks his alt is him and they like him better than the Best they had… Might hurt more than the lonely grave thing by itself really.
Reminds me of when that kidroid from A.I. tried to eat cause he was jealous of the real boy that was replacing him in the family but he had no stomach so it just got all in his circuit boards and messed him up good.
So any Ole android can eat the real question is can they crap?
All the signs were there. I am glad Phil & Co. didn’t pull an “Ooops, Monarch is not actually Captain Atom even though every damn clue in the story said he was” thing. That reference is for your older readers, natch!
Given that there is a face under the helmet, I wonder if he can now eat, or if his method of recharging himself is going to continue to go down the road that it appeared to be following previously…
I was wrong about the reveal not occurring in this chapter. Just in case anyone was keeping track of my predictions (you know you were).
I am totally surprised that there is a head with hair in there. I was expecting more cyborg or android (I honestly don’t know the difference, but please, don’t tell me what it is).
The Tron folk he’s taken off of have faces though hair and other anatomical features probably happened when he “translated” into the world on insertion.
He may have always had a complete human anatomy inside and out though his past feeding off the Circuit or whatever would make that an odd trait in that world.
If he is in fact the Real Best, question becomes… Does he have any memory of being Best? And apparently, he’s a nicer person than Best ever was.. would that still hold if he were to regain any lost memories?
I haven’t read every comment ever made on this site, but I’m still pretty sure that in retrospect, this comment is the best comment ever made on this site. ^_^
I don’t really get why everyone’s thinking it’s Best, here in the comments. Aside from the skin and hair being nothing whatsoever like Best’s, the face isn’t particularly close either. The elf ears and his sex are about the only similarity.
Actually, I think what surprises me the most is that this chapter is in the Extra Bits category and was a one that only happened thanks to kickstarter. Does that mean if the kickstarter hadn’t made it, we never would have gotten this big reveal? Was it never meant to happen in the chapters that aren’t considered “Extra bits”?
Yeah but it wouldn’t have been wrapped up in a mini arc where Frigg friggs his brains out? Maybe there is some animation coming up? ( *crosses fingers* )
Hmm… prophesied hero who didn’t quite meet expectations, died but didn’t leave a body, came back, recognized by his moves, something about seven eyes… Jesus?
…So we were right for once, the Best character was WAV.
I have no idea how to imbed a YouTube video, but there’s no way this doesn’t call for “Back in Black” by ACDC.
just list the url including http://
Frigg always knows Best.
It’s the un-twist!
Though he’s unique enough as WAV to keep his tag.
While she really had to TWIST that helmet off, in regards to this revelation, long-time readers already SAW THEM COMING.
On the one hand, there’s something to be said about a broken clock being right twice a day. On the other hand, the thing is this one took y’all… the best part of five years!
To be exact, 4 years and 29 days … since Frigg got any. Chap 10, pg 8, 4/13/2011
In the end it was all for the Best.
Oh my god, has it been that long?
Speak for yourself! I never assumed anyone we’d seen was Best until WAV pulled out the keytar.
I was happy enough that he was a helpful character from another world (which is where crazy vortexes send you) of the right basic build. The keytar clinched it though.
Phil kinda told me at Gencon years ago, ;) I didn’t realize it was almost five years though!
i, on the other hand, felt that every single newly introduced character was best/related to best/the way that best would revive back into the storyline.
but this guy looks nothing like him;D
Ditto. I thought every “Character X is Best” theory prior to WAV was stupid, because DUH, he was sucked into a parallell universe, and DUH, of course that parallell universe is Hurricane’s other franchise, Cyberia, so he’s not just going to pop up as another Arkerran character, even if that other character is also a bard.
WAV wasn’t another one in a long list of possible candidates for AltBest, he was the first and only possible candidate, on account of being from Cyberia. That alone did not make him a likely candidate, but it made him someone worth paying attention to. And the clues started to pile up, to the point that the only way WAV could not be AltBest would be if T and Phil were going for a massive trolling of the entire readership.
It took me one try and less than a year.
Well, since everyone always guessed every new character was Best reincarnated, we were bound to be right eventully.
So that’s where he’s been.
Looks like Friggs got the Best of him.
I had to make this a separate comment because it ruined the embed.
Technically you gave yourself a goldstar that way.
he deserves it :D
Does that make him Best of the Beatles?
It makes him Paul Best, ex-Beatle
My bad, it was Pete Best. Derp.
…I can’t believe I didn’t realize where Payet Best’s name came from before now.
I suppose it would, but I thought that Dr. Who was really the (legendary/mythological?) Fifth Beatle.
Apparently, it was really Phil…
Think of it this way, you’ve got some really smart readers.
True, calling out every character with half a feature that reminded us of Best as being a Best avatar for the next couple of years was a strategy that had a high probability of calling out the right character as being the next Best. (eventually)
Yeah, assuming they actually brought him back and he didn’t just stay dead…
That wouldn’t fit the story or its foreshadowing very well but I guess the creators can do anything they want.
Up to and including editing my comment to say “I’m a big baby who wears stinky diapers.”
You would be right.
OMG How do you know? You really CAN do anything! *runs away from computer screaming!*
Holy moly!!! She’s been Bested.
She only Friggs the Best there is!
I enjoy the “Anywaaaaaaaaait a goddamn second!” line more than I should.
MMM reincarnated fucking, crap, too bad my lover is a cockroach…
Yeah, it can be hard to make that relationship work.
It took until the end of the movie, but that particular cockroach got fucked *real* good.
Now the question remains…does he remember being Payet?
I ask because, musical talent notwithstanding, WAV’s personality is pretty much the opposite of both Payet’s and that of the Sepia World guy behind Payet. (See Chapter 9, page 16.)
Most likely he doesn’t but I hope he remembers. Maybe Frigg should give him a ride down memory lane. *giggity*
If he doesn’t, Frigg would still have her memories of him. So, maybe she could reflect on how much fun they had the first time and Payet forward?
i think that would be for the best.
Thus far each ‘Tuber’s avatar seems to be shaped by their own subconscious ideas; Gravedust’s player having been all about the community, Byron’s being into, well, Byronic archetypes, Frigg looking to kick some ass. Best’s player mentioned having different stage personas, so I’d rather guess that each reBest is similarly shaped by one of said stage personas into a functionally separate person.
On the surface, at least.
Need more respawns for best evidence.
Yeah, his internal thought boxes are completely different, both in word and symbolically in appearance. Wav isn’t Best in any real sense, not anymore.
For that, Frigg would have to access his hard drive & see how fast his RAM goes, but she might be able to call up the memory file.
if we have any luck at all he will never remember being we have never ever to suffer under this unbearable character again.
Well, even if he does get his memory back, that does not mean that he will be the same person.
This is because he would also have whatever memories he has as being WAV, which seems to have made him a fairly balanced and reasonable fellow. He would then be able to chose between the lifestyles based on what he has seen the in the results of each.
-sigh- Much like Conner in Angel. I need to stop making Joss Whedon references with every other comment.
…and start making them with every single comment?
I still say this is the Cyberian equivalent of being a bombastic egoist.
So when Payet got transferred to Cybernua by the portal, his character memory got erased or something, so he doesn’t remember being Best? The different personality makes some sense in this case, as it could probably be described as Payet’s “base” personality from before he got all egocentric from being mistaken for a hero in that first village. Very interesting. Very interesting indeed.
Good point. It’s easy to forget Best didn’t start off as a huge douche, but only became one after all the adulation went to his head.
Of course, that process only took around one page (and judging by the stage of impregnation, around four to six months in-game).
I can’t properly quantify why I felt this kind of thing’d happen… Wish I could recall what it was about it that tipped me off.
Probably the fact that he’s a combat bard, the fact that Best disappeared into a strange energy vortex, the fact that WAV appeared out of a strange energy vortex, the fact that WAV was summoned here by Homon who is the alter ego of H.R., the fact that Best’s player was one of the five people who H.R. is obsessed with undoing, the fact that H.R. lost track of Best and has been looking for a way to get control of him again for a long time, and the fact that Best is, ostensibly, one of the five main characters of the comic, who hasn’t been seen in a very long time, and whose absence from the story had been growing more and more conspicuous the more we delved into Sepia World.
But yeah. Not much foreshadowing at all, really.
WAV was summoned here by Homon? Thought the original cult leader (Brother Tom?) tried to open the portal to Cyberia and H.R. allowed/helped him to do it letting that thing through. I was guessing that once the H.R. had officially created a link between the worlds WAV was able to break through it on his lev bike by following the beast’s trail. Did I miss a scene where WAV comes through the portal Homon opened? Could you link it?
You didn’t miss a scene that explicitly showed WAV coming through the portal, but H.R. was definitely the one who created the portal and had control over it. Anything that came through was because H.R. let it through, and if WAV found the portal in Cyberia it’s because H.R. opened it near him.
See Chapter 22 – Page 24.
Actually they set up the portal and H.R. provided some magical keyboarding spell to help make the bridge but there is no indication he has anymore precise “control” over this door he opened then any of his other spells/commands. That’s sort of been his trouble all along. What he plans and what happens ain’t exactly been all that perfectly similar. I think there are other forces in this living world that fight his precise control.
Beyond that he described this like he was opening a door that was going to stay open (those with the means, spells or lev bike computer/power source could now get through). Basically he linked the two worlds and now anybody can take advantage of it. “Damned shall I be to give them my other universe.” was his only comment on it. If he was certain that only what he said should come though would and mostly only planned to let demon “beasts” through to Arkerra then he wouldn’t really think of it as “give”ing them his other world would he?
Beyond that if Best did indeed make an impromptu portal and force his way through to Cyberia back when H.R. couldn’t find him (assuming this isn’t just an Alt with a shared soul or something odd like that) then WAV/Best might have an odd link to both worlds that allowed him to follow with enough power (the bike devices and energy source). So folks might have been able to cross over before H.R. helped finish this other portal without H.R. having a clue. Once the link has been widened maybe its even harder for him to keep track on this world he doesn’t really have control over.
We should know soon as we get back to sepia world at H.R.’s headquarters cause I don’t see him being able to go without commenting on the return of the rogue he totally lost back then. If we don’t see or hear something then to say he knows then I say he’s made another mistake and made things even more fluid. (control continues to slip from his weak grasp)
Well I’ll be! Payet Best as an emo Vulcan in TRON drag!
System Message:
Upgrade available! Best version 2.0 has been released.
This release introduces improved social skills, party support, increased stability and bug fixes.
After upgrade is complete you may need to reboot your brain.
[Upgrade Now] [Remind Me Later]
[Upgrade Now]
Do you want to reboot [Now] or [Later]?
Important files can not be updated while the system is using them.
If you choose to reboot later some aspects may not function correctly, interact properly with others or suffer memory loss.
Remind me in:
10 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
1 day
1 week
1 Frigg <-
Never remind me
The question now is will she kill him or frigg him. Wait a second remembered whio i was talking abou. She’ll likely kill him as she friggs him.
that avatar just seems so…appropriate XD
I stand corrected.
It’s not Payet Best :o
Payet and WAV switched universes when the thing happened, WAV is the Cyberia-version of Payet, IE the most awesome maddafakka in the world, Payet is saving Cyberia currently!
But WAV didn’t appear until well after Payet disappeared.
Am I the only one who’s shocked that he’s flesh and blood? I’d been under the impression that the helmet was part of his body, or an outer shell over a data-based form.
Technically they’re all data based forms.
TECHNICALLY, we’re all data-based life forms.
The schematics are encoded in our DNA…
We’ve seen the chin under his helmet before. During the fight with the Corruptor Beast.
tooottally didnt realise that was a helmet at all.
disappointed he has meat face, but not surprised :(
So is WAV’s head going to de-pressurize and kaboom? Gosh, wouldn’t that be anti-climactic!
premature e…xplosion?
Twist: Still not Best, Wav just has some sort of empathic shapeshiftery going on.
Subconscious shapeshifting into something the other person hates, to counter amorous advances? Well, this might backfire on WAV when Frigg decides she’s drunk enough to not hate Best…
He’s not Best.
He’s only Second Best.
Oh God, I hope you’re not implying that somewhen down the line that there’s going to be a third Best & fourth Best…
Oh Shit! It’s an Elf!
Ah elf! It’s a shit!(-elf)
Darn, I was actually hoping it wasn’t Best, because I liked WAV so much more.
He’s keeping his unique tag so I think he will be keeping his unique WAV personality for the time being and maybe even if he gets his memory back someday he will “learn” from the experience and become a merged being.
I think I’m okay with that; I’d like it if he didn’t let anything go to his head this time so he doesn’t become a total douchebag again.
Well, considering Best apparently was, in-world, a character someone in Sepia World invented…if that Sepia World person is a good roleplayer, who deliberately made one character an egomaniac, there’s no reason to expect other characters played by the same player to be terribly similar.
Yeah “asshole bard” is a reasonable expression of the Troupe. Maybe the base guy behind isn’t a huge douche so much as “This character I made? Payet? The way I’m gonna play him he’s just a HUGE DOUCHE!” I figure all his characters tie in a to a music theme, but otherwise he’s a good enough RPer to do more then “Huge Douche” every time. Best could be less the reflection of his soul and more just sticking with what’s on the character sheet.
Whatever he saw in that last vision of the future was so at odds with his perception of who he was it broke him. Some time out of his head was exactly what the doctor ordered and when/if they recombine its WAV’s personality, memories, and (I’m guessing at the future here) stronger relationships he will be clinging to desperately to repair the damage done by that vision. Basically the old Best needed perspective and a sense of something to fight for that is not entirely wrapped up in himself. He’s pretty darned lucky this happened this way really.
You know, thanks to the loveliness of prophecy’s and their trickery, Best might literally be able to move past that vision now if reintegration occurs. After all, everybody knows he’s dead. They probably already buried him. All he needs to do is see his grave and everything after that is a future he can craft for himself, beyond that of the Basin’s foresight. Though I suspect “Best” is dead no matter what. And the man who’s definitely not him might just think that’s for the best.
Of course if this is his alt and the original manages to get back to Arkerra to find that everybody thinks his alt is him and they like him better than the Best they had… Might hurt more than the lonely grave thing by itself really.
well that didn’t work >.< Foo Fighters, The Best of you
Well now.
I’m sorry, what?
Huh. Looks like this comment board doesn’t support flash…
Lol. Like for realzies.
I dunno. “The flash”‘s response really works for me.
He’s just so fast that we can’t read it in our time?
So, wait. This means he CAN actually eat, right?
Unless his body is still somehow electrical or whatever..?
Reminds me of when that kidroid from A.I. tried to eat cause he was jealous of the real boy that was replacing him in the family but he had no stomach so it just got all in his circuit boards and messed him up good.
So any Ole android can eat the real question is can they crap?
All the signs were there. I am glad Phil & Co. didn’t pull an “Ooops, Monarch is not actually Captain Atom even though every damn clue in the story said he was” thing. That reference is for your older readers, natch!
*Insert Captain America ‘I get that reference’ meme here*
He’s Dead Jim
i dunno you guys… the nose is pretty similar, but i think WAV looks more like oscar wilde or perhaps trent reznor circa 1994
Given that there is a face under the helmet, I wonder if he can now eat, or if his method of recharging himself is going to continue to go down the road that it appeared to be following previously…
Hang on a minute, that’s can’t be Best. Best wasn’t green.
I was wrong about the reveal not occurring in this chapter. Just in case anyone was keeping track of my predictions (you know you were).
I am totally surprised that there is a head with hair in there. I was expecting more cyborg or android (I honestly don’t know the difference, but please, don’t tell me what it is).
The Tron folk he’s taken off of have faces though hair and other anatomical features probably happened when he “translated” into the world on insertion.
That or Cyberia’s heroes are people dressed in techno suits that glow green
He may have always had a complete human anatomy inside and out though his past feeding off the Circuit or whatever would make that an odd trait in that world.
true. maybe his synapses were slow
Well, I guess if they die again they will just reincarnate as new characters…
If he is in fact the Real Best, question becomes… Does he have any memory of being Best? And apparently, he’s a nicer person than Best ever was.. would that still hold if he were to regain any lost memories?
I haven’t read every comment ever made on this site, but I’m still pretty sure that in retrospect, this comment is the best comment ever made on this site. ^_^
(Read the whole thread for context.)
Yes, that is a good thread. I’m in it twice. Very good.
Also, Phil was kind of funny.
I don’t really get why everyone’s thinking it’s Best, here in the comments. Aside from the skin and hair being nothing whatsoever like Best’s, the face isn’t particularly close either. The elf ears and his sex are about the only similarity.
you forgot to add #imbeingsarcastic to the end of your comment…
What do you mean? No sarcasm was intended.
According to Ctrl+F nobody has mentioned Skrillex yet. I’m kind of impressed.
Way ahead of you. ^_^
Actually, I think what surprises me the most is that this chapter is in the Extra Bits category and was a one that only happened thanks to kickstarter. Does that mean if the kickstarter hadn’t made it, we never would have gotten this big reveal? Was it never meant to happen in the chapters that aren’t considered “Extra bits”?
Yeah but it wouldn’t have been wrapped up in a mini arc where Frigg friggs his brains out? Maybe there is some animation coming up? ( *crosses fingers* )
More like we’re giving this extra time that we otherwise would not have.
It is true: after Best’s permadeath his player chose a prestige class character (expansion pack ‘ Revenge of the Daft Pixel Punks ™’.
Hmm… prophesied hero who didn’t quite meet expectations, died but didn’t leave a body, came back, recognized by his moves, something about seven eyes… Jesus?