Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
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Slightly Damned
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Dumbing of Age
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TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
The Otherknown
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Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Beka Duke
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Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
2 Slices
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Paint the Town Red
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Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
The gnolls didn’t kill them all, they just implemented a system of spaying and neutering. Now all the catfolk do is try and find nice sunspots to lie in.
“He left us without a people to be loved by.”
“You’ve left us with nothing.”
Doesn’t sound like just the army to me. Plus, I doubt he would have enough whirlwind to carry them all.
And then some jerks go and post his story in a popular webcomic and suddenly he has people who love him again and who get overly upset about the whole matter.
They killed all the other soldiers in Karmakat’s army instead of putting too much effort into engaging him directly. It’s one army outflanking another.
You’re right, all they did was commit or attempt to commit total genocide of, by Madam Arfa’s mentioning, at least 3 entire races. Nothing that deserves any sort of repercussions.
Well, if they didn’t want to be extinct, maybe they should stop losing. I mean, really.
Also, we’re talking about savages that breed like rabbits (some of them might actually BE rabbits) who are, ultimately, fighting over limited resources and hospitable space. “Genocide” is just another word for “now our children won’t starve.”
“winning a perfectly fair fight by outflanking you”
Fair fight ? A fight to exterminate entire races ? You call that fair ?
“Well, if they didn’t want to be extinct, maybe they should stop losing. I mean, really.”
Well, if you didn’t me to murder you, maybe you should stop being under my knife so many times. I mean, really.
If you didn’t want me to steal your car, you shouldn’t have bought one.
If you didn’t want me to burn your house down, you shouldn’t have had one.
Three different peoples/races, the Cat Folk, the Wood Elves, the Mystics, etc.
Trying to destroy and totally obliterate so many, not making any difference between civvies and fighters, and you’re ok with that and expect and want the gnolls to get away scot-free with that ?
“fighting over limited resources and hospitable space.”
Limited ressources ? Well, for peoples with “limited” resources, they sure achieve so good stuffs. I mean, building entire thriving cities and all. Yeah, surely that’s something you can achieve with limited resources. Right.
The Gnolls, the Trolls and other Savage Races sure looked like they are totally under-fed and lacking resources.
““Genocide” is just another word for “now our children won’t starve.”
So you’re advocating genocide ? Interesting as a simple comic can reveal some people’s nature and morals … :-S
The campaign against the other fuzzy peoples is taking place in the past, long before the alliance with Harky. You can’t compare the accomplishments of a multi-species empire to that of a horde of gnoll packs. It’s pretty strongly implied throughout the comic that the savage races are marginalized and pushed to the fringes, which is why they decided to band together against Gastonia and the other, more advanced races to begin with. The gnolls are no more the villains of this story than are cro-magnon tribes wiping out neanderthals. It’s a bid for survival.
“The campaign against the other fuzzy peoples is taking place in the past, long before the alliance with Harky.”
And so what ?
“The gnolls are no more the villains of this story than are cro-magnon tribes wiping out neanderthals.”
Yeah, sure. Consciously wiping out an entire race, out of a purely and totally intended plan isn’t the typical work of a villain ? Right.
The thing is the Cro-Magnon never intended to actually wipe out an entire race. Heck, they might not had even know about the concept of race and genocide at that time. Besides, how could they monitor the situation of an entirely other race when communication was reduced to smoke signs and voice ?
“It’s a bid for survival.”
Well, it doesn’t look like the Gnolls are in such a bad shape, for a people “nearing” starvation and all …
“It’s pretty strongly implied throughout the comic that the savage races are marginalized and pushed to the fringes”
Maybe. But then, the pieces of machinery and mechanical devices don’t seem recent amongst the Goblins. It’s more like they’re really old hands in that field. Yet, they’d have had to band with the others ? Well, I’m still doubtful.
Not to clued up on ‘sarcasm’ there, are you? Sounds like your rant has been the result of a ‘sarchasm’
Just because they managed to build a city or 2, does not mean they are thriving (there have been plenty of accounts where a village expands into a town, and then vanishes completely because they run out of resources after they built it up to keep it going and everyone just picks up and leaves)
Just because they plan on exterminating a bothersome nation/race does not mean they are going to be unfair about it (actions and motives do not always mesh)
Actually, yes, in many cases (pretty much all prior to the 20th century) ‘Genocide’ came about as a result of ensuring one peoples’ children (and the adults, ‘childhood’ was a Victorian/early 20th century invention) wouldn’t starve: they would be fighting another group, and would keep fighting, until one day they wonder “Hmmm, we have not had an attack from the other side for a couple days, we should send scouts to find out what they are up to!” and find that there is no trace of the other people, either because the last battle killed the last of them, or just the last fighters and the rest starved to death/got killed/eaten by wild animals, or simply finally had enough and legged it
So no, not all ‘genocide’ was deliberate. But like Scheidend said about cro-magnon tribes and neandertals: in many cases it really is all about the survival of your own kind
“Just because they plan on exterminating a bothersome nation/race does not mean they are going to be unfair about it (actions and motives do not always mesh)”
Are you serious ? How in anywhere-you-want can genocide be considered “fair” ?
It’s like saying “just because I’m torturing you to death doesn’t mean I’m a complete whacko”.
“‘childhood’ was a Victorian/early 20th century invention”
Maybe. But I’m still pretty sure that ancient Romans, Greeks, Persians or even prehistoric tribes members had a pretty good guess that a 7 year-old looks nothing like a grown-up.
“So no, not all ‘genocide’ was deliberate.”
Yes. But still erasing an entire race, not even leaving them in numbers just great enough to remain just a tiny step above the critical numbers that ensures survival and perpetuation of the species, that’s nothing I would ever condone, in that kind of situation (here above – in the comic).
And to me, it looks like the Gnolls are pretty much knowingly killing off an entire race. Or at least trying to do so quite insistently. (Does that word even exist ?)
“Without consideration of traditions and prejudices, Germany must find the courage to gather our people and their strength for an advance along the road that will lead this people from its present restricted living space to new land and soil, and hence also free it from the danger of vanishing from the earth or of serving others as a slave nation.”
–Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler
“Without consideration of traditions and prejudices”
So that means Adi implied going against, if deemed useful, a friend nation, like the Norwegians, the Finns, etc. ? O_o
I don’t mean to take the wind out of Karmakat’s sails, but as a curse that kind of blows. It would be a breeze to break. I know everybody thought he was the cat’s meow, but honestly, this whole episode has made him look like a bit of a milktoast. The mane problem is that the gnolls probably don’t care if they’re constantly fighting; as a conquering people, bloodshed is kind of the daily forecast. And on top of that, they’re in a good position to weather any violence directed at them, now that they’re the raining power in Karmakat’s own castle. With the the other monster races to serve as their catspaws, I think they’ve come out of this better than ever.
All in all, Karmakat should know better than to curse anybody. What goes around comes around, after all.
curses are made when the consequences no longer matter. in this case, his people being slaughtered negates any unwillingness to perform such a curse.
The gnolls may not be constantly fighting all the time. even war like nations didnt ALWAYS fight. this was a curse on their entire people. Not just gnoll warriors or those in battle. Non of them would know peace and would constantly be on the run, fighting and seeing themselves and their families slaughtered while themselves participating in slaughter.
what use is success if your lands and people are facing constant violence and no safety no matter how hard you fight? They went into it and he made sure it would stick forever and always
I suppose as far as punative measures, cursing the entire people for a million years works quite well, if you have nothing left. Spite tends to be a powerful motivator, right?
I’m sorry i really can’t get a pun chain off this, you took too many good ones
They left in a howling gale,
O’er a rainbow they sailed.
The cats now live in peace,
The gnolls fighting won’t cease
Thinking the Cowardly Lion turned tail.
Now…… how exactly do the curse gods interpret speech? Because he said the gnolls will know only bloodshed while they live on in peace. Now obviously he meant, “You guys will always fight, we’ll be over here relaxing.” But… if whatever arbitrary vengeful spirits listening were very literal, could the gnolls potentially break the curse by ending Cat People Peace (or CPP)?
Epic ragequit.
[karmakat is offline. Reason: TCP connection failure.]
These two set the comments bar pretty high, here.
Though most of his people are now only reachable through the aethernet, Karmakat can still contact the survivors by sending a Cat-5 cable.
Karmakat: tryhard noob fgts
Karmakat has left the game.
Quite the flounce.
I think they “truly” won
Who are you speaking about ? The Cat Folk or the Gnolls ?
The gnolls, obviously. When you kill all the other guy’s soldiers and still have your soldiers, that means you won.
npc party of 6?
The Catfolk are doomed with only their leader and a literal handful of his people left that seemingly includes only 1 female.
If his curse did come true, that the Fuzzy People have not known any peace since, I’ll be a little satisfied.
I’d say it did. Look at the kind of war they have brewing now.
I’m hoping that their army didn’t contain their ENTIRE population.
If completely outnumbered, then their army may not have been able to fight and protect the entire population at the same time.
The gnolls didn’t kill them all, they just implemented a system of spaying and neutering. Now all the catfolk do is try and find nice sunspots to lie in.
“He left us without a people to be loved by.”
“You’ve left us with nothing.”
Doesn’t sound like just the army to me. Plus, I doubt he would have enough whirlwind to carry them all.
Er, “We left him without a people to be loved by.”
And then some jerks go and post his story in a popular webcomic and suddenly he has people who love him again and who get overly upset about the whole matter.
All that hard work of the gnolls spoiled! >:(
They killed all the other soldiers in Karmakat’s army instead of putting too much effort into engaging him directly. It’s one army outflanking another.
Maybe Karmakat sent the rest of the Catfolk somewhere else before the battle.
Well, if they are anything like Los Gatos de Trueno, then one of the short cats is probably a girl. Most likely the one with the knives.
Gnolls: if they can’t kill one guy, they just kill everyone else.
Why try pushing the immovable object when you can just dig the ground out from under it?
Yeah, Karmakat, I agree. Darn gnolls, winning a perfectly fair fight by outflanking you. What jerks. Their race should be totally cursed forever.
You’re right, all they did was commit or attempt to commit total genocide of, by Madam Arfa’s mentioning, at least 3 entire races. Nothing that deserves any sort of repercussions.
Well, if they didn’t want to be extinct, maybe they should stop losing. I mean, really.
Also, we’re talking about savages that breed like rabbits (some of them might actually BE rabbits) who are, ultimately, fighting over limited resources and hospitable space. “Genocide” is just another word for “now our children won’t starve.”
sadly this is happening even now in the African nation(s). its not war it’s survival.
“winning a perfectly fair fight by outflanking you”
Fair fight ? A fight to exterminate entire races ? You call that fair ?
“Well, if they didn’t want to be extinct, maybe they should stop losing. I mean, really.”
Well, if you didn’t me to murder you, maybe you should stop being under my knife so many times. I mean, really.
If you didn’t want me to steal your car, you shouldn’t have bought one.
If you didn’t want me to burn your house down, you shouldn’t have had one.
Three different peoples/races, the Cat Folk, the Wood Elves, the Mystics, etc.
Trying to destroy and totally obliterate so many, not making any difference between civvies and fighters, and you’re ok with that and expect and want the gnolls to get away scot-free with that ?
“fighting over limited resources and hospitable space.”
Limited ressources ? Well, for peoples with “limited” resources, they sure achieve so good stuffs. I mean, building entire thriving cities and all. Yeah, surely that’s something you can achieve with limited resources. Right.
The Gnolls, the Trolls and other Savage Races sure looked like they are totally under-fed and lacking resources.
““Genocide” is just another word for “now our children won’t starve.”
So you’re advocating genocide ? Interesting as a simple comic can reveal some people’s nature and morals … :-S
The campaign against the other fuzzy peoples is taking place in the past, long before the alliance with Harky. You can’t compare the accomplishments of a multi-species empire to that of a horde of gnoll packs. It’s pretty strongly implied throughout the comic that the savage races are marginalized and pushed to the fringes, which is why they decided to band together against Gastonia and the other, more advanced races to begin with. The gnolls are no more the villains of this story than are cro-magnon tribes wiping out neanderthals. It’s a bid for survival.
“The campaign against the other fuzzy peoples is taking place in the past, long before the alliance with Harky.”
And so what ?
“The gnolls are no more the villains of this story than are cro-magnon tribes wiping out neanderthals.”
Yeah, sure. Consciously wiping out an entire race, out of a purely and totally intended plan isn’t the typical work of a villain ? Right.
The thing is the Cro-Magnon never intended to actually wipe out an entire race. Heck, they might not had even know about the concept of race and genocide at that time. Besides, how could they monitor the situation of an entirely other race when communication was reduced to smoke signs and voice ?
“It’s a bid for survival.”
Well, it doesn’t look like the Gnolls are in such a bad shape, for a people “nearing” starvation and all …
“It’s pretty strongly implied throughout the comic that the savage races are marginalized and pushed to the fringes”
Maybe. But then, the pieces of machinery and mechanical devices don’t seem recent amongst the Goblins. It’s more like they’re really old hands in that field. Yet, they’d have had to band with the others ? Well, I’m still doubtful.
Sounds like you bought the propaganda hook, line and sinker.
Not to clued up on ‘sarcasm’ there, are you? Sounds like your rant has been the result of a ‘sarchasm’
Just because they managed to build a city or 2, does not mean they are thriving (there have been plenty of accounts where a village expands into a town, and then vanishes completely because they run out of resources after they built it up to keep it going and everyone just picks up and leaves)
Just because they plan on exterminating a bothersome nation/race does not mean they are going to be unfair about it (actions and motives do not always mesh)
Actually, yes, in many cases (pretty much all prior to the 20th century) ‘Genocide’ came about as a result of ensuring one peoples’ children (and the adults, ‘childhood’ was a Victorian/early 20th century invention) wouldn’t starve: they would be fighting another group, and would keep fighting, until one day they wonder “Hmmm, we have not had an attack from the other side for a couple days, we should send scouts to find out what they are up to!” and find that there is no trace of the other people, either because the last battle killed the last of them, or just the last fighters and the rest starved to death/got killed/eaten by wild animals, or simply finally had enough and legged it
So no, not all ‘genocide’ was deliberate. But like Scheidend said about cro-magnon tribes and neandertals: in many cases it really is all about the survival of your own kind
“Just because they plan on exterminating a bothersome nation/race does not mean they are going to be unfair about it (actions and motives do not always mesh)”
Are you serious ? How in anywhere-you-want can genocide be considered “fair” ?
It’s like saying “just because I’m torturing you to death doesn’t mean I’m a complete whacko”.
“‘childhood’ was a Victorian/early 20th century invention”
Maybe. But I’m still pretty sure that ancient Romans, Greeks, Persians or even prehistoric tribes members had a pretty good guess that a 7 year-old looks nothing like a grown-up.
“So no, not all ‘genocide’ was deliberate.”
Yes. But still erasing an entire race, not even leaving them in numbers just great enough to remain just a tiny step above the critical numbers that ensures survival and perpetuation of the species, that’s nothing I would ever condone, in that kind of situation (here above – in the comic).
And to me, it looks like the Gnolls are pretty much knowingly killing off an entire race. Or at least trying to do so quite insistently. (Does that word even exist ?)
“Without consideration of traditions and prejudices, Germany must find the courage to gather our people and their strength for an advance along the road that will lead this people from its present restricted living space to new land and soil, and hence also free it from the danger of vanishing from the earth or of serving others as a slave nation.”
–Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler
/Godwin’s law
Post-industrial Germany in the midst of an economic boom =\= a horde of barbarians who have barely mastered metalworking.
“Without consideration of traditions and prejudices”
So that means Adi implied going against, if deemed useful, a friend nation, like the Norwegians, the Finns, etc. ? O_o
Freakin escort quests.
I don’t mean to take the wind out of Karmakat’s sails, but as a curse that kind of blows. It would be a breeze to break. I know everybody thought he was the cat’s meow, but honestly, this whole episode has made him look like a bit of a milktoast. The mane problem is that the gnolls probably don’t care if they’re constantly fighting; as a conquering people, bloodshed is kind of the daily forecast. And on top of that, they’re in a good position to weather any violence directed at them, now that they’re the raining power in Karmakat’s own castle. With the the other monster races to serve as their catspaws, I think they’ve come out of this better than ever.
All in all, Karmakat should know better than to curse anybody. What goes around comes around, after all.
curses are made when the consequences no longer matter. in this case, his people being slaughtered negates any unwillingness to perform such a curse.
The gnolls may not be constantly fighting all the time. even war like nations didnt ALWAYS fight. this was a curse on their entire people. Not just gnoll warriors or those in battle. Non of them would know peace and would constantly be on the run, fighting and seeing themselves and their families slaughtered while themselves participating in slaughter.
what use is success if your lands and people are facing constant violence and no safety no matter how hard you fight? They went into it and he made sure it would stick forever and always
…did you miss the puns?
I think you missed the puns.
You should look at the puns.
The puns… I am in awe.
Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh. Drink it with your eyes.
I suppose as far as punative measures, cursing the entire people for a million years works quite well, if you have nothing left. Spite tends to be a powerful motivator, right?
I’m sorry i really can’t get a pun chain off this, you took too many good ones
The Catfolk are in a better place.
No wait, they are in the Best place. :P
peyet would be proud.
Thundercats! Go!
Yes, but go where?
Welp, they’re either in Third Earth, or Oz.
They left in a howling gale,
O’er a rainbow they sailed.
The cats now live in peace,
The gnolls fighting won’t cease
Thinking the Cowardly Lion turned tail.
Guess they thought that killing all his troops would take the wind out of his sails.
One meelion poxes!
*pinky to mouth*
Ah, THIS is the cut scene preceeding the next expansion: “Ragequit of the Catmen”
Should “his master of the elements” be “mastery”?
Now…… how exactly do the curse gods interpret speech? Because he said the gnolls will know only bloodshed while they live on in peace. Now obviously he meant, “You guys will always fight, we’ll be over here relaxing.” But… if whatever arbitrary vengeful spirits listening were very literal, could the gnolls potentially break the curse by ending Cat People Peace (or CPP)?
I keep misreading Karmakat as Karkat. Anybody else?
No, but I am being constantly reminded of him. The black mane streaked with red totally makes me think of Karkat with Eridan-style highlights.
“Somewhere, over the Rainbow…”
“Auntie Em! Auntie Em!!”
The Legend of Karmakat: The Last Kittietaur