Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
No! Keep it up on a 4/4 beat! Since this is on the internet, the storage capacity for puns is measurably unlimited. Even Sy’rynj can see through the crashing political cymbals covering for their power-lust.
I think they want her to stay, but only because (1) they need the alliance with the Wood Elves, (2) they especially need their lumber, and possibly (3) they don’t want to piss off the adventurers.
agree with all three. I would add (imo) that they are secretly afraid of Syr’Nj, too. She is intelligent, capable, and has the ability to lead whoever she wants to do whatever she wants. I just don’t think she realizes how much influence she actually has; but they know. They need her with them, because if they cut her loose, she might just take over.
“And that, dear children, is how Gastonia lost the alliance with the wood elves and the employment of the adventurers. It was only due to a coup by the military that the peacekeepers where pulled back into the Gastonian fold, and victory was pulled from the jaws of defeat. Which is why we don’t have an oligarchic republic ruled by the aristocracy.”
Lose the second sentence and I’ll buy it. You can even add “… but an enlightened theocracy ruled by the chosen prophets of an apocalyptic volcano god.”
They’re trying to piss her off by simultaneously suggesting that she’s just playing the grieving widow role and that she’s not being grievingwidowy enough.
They should pick the Heads of Houses by holding a big public debate. The candidates would talk about building a wall at the edge of the desert to stop Savasi immigrants, and how god addresses them personally to dictate policy decisions.
=> I’d say it has to come out, she’ll cry a little bit more after them and then start working within the council again. These guys are not as bad as it looks.
It has occurred to me that the World’s Rebellion has treated the Gastonian adventurers better after just one collaboration than Gastonia has in years of service. I would think that Harky would accept them if they explain this with a desire to join the World’s Rebellion. The fall of the Gastonian council seems to be the only way for adventurers to get a fair shake at this point. Though I suppose there would be a problem with the landsharks if that happened.
Wait, I’m confused. So is tragedy a contest or isn’t it? I don’t know what to think. On the one hand, Loyal says it isn’t; and Loyal’s avatar makes me afraid. I don’t want to argue with THAT face. On the other hand, Tom Davidson’s avatar does NOT make me afraid; but his citation of Wikipedia, which I read, makes me think that tragedy is a contest, or at least it was in 1945. So, as you can see, I’m torn.
It was not my point that we should feel less sympathy towards Syr’nj nor that she would have less right to morn just as much as Pardo. It was simply that it is harder to keep it together the more tragedy one faces when Syr’nj is being accused of faring better than Pardo. The Heads of Houses were the ones making tragedy a contest. I was simply pointing out (the admittedly obvious now that I think about it) that they weren’t even trying to make it a fair contest.
Using the logic the HoH’s words imply, Renolds would have done so when he wanted the professors arrested despite the fact that Gastonia could use them. (Also notice how Ardaic did not immediately go to arrest them like he said.) Pardo did so when he was mourning the loss of everyone in his hometown. But, for Persson, nothing comes to mind.
What’s that “violin-carrier” bit? It went over my head.
it’s ignorance on their part towards an important aspect of their compatriot’s culture…which they know nothing and care nothing about.
I’m not sure it’s ignorance. It looks to me like they’re trying to goad her into walking out.
Excuse me but my violin carrier was instrumental to me during all the fiddling we’d done.
Our relationship had no strings attached.
They plucked the forbidden fruit.
We were in tune with one another, never to bow under pressure.
Are you sure it wasn’t the forbidden flute?
Do you see the rosin in her cheeks? These guys are SO plucked, they should start bowing now, before she turns… violin-t.
On a side note, does she ever shut her mouth?
More frequently than Kristen Stewart did while playing Bella.
They’d better stop before they get stomped into the strata…various signs are being ignored.
She’s about to jump up on a hickory stump and say “Boy, let me tell you what.”
She’s giving herself arias.
I hate to treble you, but these puns are reaching a crescendo. Could you tone it down, please?
No! Keep it up on a 4/4 beat! Since this is on the internet, the storage capacity for puns is measurably unlimited. Even Sy’rynj can see through the crashing political cymbals covering for their power-lust.
You’re saying he played the violin?
Eh…she’s going to get kicked out, isn’t she?
Either that or she’ll resign.
Or it’ll be one of those “You can’t fire me; I quit” / “You can’t quit; you’re fired” situations.
That depends on whether Ardaic and Iwatani can successfully outmanoeuvre Miyamoto and his faction.
Nope, don’t think so.
I think they want her to stay, but only because (1) they need the alliance with the Wood Elves, (2) they especially need their lumber, and possibly (3) they don’t want to piss off the adventurers.
agree with all three. I would add (imo) that they are secretly afraid of Syr’Nj, too. She is intelligent, capable, and has the ability to lead whoever she wants to do whatever she wants. I just don’t think she realizes how much influence she actually has; but they know. They need her with them, because if they cut her loose, she might just take over.
It’s the Altruists!!
Dangerous thing, altruism. Luckily, it´s not very common among politicans.
I half expected Sundar to break the door down with the mightly battlecry of “I F**KING CALLED IT!”
That would be absolutely hilarious. :D
I thoroughly agree. The motion carries!
You mean you half expected Sundar to sunder the door…
“And that, dear children, is how Gastonia lost the alliance with the wood elves and the employment of the adventurers. It was only due to a coup by the military that the peacekeepers where pulled back into the Gastonian fold, and victory was pulled from the jaws of defeat. Which is why we don’t have an oligarchic republic ruled by the aristocracy.”
Lose the second sentence and I’ll buy it. You can even add “… but an enlightened theocracy ruled by the chosen prophets of an apocalyptic volcano god.”
>We can do away with Pardo, the wood elves are providing us with lumber
>Immediately piss off the heir to the wood elf throne
Just sayin’.
Admittedly, that’s why the rest of them are pretending that she’s so obviously level-headed instead of shrieking at them.
They’re trying to piss her off by simultaneously suggesting that she’s just playing the grieving widow role and that she’s not being grievingwidowy enough.
Politicians, man. Am I right?
You could say ANYTHING negative about politicians & it would be Politically Correct.
They should pick the Heads of Houses by holding a big public debate. The candidates would talk about building a wall at the edge of the desert to stop Savasi immigrants, and how god addresses them personally to dictate policy decisions.
For the violins ! *kills everybody with the tommy gun she smuggled in in a violin case*
*Sigh* As if there’s not already too much gratuitous violins in media.
That one hurt.
I kinda prefer the sax, myself.
I wonder if anyone’s ever had violin on the beach.
hey, the musical pun thread is about 8 posts up, Mujaki!
None of this matters to Sy’rynj…When Byron lived as her husband, she had sax.
Yet some would argue that there should be more violins in media!
Oh, fiddlesticks.
She for sure looks like she’ll start to laugh.
=> I’d say it has to come out, she’ll cry a little bit more after them and then start working within the council again. These guys are not as bad as it looks.
It has occurred to me that the World’s Rebellion has treated the Gastonian adventurers better after just one collaboration than Gastonia has in years of service. I would think that Harky would accept them if they explain this with a desire to join the World’s Rebellion. The fall of the Gastonian council seems to be the only way for adventurers to get a fair shake at this point. Though I suppose there would be a problem with the landsharks if that happened.
It should be noted that Syr’nj lost two people, a friend and a husband. Pardo lost his whole damn hometown.
Tragedy is not a contest.
Wait, I’m confused. So is tragedy a contest or isn’t it? I don’t know what to think. On the one hand, Loyal says it isn’t; and Loyal’s avatar makes me afraid. I don’t want to argue with THAT face. On the other hand, Tom Davidson’s avatar does NOT make me afraid; but his citation of Wikipedia, which I read, makes me think that tragedy is a contest, or at least it was in 1945. So, as you can see, I’m torn.
It was not my point that we should feel less sympathy towards Syr’nj nor that she would have less right to morn just as much as Pardo. It was simply that it is harder to keep it together the more tragedy one faces when Syr’nj is being accused of faring better than Pardo. The Heads of Houses were the ones making tragedy a contest. I was simply pointing out (the admittedly obvious now that I think about it) that they weren’t even trying to make it a fair contest.
so from sepiaworld point of view is she argueing with NPC’s?
And she keeps picking the wrong option on the dialog trees so the railroading is starting to show itself…
Depends on the Sepiaworld POV. There’s more than one.
They could always ask Sundar.
Too bad that the Ask An Adventurer pages were ended…
Wait, when did Persson fail to put aside the personal and focus on the good of the nation?
Never, which is why the HoH’s bullshit is showing. Iwatani especially.
yeah, they convinced him to bow out just in case his work on the hammer tank redesign could make him lose focus on the “good of the nation”
That’s Reynolds. Persson’s the Mining Guild rep.
oh…I guess I don’t know who anyone is then. Is Frigg the redhead or the elf? (lol, just kidding)
Using the logic the HoH’s words imply, Renolds would have done so when he wanted the professors arrested despite the fact that Gastonia could use them. (Also notice how Ardaic did not immediately go to arrest them like he said.) Pardo did so when he was mourning the loss of everyone in his hometown. But, for Persson, nothing comes to mind.
It’s referring to his semi-breakdown over his town being massacred by cultists a couple of pages ago.
No, that’s Pardo. Persson’s the miner dude.
Might be a need to expand the Supporting Cast section of the Cast page.
Heh. Yeah.
Widdow’s weeds? Is this a dig to get at the root of the problem?