Chapter 41 – Page 5
Hey Guildies! If you can believe it, we’re already over 1/8th of the way to UPDATING FOUR TIMES A WEEK again!
Rest assured: Your pledges count. This is only 38 people that got us 14% of the way there! You can join in to get early, ad-free updates and more, and eventually get this comic to 4 a week again! Who doesn’t like more updates?
I guess if you are someone who doesn’t like more updates, then this Patreon is not for you.
But for everyone else, click on the big ol’ banner up there and get your goods!
Ooh, I know what this is. It’s one of those “Which is different” things. We need to answer which Gravedust is different. Right?
Ooh, ooh; it’s the third one, right? Where Gravy is thinking, “Man, I could use a drink!”.
Damn, died in his sleep. Oh well, guess you could say Gravy od’ed on meditation.
This is your brain: ^v^v^v^v^v^v
This is your brain on meditation: —————————————
Winners don’t calm down!
Gravy tells his dentist: “no novocaine for me. I want to TRANSCEND DENTAL MEDICATION” XD
Ok, ok … slinking away now
He’s just pining for the fjords…
This may have been the greatest pun I have ever seen.
Gief more Rachels.
That title is an awesome reference.
So he IS now charging into the spirit realm to buttonhole his fellows and shake answers out of heaven?!
I think Gravedust is going to be finding some answers to questions that are long overdue.
“That would violate everything I stand for…”
“But then I figured, what the hell, YOLO!”
Except he’s lived twice.
Sounds like an energy drink. “Not enough spirit for the day? Knock back a tall, frosty glass of YOLT.”
I could never drink something that sounds that close to yolk.
– Nancy Sinatra
“That would violate everything I stand for…”
That’s why he’s doing it sitting down.
Kudos to you, good sir (or madam)
…or thing. What IS that? A spider-ape?
so now, gravedust is a train driver?
The new Patreon banner shows Byron but not Rachel. Make of that what you will.
Rachel was removed from existence by the disruptor beast – her data was destroyed. Byron technically still exists, just like Best did/does/what have you. The other three PCs still exist and are “active” online (Rachel’s player makes a comment on setting their characters to auto-work or something while offline) so they’re still around as well.
Well… maybe not Scipio.
They made a reference to Scipio’s questline taking him off with Fr’Nj, so I think sometimes the auto-play feature sets them off on things the players didn’t expect. So Scipio is still in the world, but may now be completely an NPC like Fr’Nj. Or the connection is broken. Something lke that.
I still miss her, tbh.
Gravedust awakens, Gravedust needs another five minutes.
Meanwhile, Iwatani, now sporting two jaunty hats, announces the new high-speed land machine.
“I have to go now, my people need me….
“Time to spirit journey…wait, did I leave the stove on? No, I don’t have a stove. Okay, let’s go.”
Dusty: “Man, this better work out better than that time I had to put down that ghostly hourglass.”
Panel 1: “…ooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm…”
Panel 2: “…ooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm…”
Panel 3: “…ooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm…”
Panel 4: “…ooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm…”
Panel 5: “…Hm. This isn’t working.”
Panel 6: “OMOMOMM-OMM-OMMM om-om-om-om-om-om-om-om-om-om-om-om-om OOOMMM OOOMMM OOOMMM-omomomomom…”
Or perhaps “Hhmmm…I do not know why, but I feel this could work….it shouldn’t, but it probably will…curse you, Frigg….”
*clears throat*
*takes deep breath*
You guys need to advertise your Patreon campaign better. I had no idea until now that you were running a campaign, but I just signed up.
Thanks, man! You weren’t missing out: we launched on Sunday.
“Astral Projection is on Cooldown (4 sec)”
Hah, this is a classic “I will NOT think about itching anywhere, I will not…GODS DAMMIT!”- situation.
Gravey is going all Automan and shit.
Only once we see him take high-speed, 90-degree turns.
I am Friggin` out (of) here!
You keep mainlining ghosts, you are going to get Spirit Tracks.