This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Mac Hall
Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
He just didn’t realise how many famous people have graves that get forgotten. Kind of makes you wonder what kind of bard he is when he doesn’t even stop to think how many people who get sung about in famous bardsong actually have a well-known gravesite.
Yeah and don’t get me started on that ancient evil that’s rising again. I mean it’s the third time this weak! It’s like take yer eldritch horror and just fuck off, ya know?
So … this makes me wonder anew about the other “player characters” like Bandit and E-Merl and probably the other guys in this room. If they are not “bound by two worlds, by two souls”, then what is the relationship between them and their players … if any?
Also: Good news, WAV had his own soul! Maybe that means he can be brought back somehow?
*I just found out the world if fake, I’m from a different dimension, and I’m one of they only people capable of stopping a god-like being who created the reality I currently exist in? I hate Monday.”
Frigg knows who she is — I get the sense that the core personality is the same regardless of the world she’s in. As we saw with WAV, this may not be the case with the others.
It seems likely to me Frigg’s player is one of those players who made/makes their in-game avatar as much an extension of themselves, or a more perfected version of themselves, as they can, and thus as Matthew Davis says above me, her core personality in reality is likely quite similar to her character.
Of course, in reality she is probably not a powerful and tough warrior, so she’s likely quite unhappy with her lot in life, thus finding her joy in role-playing in online games, where being “herself” is a credit to her success, instead of a detraction.
Frigg was just told her destiny was to become a deity. Considering she denied them in the most Frigg-like way possible, I think it makes sense that’s she’s blowing off this new “destiny” as well.
Also, the bit where she’s offered divinity struck me as the kind of moment in a story in which the hero is offered something that seems valuable but is really buying them off cheaply. Sometimes that’s meant as a test, sometimes it’s a gambit by an adversary, sometimes it’s a straightforward and sincere offer from someone the hero has surpassed in understanding.
I think the last is the case. But in context, it’s kind of hard to imagine what could be more desirable than what she was rejecting.
In another context — in old-school MUDs, some early MMORPGs, and such, admins would appear in game as “gods”. Sometimes the admins were volunteers, recruited from the players. Players would often joke about wishing they had god-powers in the game, but playing a “god” was usually very constrained, even thankless or boring; in any case, the game’s about player/heroes, not about “gods”.
I’m guessing the “gods” are not admins, but the gods of this world — but they’re similarly constrained, and limited in their vision. The Five are actually more important than the gods to this world.
This also reminds me a bit of an element from R. Scott Bakker’s novels, in which the gods were completely unable to perceive in any way the beings that were plotting to destroy them, even though humans could; the gods were blind and stupid.
I wonder if the first world was a video game server? Weo, not having ever played a video game and probably having a very limited perspective on things, might interpret the game as being another world.
Gravedust, Syr’Nj, and Byron are all still trying to process. Also you can just hear Syr’Nj and Byron asking “But what dose that mean about us, and our love / marriage ?” (Are they married in the Wood Elf cultural and societal norms? I know that when Byron was dead and Caneghem told her to stop playing the grieving widow. It seems to me that they are rather concerned that there may be something in this “other world” of Weo’s that might force them apart.
Frigg is like, “I’m not going back out there with my tail between my legs, and telling the god squad I have’ta join ’em after all, dammit! … I’m not! …… Daaaaammiiiiiit!”
“Wait… Will I even get to say Dammit, without damning someone to Hell? Ffffuuuuu- Shi- … ARRGH!!! WILL I BE ABLE TO TALK AT ALL?!?!”
Wow, Best is actually being non-jerkassy.
Also Frigg’s reaction is hilarious.
Well, yeah. He’s finally hearing someone with the power to see the future affirm that he has a critical role in saving the world from a great evil.
He was told that just after showing up. But since his destiny didn’t include fame, he refused to believe it.
He just didn’t realise how many famous people have graves that get forgotten. Kind of makes you wonder what kind of bard he is when he doesn’t even stop to think how many people who get sung about in famous bardsong actually have a well-known gravesite.
Aw, calm down, Frigg. This just means you have plenty more chances to kick some really serious ass.
Frigg’s raspberry is Opus-worthy. :)
Nice Bloom County shout-out, I grew up reading those (at a way too young age for them)!
It’s only gotten better since! Plus it’s back on Facebook!
Yeah and don’t get me started on that ancient evil that’s rising again. I mean it’s the third time this weak! It’s like take yer eldritch horror and just fuck off, ya know?
Let the tentacles sooth you.
Trigger warning!
Then don’t watch any hentai on the web.
Why am I not surprised Best was EBayed?
He’s Best and Wav and his human. Not that he’s two humans.
Wow. No one likes to be called Second Best.
So … this makes me wonder anew about the other “player characters” like Bandit and E-Merl and probably the other guys in this room. If they are not “bound by two worlds, by two souls”, then what is the relationship between them and their players … if any?
Also: Good news, WAV had his own soul! Maybe that means he can be brought back somehow?
Magical Best Transformation Sequence?
Best Magical Transformation Sequence.
My impression is that the other players are “tapping into” the character souls, so to speak, while the 5 are spiritually present in Arkerra.
*I just found out the world if fake, I’m from a different dimension, and I’m one of they only people capable of stopping a god-like being who created the reality I currently exist in? I hate Monday.”
Extra points if you made this comment without knowing what your icon was.
And now everyone except Frigg is questioning everything about their own existence.
Frigg knows who she is — I get the sense that the core personality is the same regardless of the world she’s in. As we saw with WAV, this may not be the case with the others.
It seems likely to me Frigg’s player is one of those players who made/makes their in-game avatar as much an extension of themselves, or a more perfected version of themselves, as they can, and thus as Matthew Davis says above me, her core personality in reality is likely quite similar to her character.
Of course, in reality she is probably not a powerful and tough warrior, so she’s likely quite unhappy with her lot in life, thus finding her joy in role-playing in online games, where being “herself” is a credit to her success, instead of a detraction.
How very Snarlbear.
Frigg was just told her destiny was to become a deity. Considering she denied them in the most Frigg-like way possible, I think it makes sense that’s she’s blowing off this new “destiny” as well.
Also, the bit where she’s offered divinity struck me as the kind of moment in a story in which the hero is offered something that seems valuable but is really buying them off cheaply. Sometimes that’s meant as a test, sometimes it’s a gambit by an adversary, sometimes it’s a straightforward and sincere offer from someone the hero has surpassed in understanding.
I think the last is the case. But in context, it’s kind of hard to imagine what could be more desirable than what she was rejecting.
In another context — in old-school MUDs, some early MMORPGs, and such, admins would appear in game as “gods”. Sometimes the admins were volunteers, recruited from the players. Players would often joke about wishing they had god-powers in the game, but playing a “god” was usually very constrained, even thankless or boring; in any case, the game’s about player/heroes, not about “gods”.
I’m guessing the “gods” are not admins, but the gods of this world — but they’re similarly constrained, and limited in their vision. The Five are actually more important than the gods to this world.
This also reminds me a bit of an element from R. Scott Bakker’s novels, in which the gods were completely unable to perceive in any way the beings that were plotting to destroy them, even though humans could; the gods were blind and stupid.
Frigg is fed up with being your savior.
I don’t quite get the title text.
Best ignored the feeling of a third thing inside of him, in favor of trying to kill Byron.
I wonder if the first world was a video game server? Weo, not having ever played a video game and probably having a very limited perspective on things, might interpret the game as being another world.
I’m roughly 10000% positive that it was an actual real world which H.R. discovered and turned into a video game.
Eh, maybe. I kinda think all the worlds in the comic are video game worlds.
HR doesn’t know that he’s not a real boy.
Weo knows that he’s not a real boy, but thinks that HR is.
Both HR and Weo think Arkerra 1.0 and Sepia World are real.
Don’t believe in the you before you were this you! Believe in the you who believes in keytar!
Gravedust, Syr’Nj, and Byron are all still trying to process. Also you can just hear Syr’Nj and Byron asking “But what dose that mean about us, and our love / marriage ?” (Are they married in the Wood Elf cultural and societal norms? I know that when Byron was dead and Caneghem told her to stop playing the grieving widow. It seems to me that they are rather concerned that there may be something in this “other world” of Weo’s that might force them apart.
… and that’s when I fell in love with Frigg…
It took you this long? I am disappointed.
This pissed frigg off.. but then what doesn’t piss frigg off…
Pwning yer dudes doesn’t liss Frigg off. In fact it kinda makes her day.
Frigg is like, “I’m not going back out there with my tail between my legs, and telling the god squad I have’ta join ’em after all, dammit! … I’m not! …… Daaaaammiiiiiit!”
“Wait… Will I even get to say Dammit, without damning someone to Hell? Ffffuuuuu- Shi- … ARRGH!!! WILL I BE ABLE TO TALK AT ALL?!?!”