Chapter 45 – Page 13
New stuff on the store includes:

Volumes 1-3 are all up on the store now, and ready to add to your collection in one convenient combo pack for a whopping $15 off! Can’t beat that with a stick!
We’ve got a few left over from the FRIGGSTARTER, so why not! Now’s your chance to get yours on the cheap!
Another leftover from the FRIGGSTARTER add on collection, these Byron the Berserker posters are ready to make you rethink an entire trope forever!
More buttons than ever before! 100% more buttons, in fact! Featuring Auraugu, E-Merl, HR, Harky, Rachel, and Scipio! 1.25″ buttons for your wicked jest.
A new eBook you can pick up with all the others, this has a bonus 6-page story by the original Erica/Phil/T team for their original “Volume 0.5” 200-copy test run for C2E2 back in the day! Read it along with a collection of other bonus stories from the volumes and the site, pay what you want!
*(minimum $0.99, cuz I mean… c’mon. This is cool as shit.)
And there’s EVEN MORE THAN THAT. Click the above images, or go to to see all the new stuff that’s never been on sale online before! Supplies are limited, sale ends Monday night at 11:59! Seriously! That’s it!!! No more chances!!!!!! WE WARNED YOU!!!!@~@!~~!@
Back to Sepia World…
And Frigg, can’t you just beat something up for some Ralds… get some sleep, you’re appearing a little ragged… rabid… whatever.
Frigg might need to be informed on how it is very difficult to sell out the stock of ebooks.
Yeah, that was a sucker bet.
There’s only so many infinite unlimited electrons in a digital minute. Keep selling Frigg!
Why do you call it Sepia World?
“Sepia tone is a type of monochrome photographic image in which the picture appears in shades of brown as opposed to greyscale as in a black-and-white image. It was originally produced by adding a pigment made from the Sepia cuttlefish to the positive print of a photograph taken with any number of negative processes” – Google
This world is drawn in shades of brown, so many have come to call it Sepia World.
Well the term “real world” or something like it doesn’t really fit for it since, y’know: magic, supertubes, 1800s weightlifter hitmen plowing through the entire Toronto PD with two pistols, and evil game CEO-sorcerers becoming alter-dimensional gods with their stockholm syndrome secretaries tagging along.
It’s not real, not quite ‘fantasy’ really, and we’ve been given no official name to call it… so the moniker based on its color scheme sticks around.
PS: Personally before I heard others calling it Sepia World I called it Noir World
About time we hear from Shanna and company again. Hopefully this means that they’re one step closer to finally rescuing the Five.
Maybe this is just me, but I can’t help but feel like the Universe is forging them into a SepiaWorld version of the Five. Like, at this point there might be an archtype of the Five and just as the Five in the game world are trying to help free it, the Five in SepiaWorld are helping to free it as well. I wonder if there will be more instances of the Five as the worlds go on.
Though I can’t decide if Best is the Lancer or the Chick.
He’s definitely a lancer, a really awful one at that
“Some of us feel” Neat little poke at the fourth wall of fans who felt that those two police officers were given short thrift in the story.
Short shrift.
I went ahead and helped Frigg either earn the money or just get sleep.
Think I’m gonna need me some of those books. Hopefully I get back from D&D before 12 tonight.
I’ll buy something.
First I want to see how much more of her mind Frigg can lose.
Um…..that’s bad, right?
Anyone have a link to the last time we were in sepia world?
Chapter 43, Page 14
Or for the start of that scene, try this link:
Correct Last Scene is
actually was the last Sepia word but I think you were requesting Chap 3 page 14
Thank you! (And everyone else who posted helpful links :-) )
Someone should tell Frigg there are easier ways to make 50 Ralds. Some of them can be done in your sleep, even.
Was half hoping that Tectonicus mug would be in the shop.
The guy said the suspect mentioned employers and didn’t deny hurricane. That means he’s still alive. Can someone please explain to me how?
webcam recording.
Okay yeah that makes much more sense.
Did anyone else hear Frigg say all that in Tiny Tina’s voice? XD
Frig would be a great character for Ashley Burch to voice.
Though I think she’d be more a Chloe than a Tina…normally. Losing her mind like this would be a Tina moment.
Since you mentioned the shop…if I find a webcomic I like, I deactivate my adblockers for that page and that’s it. Sorry that doesn’t help much in your case.
… So are you saying you’ve disabled adblock because you like us or are you saying you haven’t because we suck?
Good, I’m glad they got that guy. It’s frustrating when a character is unexplainably and unbelievably powerful just because of plot armor.
Thinking back…
I’m guessing Shanna coming out and shooting Bertram was NOT part of the plan. Not really. It was an incredible risk for her. There’s no guarantee that JJ wouldn’t have gotten out in a less unscathed form than he did when Shanna confronted her. And there’s no guarantee Bertram wouldn’t have beaten her to the draw when she did.
Obviously, the most ideal scenario is that Bertram got shot and died without killing any of the cops. Next best- if more callous, I’m sorry- would be officers getting hurt or killed but JJ not getting out either. Shanna therefore came out and shot him herself because he was getting away.
Nevertheless, glad at least for this win for the good guys. But how is this going to affect Hurricane at this point? If the police barely* have a lead then it’s gonna be some time before they get to Carol, HR and our five literally immersed players.
* Barely in that they’re gonna have to start doing some detective work first and secure warrants.
How quickly can it happen? And what happens when they get in Hurricane? Shut down the company? Shut down the servers? What’re they going to do to the folks- good and bad- comatose in tubes?
It most likely wasn’t part of the plan that she and the players agreed on. But, I have a feeling that Shanna wanted to be absolutely certain that another of the group wouldn’t get killed because of her. She feels responsible for Faye’s death and Xan’s injury, since she basically lead JJ straight to them.
She also realized that she had most likely just had a part in getting two officers killed, and was incredibly pissed at JJ for adding two more deaths to her conscience.
Who could say no to that face? I mean, “OH GOD GOD PLEASE NOOOOO!!!”, sure, but just “no”?
Speculation: Who’s got JJ’s phone? If the cops got it, and Carol calls to check on JJ, and the number she’s calling from can be tied to Hurricane, that… might just be enough for a search warrant.
carol’s no dummy. She prob gotsa burner. Surelooks like a regular phone in the pix. Must be time for the Axemas speshul!!!!!!
All these adverts are a bit late for me in any case. Not that I’m in the habit of buying anything I see advertised.