So what are the odds the men being held by the stone hands are uhh… no longer alive? I mean statistically at least a few of them suffered enough crushing damage to go below 0 hp, and I don’t think they have enough medics to heal all of them within 3 death saving throws. Those poor buggers.
This isn’t a pacifist run, they’re just trying to maximize the people surrendering peacefully because they’re trying to WIN OVER the common folk of Gastonia, not exterminate them. But Penk and Byron made it clear that when it came time to actually fight, they would fight for real.
Therefore that wall behind the stone hands is quite great, I think. Takes a line of soldiers out of the fight without killing them and hinders the ones behind.
Phil, just a heads up: I’m getting an annoying video ad here since yesterday. It keeps cycling between Nestlé and Hitachi, and even though it’s muted by default, I get a half-second of audio at full volume when it switches between the two.
Stop all engines. Repel boarders.
sir we’ve lost targeting, we’ve lost the shields and we just lost the helm. What do we do?
We die.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who quotes that movie.
Going full Avatar in this page, huh?
I’m actually surprised any gnomes would be fighting for Iwatania.
The gnomes don’t look too disappointed in surrendering. I’d wager that those gnomes already in the armed forces were ‘discouraged’ from resigning.
And any new gnome members might have been “encouraged” to join
Wait, since when do the humans have guns? Have we seen them before?
So what are the odds the men being held by the stone hands are uhh… no longer alive? I mean statistically at least a few of them suffered enough crushing damage to go below 0 hp, and I don’t think they have enough medics to heal all of them within 3 death saving throws. Those poor buggers.
Eh, they’re mobs. They’ll respawn in about three minutes.
This isn’t a pacifist run, they’re just trying to maximize the people surrendering peacefully because they’re trying to WIN OVER the common folk of Gastonia, not exterminate them. But Penk and Byron made it clear that when it came time to actually fight, they would fight for real.
Maximizing surrenders also minimizes your own casualties. which is important in a campaign where multiple battles are to be fought
Therefore that wall behind the stone hands is quite great, I think. Takes a line of soldiers out of the fight without killing them and hinders the ones behind.
Some serious bird strike here.
wow. that guy shooting 4 avians in 1 go is awesome.
They need to recruit him.
They have machineguns?!
No, not machine guns. More likely some kind of breech-loading repeater like a Spencer or Martini-Henry.
While the Spencer was, it doesn’t look like the Martini-Henry was a repeater.
Nope, no repeat; after one Martini Henry, one was usually too wasted to attempt another.
I feel like the only gnome who’s face we see is a character we’ve seen before, yet he’s not tagged and I can’t remember.
Looks a bit like Reynolds, but he’s got white hair and should be in the capital at the moment.
Lol! Is one of the guards literally getting spanked by the Fr’Nj’s monster vines?
I’m disturbed by the sudden realization that Fr’Nj might be into tentacle porn. O_O
I mean, I’m not gonna kinkshame, but re-enacting it without consent is a different thing. That’s not how you treat PoWs, Fr’Nj!
This is looking too easy to be true.
Phil, just a heads up: I’m getting an annoying video ad here since yesterday. It keeps cycling between Nestlé and Hitachi, and even though it’s muted by default, I get a half-second of audio at full volume when it switches between the two.
I’ve decided to read that bird’s lines in BRIAN BLESSED’s voice. I hope they go on to order their companions to “DIIIIVE!”