Annotated 43-12
So my original version of this scene left off with Lia’s “It could get you in serious trouble one day” and picked up after JJ had met the cops in a shootout: this page was all Flo’s addition. I was good with restrained storytelling and Flo was good with rage, so I can tell why both of us went the way we did, but I think it’s a good addition. We needed the catharsis of this “mask torn off moment,” and it’s not enough for JJ to survive against the police: he needs to show a little fire for the net few pages to land as they should.
Panel 3: [foreshadowing]
Most of the FBs were by me, but this one was clearly by Flo:
“What if he were a Pokemon? I’m thinking Jellicent. Or maybe Landorus?”
“…Seems like more of an Abomasnow to me.”
“All I ever wanted to was to talk this through”.
Well, buddy, perhaps you shouldn’t have started by attacking Xan to get to Flo (a knife through the hand isn’t exactly “Just talking”), killing their friend and making threats, and finally stalking them to do a breaking and entering in Chrissie’s house with a gun in hand…
That could send the wrong message…
I think you mean Shanna?
If JJ could get to Flo I would be truly terrified of his abilities.
Hired killers have a unique phycology to justify their action. Notice how JJ treats everything as a business transaction? He even framed stabbing Can in the hand as Xan’s own fault for not cooperating. JJ sure as wanted to do more than ‘talk’ but he always frames it as the other parties who are being unreasonable. Yeah, that makes him a asshole but we’ll meaning people don’t typically become hired killers.
It’s just the old abuser’s mantra writ large: “Look what you made me do to you.”
Or the protection/extortion racket: “If you do what I want, I’ll protect you (from myself). Your choice.”
Gee, I wonder if there’s some some high-profile real-life example of that, happening in the last few weeks…
Erica Henderson’s old website has been usurped by a dating/hook-up thing.
Perhaps that’s not a link you want to advertise on your front page.
Another thing showing how far he is out of his comfort zone and forgetting his professional manners: Getting into a shouting match with some people online, while the police is in the building and able to hear him.