Annotated 44-27
The “second Arkerra” theory is something Flo hashed out on the phone with me while I was at an airport. I’m not entirely sure the story needs it. The idea of seeming causes not actually being causes works fine for me without it (e.g., you play the game and make choices, but your choices are actually just what the adventurer you’re playing would have made on their own; you’re a developer of the game and come up with a story, but that story’s just a reflection of what’s actually happening on the real Arkerra).
But I wasn’t gonna argue as long as the explanation didn’t conflict with anything that had happened or that we wanted to happen.
FB: Weo cautions that HR Dedalus might not accept the results of natural selection.
There has to be a pretty interesting comment thread in the original posting on this page
I don’t know. I thought everyone pretty much agreed on all metaphysical and existential subjects. Why would there need to be a discussion?
I’m with Flo on this one, TBH
I always understood it working this way: Hurricane devs or HR change something in Arkerra, and Arkerra complies.
Hurricane people plan some large event, they script the main parts, and all the little bits and pieces just align to make it happen. Until, of course, the Five enter and some things start aligning to their ideas, not HR’s or the developers’.
I had honestly forgotten about the second world mentioned here. I suppose that would be the backstory to how Arkerra came to be in HR’s hands in the first place.
The bit I still don’t quite get: “Arkerra has met the perfect conditions for his plan” — really? I thought the existence of the Five and their attachment to Arkerra would be a major flaw in those conditions, and that HR would think the same.
The bit with the “realm of power” that would give him control of every world … that’s also hard to place. So far, I thought it was mostly about him wanting to be a god (well, *the* god emperor thingie, I suppose) in Arkerra, and that would have made for a sufficient motive, but suddenly it’s all the other universes too? But waitaminute — if he was able to shape Arkerra, what’s keeping him from doing that to any other universe? I’m happy with leaving things fairly vague, or explaining his motives/plans in greater detail, but this is some detail that I find hard to put into context. Nothing seems to relate to it, and it seems to explain nothing (that I remember…) so, really I feel like it either needs some extra explanation