Annotated 47-32
Fantastic sequentials here, with the circle of the ring transitioning to the suns and moons of passing time. John knocked this one out of the park.
I’ve said that Flo tended to rely on me for songs and poems that involved rhyming, but this one was all her. I think it’s a solid payoff to Best’s “Freddie Mercury phase” that he (along with drummer-warchief Penk) can provide the war’s revolutionary anthem. Feels like something of Freddie’s spirit got into the lyrics, and that’s something Flo’s closer to than I am.
FB: Like the new society they’re hoping to build after the last shot’s fired, the ring Byron gives Syr’Nj here is 100% cruelty-free.
Spent *way* too long trying to pick out Syr’nj and Byron from the war posse to figure out where they appear on this page.
This time most of the alt-text made it; I think “Horde” and “pro-Horde” are meaningfully different though. :-p
Well, I won’t quibble. Adjusted.
o_O O_o