Annotated 48-26
Frigg effectively wins the fight by throwing the fight here. If Ardaic were focused only on victory like Jarvis, or on flexing his “power” like Taro, he could follow directly behind Frigg and strike at her as soon as she batted away the WMD. He’d have a very good chance of killing her then: as we’ll see, the effort of deflecting this missile will leave her briefly flattened and panting. Or if he were really in win-at-all-costs mode, he could attack her a split second before she deflected the missile, which would most likely kill them both.
And there’s one more option he doesn’t take: he could run after her to help her. As it is, he chooses option (d), hang back and watch what happens. He himself will clarify the reasons he makes this choice in a few more pages.
FB: Taking a break from battery to be a batter.
In which Frigg is minus.
Naw, Minus caused the meteorite herself, creating widespread panic just to entertain herself.
Rather, Frigg is Naota.
I belatedly realized: Frigg doesn’t actually know who’s in that armor. In fact, the last time the Centurion was anywhere in her vicinity, he definitely was NOT Ardaic.
So Frigg just thinks she’s facing some random (if uber-powered) Taro fanboy, possibly just as sociopathic as his king under all the “civilization” slogans, and she’s not relying on any nobility she’s observed in Ardaic for this guy to stay his hand.
I’m pretty sure Frigg is quite familiar with how Ardaic sounds when he’s lecturing her, so she’ll have caught on to who it is by this point in their debate
I’m sure Frigg’s power requieres absolute self-assurance (I would venture to say her power looks like weaponized self-assurance to me) but I also think there’s a point where confidence ends and hubris begins. Are we witnessing such a point here? Is believing you can singlehandedly stop a weapon capable of wiping out two armies enough to actually stop it? And is Frigg actually certain she can stop the incoming blast, or is she just running on bravado and hot air, as usual?
I believe she’s thinking she’s the only one left who can even try. And if she doesn’t, everyone will freakin’ die. So, in short, she’s just trying to do good, even if it is risky. It gets burried under her hotheaddedness and bravado often, but she is one of the heroes of this story, and for good reason aside from her power.
Gamechanging moment. Frigg displays humanity, empathy and a willingness to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Ardaic’s last justification is wiped out