The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
Kadi Fedoruk
Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Beka Duke
Desperate for companionship, Frankenstein's Monster pretends to be the Opera Ghost. A grave mistake.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
2 Slices
RJ Morel
After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
I suppose. At first I thought that it was odd that they wouldn’t ask him to go on this quest, but then I remembered what he told Syr’Nj last time. But it’s still odd to me that we haven’t seen him around Bial Vezk, or that the others haven’t asked onscreen where he is.
Dead? No, this “game” does not work like that. ‘Players’ seem to be able to influence their PCs to a certain degree, but otherwise the characters seem to act automomously…congratulations, Scipio, you are now a NPC.
Last panel, with or without the bystanders, but without the speech bubbles.
That would make a kick-ass of a hard metal cover. Or a nice desktop wallpaper.
Do it for the Patreons!
(“We have lots of plans to turn subscribing to our Patreon into a rewarding experience for you, our dear readers, and they’ll be developed as we go based on your feedback and requests.”)
I’m sitting on a big ol’ moose
Got a canteen all filled up with juice, hm-mmm
Sitting, but I don’t want to stand
Not really sure what we’ve got planned
If I had more than this key-tar in hand
I might just be a one-man band
Winter Elves bound
I wish we were Winter Elves bound
Winter Elves, to unite the nation
Winter Elves, protect from devastation
Winter Elves, don’t mind that line was straight from Team Rocket…
Wait, what? So now Frigg and Syrin’j are hip to our fan discussions of “Wav is Best”? Would it make sense for Arkerra characters to suspect lost comrades to come back as a different character? Wav’s personality is *very* different from Best. Does this mean the test tube people’s minds have remained intact enough to realize at some level that they’re gamers who may assume a different identity?
They’ve suspected it ever since they saw his face, because he has Best’s facial features. And also they never saw Best die, they just saw him fall into a magical vortex and later WAV arrived tracking an otherworldly monster. So it’s not a huge leap for them to believe that this guy who looks like Best may be an amnesiac best who spent time hunting monsters in another dimension.
1. Best is sucked into vortex.
2. Best arrives in Cyberia.
3. Best dies, because Cyberia doesn’t have things like breathable air and stuff.
4. Best’s “player” is given “control” over another “character”, namely WAV.
5. WAV chases a corruptor beast into Arkerra.
6. WAV takes off his helmet, because Arkerra has things like breathable air and stuff.
7. Everyone freaks out.
And the change in personality is simply because WAV is a new character. It remains to be seen how much of Best’s personality was part of the character and how much was his player’s personality shining through.
Does that moose in the bottom panel have fangs? The herbivorous versions of those things are nasty, violent and destructive, and I don’t really want to imagine facing a carnivorous variant.
I’d say more tusks than fangs. Some sort of dire moose I imagine. And yes, there are plenty of herbivores that are all types of nasty and scary, so don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t need to worry about them just because they don’t want to eat you.
Maybe. Just doing some spot checking with Google finds instances of sites that claim they do eat meat. But there just as many sites claiming that they are herbivores. And at least one site that claims hippos eating meat is extremely rare and considered a disorder.
That strikes me more as a saber-tooth moose variant than a dire-moose. Dire usually has significantly increased size and those aren’t terribly far off the size of a regular moose. Maybe they’re dire elk instead of moose though.
Having been in a truck that a bull moose thought was threatening it during mating season, yeah. Just yeah. The moose flipped the truck and wandered off because I guess he thought he killed it.
As far as storytelling goes, I can’t imagine that Wav being best is a coincidence, but I also really don’t understand what his character is doing here. I’m glad the other characters are starting to talk about it a little bit, because I’ve been really curious as to what it means to the grand story that Best is back as Wav with no memory of being Best. Will he get Besty again or is he just gonna be Wav until the end of the story? I get that his familiarity with wire-frame dimensions is probably going to play big into taking down HR’s schemes, and maybe they just made Best memorable and unlikable enough that we wouldn’t care if he stays Wavy? Maybe that’s just so he can fulfill his destiny of being a hero, just as Wav and not Best?
I think I say this every time I comment with these tl;dr plot musings, but kudos to the writers again. You guys made a hell of a story. I’ve been reading for years and I’m always excited to see how things play out still.
WAV the singing moose wrangler!
Anybody remember the guest comic mentioning “moose artillery”?
So, there’s Fr’nj. Again I wonder: Where the heck is Scipio?
Wherever PC’s go when their players die, rather than just log off?
Judging from Fr’Nj’s comment he’s back in their tent, smoking a cigar in the afterglow.
“Yeah, thanks, but I don’t need to know all the gooey details”
“No, no, he was very specific about that part.”
I suppose. At first I thought that it was odd that they wouldn’t ask him to go on this quest, but then I remembered what he told Syr’Nj last time. But it’s still odd to me that we haven’t seen him around Bial Vezk, or that the others haven’t asked onscreen where he is.
Dead? No, this “game” does not work like that. ‘Players’ seem to be able to influence their PCs to a certain degree, but otherwise the characters seem to act automomously…congratulations, Scipio, you are now a NPC.
autoNomously…this ugly small keyboard be damned.
Last panel, with or without the bystanders, but without the speech bubbles.
That would make a kick-ass of a hard metal cover. Or a nice desktop wallpaper.
Do it for the Patreons!
(“We have lots of plans to turn subscribing to our Patreon into a rewarding experience for you, our dear readers, and they’ll be developed as we go based on your feedback and requests.”)
I’m sitting on a big ol’ moose
Got a canteen all filled up with juice, hm-mmm
Sitting, but I don’t want to stand
Not really sure what we’ve got planned
If I had more than this key-tar in hand
I might just be a one-man band
Winter Elves bound
I wish we were Winter Elves bound
Winter Elves, to unite the nation
Winter Elves, protect from devastation
Winter Elves, don’t mind that line was straight from Team Rocket…
Wait, what? So now Frigg and Syrin’j are hip to our fan discussions of “Wav is Best”? Would it make sense for Arkerra characters to suspect lost comrades to come back as a different character? Wav’s personality is *very* different from Best. Does this mean the test tube people’s minds have remained intact enough to realize at some level that they’re gamers who may assume a different identity?
They’ve suspected it ever since they saw his face, because he has Best’s facial features. And also they never saw Best die, they just saw him fall into a magical vortex and later WAV arrived tracking an otherworldly monster. So it’s not a huge leap for them to believe that this guy who looks like Best may be an amnesiac best who spent time hunting monsters in another dimension.
Assuming Best is played by a human being, that would also have implications for whatever HR is cooking up.
Well, Best was one of the Tubers.
Couch potatoes weren’t good enough for HR. He wanted to grow his tubers in jars of fluid.
This has been discussed before by the characters? I must have missed a part of the story, then.
Chapter 38, page 5 is the first time he’s named, Chapter 37, page 25 is where Syr notices he looks like Best, and kind of freaks out about it.
Frigg also notices and freaks out (much more, um, violently) when WAV is first unmasked in “Breaking Bread” page 14.
Id think the change in his personality was caused by the traumatic vision he received in the basin.
I think it’s like this:
1. Best is sucked into vortex.
2. Best arrives in Cyberia.
3. Best dies, because Cyberia doesn’t have things like breathable air and stuff.
4. Best’s “player” is given “control” over another “character”, namely WAV.
5. WAV chases a corruptor beast into Arkerra.
6. WAV takes off his helmet, because Arkerra has things like breathable air and stuff.
7. Everyone freaks out.
And the change in personality is simply because WAV is a new character. It remains to be seen how much of Best’s personality was part of the character and how much was his player’s personality shining through.
Assuming I’m even halfway right. ^.^
WAV is the living manifestation of the “Best’s Alt” meme… also Best’s Alt.
Making Moosic.
Considering the practical benefits, it behooves him to do so.
Certainly not the Stallion that will Mount the World….
But, I could see WAV playing keytar for the Wyld Stallyns.
Does that moose in the bottom panel have fangs? The herbivorous versions of those things are nasty, violent and destructive, and I don’t really want to imagine facing a carnivorous variant.
I’d say more tusks than fangs. Some sort of dire moose I imagine. And yes, there are plenty of herbivores that are all types of nasty and scary, so don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t need to worry about them just because they don’t want to eat you.
Yeah, I’ve heard that for example hippos can be far more dangerous then crocodiles.
Hippos are omnivores, not herbivores.
Maybe. Just doing some spot checking with Google finds instances of sites that claim they do eat meat. But there just as many sites claiming that they are herbivores. And at least one site that claims hippos eating meat is extremely rare and considered a disorder.
That strikes me more as a saber-tooth moose variant than a dire-moose. Dire usually has significantly increased size and those aren’t terribly far off the size of a regular moose. Maybe they’re dire elk instead of moose though.
Having been in a truck that a bull moose thought was threatening it during mating season, yeah. Just yeah. The moose flipped the truck and wandered off because I guess he thought he killed it.
We’re missing the “A Dire Moose” tag.
True. I think we are in dire need of that tag. ;-)
“This is my moose, my moose is amazing…”
Oh gods, Foo-foo-cuddlypoops grew up.
*sleepy* what, man…what is it?
*Best* Comment, *Wav* Approved. Tenacious D forever.
Moose? Where? Those are clearly Arkerran Fuzzy Elk.
Frigg has been yearning for a while now to ride a horny male.
I don’t think this is what she had in mind.
As far as storytelling goes, I can’t imagine that Wav being best is a coincidence, but I also really don’t understand what his character is doing here. I’m glad the other characters are starting to talk about it a little bit, because I’ve been really curious as to what it means to the grand story that Best is back as Wav with no memory of being Best. Will he get Besty again or is he just gonna be Wav until the end of the story? I get that his familiarity with wire-frame dimensions is probably going to play big into taking down HR’s schemes, and maybe they just made Best memorable and unlikable enough that we wouldn’t care if he stays Wavy? Maybe that’s just so he can fulfill his destiny of being a hero, just as Wav and not Best?
I think I say this every time I comment with these tl;dr plot musings, but kudos to the writers again. You guys made a hell of a story. I’ve been reading for years and I’m always excited to see how things play out still.
Oh gravatar, you card you.