Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
The Otherknown
Lorian Merriman
Chandra is a 12-year-old accidental time traveler with a reluctant new dad, who happens to be a member of a feared galactic crime syndicate.
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
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Matt Boyd
The legendary early-aughts webcomic that inspired a wave of webcomic creators.
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Tamaura, wrested into a world 300 years in the future, must find a way to save the magic fading from her country.
Cyanide & Happiness
Satire, dark humor and surreal humor.
Slightly Damned
Rhea Snaketail returns from the dead, befriending a Demon who falls in love with an Angel. The afterlife ain't what it used to be!
Isa, Meg
There's ghosts at your heels and fairy tale worlds ahead. What do you do? Jump down the rabbit hole!
2 Slices
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After a case of mistaken identity, will awkward Daisuke find help from excitable Mamo, or will his love life be thrown completely off track?
Paint the Town Red
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Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Beka Duke
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TJ Cordes
This comic is about a robot powered by bees, but it's also about the kind of people who think filling a robot with bees is a good idea, and why they're wrong.
It doesn’t seem that Jesus isn’t as fluffy or that different from interactions between God and the Israelites in the Old Testament/Torah. At least, as far as I can tell from His words.
In a comic note, did I miss the guess work yesterday or something? Seems like a golem or puppet (someone mentioned down the way) to me.
“I backstab the avatar.”
“You backstab the avatar.”
“I backstab the avatar.”
“Roll to sneak up.”
“Hold on, let me roll to see if he notices.”
:GM clatter:
“Well, isn’t that inte…”
“Does he get a penalty to perception for having an arrow in his eye?”
“…OK. You have backstabbed the avatar.”
Give ol’ Wendy here the prize! If you can’t kill it, rip it’s arms and legs off. Of course, he’d probably just gnaw on your ankles like the Black Knight.
Byron’s planning to make him a lot friendlier by starting a small fire, throwing some week on it, and fanning the smoke toward the priestlord. Then he’s gonna offer to cook him a chicken.
Well, originally I had thought it was the bad guy saying “I would”, which made me think “Is…is he hitting on her?”, but now having realized it was Bandit…the same thought process still applies
yeah. I didn’t catch bandit on the first read through either. I suppose that’s why it’s stealth though. I thought he’d suddenly become gentlemenly for no reason.
Also, someone needs to hook frigg up with some equipment. If I recall bandit has the armor, but there is absolutely no just cause for syrnj to not have provided frigg with some potion loving. Unless she’s unconscious from the elbow earlier. If she is that would also explain why she hasn’t done science to it yet. As well as the lack of lines on her part. Shit, we don’t have a healer in this boss battle do we?
Now. I waited for long, hoping you’ll realize, that Byron the berserker isn’t really the fighter of the team. Everyone believe him to be, but no. Yes, he is a male person swinging double axes… But hell, he is the Party Leader. He is a kind of spiritual guide. The party consists of a few individuals, each their own training, but only a few of them possess the great combination of Wis Cha Int, like Byron. Syr’nj is intelligent, with moderate charms, but not wise enough to be a leader. Gravedust maybe a wise man, well taught in the ways of life, but he lack the necessary charisma. Frigg… well. You know. And lastly Bandit is no leader since she is not trusted, and siritually unfit for such a role. This is what Byron is. The glue of the party. He thinks fast, speak well, and know, when to speak. I created once a character in dnd once, and the rest of the party appreciated it. Bad thing, the rest of the party were roleplaying just the same type of characters. Grr… A warrior is still a warrior, even if it spent his points not in the way typical warriors do. Do not hate Byron, it is the way he is. He is my favourite char of the comic. Head to head with Syr’nj.
Forget Byron the Berzeker.
I dig Byron the leader.
you, my friend, win.
Bandit BanditBanditBanditBanditBanditBanditBanditBandit
Gravedust! Gravedust!
how could you miss? your usually such a great marksman.
If Christianity had a god like this I bet they’d be more popular.
Christianity did have a God like this. The Flood? Sodom and Gomorrah? Plagues of Egypt? Walls of Jericho? Any of this ringing a bell?
And then he decided to not be a vengeful God anymore and more the loving God of modern days as brought to us by Jesus.
Well. Until the endtimes.
Most people soften up a bit after having a kid.
It doesn’t seem that Jesus isn’t as fluffy or that different from interactions between God and the Israelites in the Old Testament/Torah. At least, as far as I can tell from His words.
In a comic note, did I miss the guess work yesterday or something? Seems like a golem or puppet (someone mentioned down the way) to me.
“I backstab the avatar.”
“You backstab the avatar.”
“I backstab the avatar.”
“Roll to sneak up.”
“Hold on, let me roll to see if he notices.”
:GM clatter:
“Well, isn’t that inte…”
“Does he get a penalty to perception for having an arrow in his eye?”
“…OK. You have backstabbed the avatar.”
Sneaky bandit is sneaky.
Nah, Gigundus just has pigtails
Wow, I totally managed to miss that. Thanks.
This could be interesting… maybe a David vs. Goliath sort of win, here?
They defeat him. Byron takes the shoulder-pads as a trophy. The end. ;D
Yes, but it’s the HOW that’s interesting.
Tiny ninja time.
Mininja, perhaps? Maybe make it into a prestige class?
“If it bleeds, we can kill it.”
“…it’s not bleeding.”
“…new plan.”
Byron calls for joints and Frigg lights up the fattest blunt ever seen.
*slow clap*
I erupted into laughter so loud that my roommates came to find out what the hell was going on. Well done, id4.
girl’s got priorities.
on a related note, search up Shel Silverstein’s ‘The Smoke-Off’
I honestly considered that maybe that was what was actually happening there. Why else is he shouting ‘joints’? Someone please explain…
Oh, wait. In answer to ‘how to stop someone who doesn’t bleed” it’s ‘immobilize.” That’s why he’s shouting joints?
Give ol’ Wendy here the prize! If you can’t kill it, rip it’s arms and legs off. Of course, he’d probably just gnaw on your ankles like the Black Knight.
Wouldn’t even be a flesh wound, seeing as how he has no flesh.
Byron’s planning to make him a lot friendlier by starting a small fire, throwing some week on it, and fanning the smoke toward the priestlord. Then he’s gonna offer to cook him a chicken.
it’s a puppet
Seems everyone’s berserking except Byron. :P
i don’t know why everyone’s STILL hating on byron. he’s kinda tanking this guy.
seems a bit rough having everyone team up on poor ol ‘G’, even if he is some unkillable super-priest.
I’m not hating on him.
Bandit, stealer of hats and helms.
I’m kind of disappointed that no-one else has commented on the lesbian subtext between Frigg and Bandit there.
Or maybe it’s just me. >.>
Well, originally I had thought it was the bad guy saying “I would”, which made me think “Is…is he hitting on her?”, but now having realized it was Bandit…the same thought process still applies
I want a Tyrannical Threat of the Day calendar!!
Also: what lesbian subtext? Some people see homosexual innuendo *everywhere.*
Last but not least: Why hasn’t someone given Frigg her frigg-ing MACE yet? Why does she have to threaten Gigundusaur with a torch?
That’s because homosexual innuendo IS everywhere. Duh.
What are you insinuating?
I insinuate sarcasm, and a mocking of both homophobes and people that want to see homosexual innuendo everywhere at the same time.
Mummies burn. Quite well, in fact.
As do puppets.
Innuendo: [inn yoo en’ doh] n. an Italian suppository
In other news: Frigg hasn’t been given her mace yet because, iirc, it is still in residence in the (assumed) incapacitated Stickface bag…
In the fourth panel i thought of the movie dodgeball and chuckled.
White Goodman: “Get off of me, don’t you touch me! It is over between us, Kate. Nobody makes me bleed my own blood – nobody!”
fourth panelfifth panelBandit’s gunna remove that helmet and there’ll be something like a midget puppeting it just you wait. :P
Inside another, smaller helmet!
For a moment i thought it’s the priestlord saying “I would!” in the last panel… Pretty stealthy, that bandit.
yeah. I didn’t catch bandit on the first read through either. I suppose that’s why it’s stealth though. I thought he’d suddenly become gentlemenly for no reason.
Also, someone needs to hook frigg up with some equipment. If I recall bandit has the armor, but there is absolutely no just cause for syrnj to not have provided frigg with some potion loving. Unless she’s unconscious from the elbow earlier. If she is that would also explain why she hasn’t done science to it yet. As well as the lack of lines on her part. Shit, we don’t have a healer in this boss battle do we?
Now. I waited for long, hoping you’ll realize, that Byron the berserker isn’t really the fighter of the team. Everyone believe him to be, but no. Yes, he is a male person swinging double axes… But hell, he is the Party Leader. He is a kind of spiritual guide. The party consists of a few individuals, each their own training, but only a few of them possess the great combination of Wis Cha Int, like Byron. Syr’nj is intelligent, with moderate charms, but not wise enough to be a leader. Gravedust maybe a wise man, well taught in the ways of life, but he lack the necessary charisma. Frigg… well. You know. And lastly Bandit is no leader since she is not trusted, and siritually unfit for such a role. This is what Byron is. The glue of the party. He thinks fast, speak well, and know, when to speak. I created once a character in dnd once, and the rest of the party appreciated it. Bad thing, the rest of the party were roleplaying just the same type of characters. Grr… A warrior is still a warrior, even if it spent his points not in the way typical warriors do. Do not hate Byron, it is the way he is. He is my favourite char of the comic. Head to head with Syr’nj.
Wis, Cha and Int…Oh god, he’s a paladin in hiding! =O
Except that paladins don’t roll into Int usualy, but that’s a whole other subject.
I’m reminded of a certain fight in Labyrinth.
Nope, not ringing any bells. You do mean the movie with Jon Bowie and Jeniffer Connelly?
Yeah. There was a giant mechanical armorhulk at/from/of the gates.
Er, if that was David Bowie and Jennifer you meant.
I’m calling Clockwork Gigundus.
Forget how the anime ended, this is the real Alphonse Elric.
Little kid voice and everything.
“Master-Blaster run Bartertown.” “A hero has arisen in our ranks” … around 1.37