Annotated 9-16
The color-coding of articles of clothing probably needs little explanation here, but one of the things about developing comics that doesn’t always get a lot of attention is that your characters’ visual aspects should generally be uniform or as visually distinct as possible, and that extends to coloring. Every so often a character’s “key color” would play a role in the story and it was helpful to know those were identifiable (for the most part. Frigg’s red hair does compete with her armor’s gunmetal gray for attention).
(Major character names should also begin with different letters to make them easier to remember, but I’ve been hit and miss at following that one.)
I’m kinda fond of the exchange at the bottom, which Phil and I developed with a couple back-and-forths. I think we managed to hit the dynamic that Joel used most frequently in Hijinks, where he’s clearly one with this trio of nerds yet also just a bit done with this trio of nerds. Though every once in a while he’d make someone else the straight man for a change.
As a heads up, the picture link up there seems to direct me to instead of the proper website, ergo it doesn’t properly function.
Thank u, fixed!
I feel being both one with your friend group and done with them at the same time on a spiritual level.
I think I’m enjoying your explanations and insight more than the original comic run itself. It’s always great to have an expert share the work and effort that went into their product.
I interpreted “Best” at the time as a minor celebrity, but I see now that this is not necessarily the case. He’s probably still in the early stages of putting himself out there. (He hasn’t even decisively decided on a stage name.)
It’s interesting that Frigg ends up developing yet another key color identifier, the yellow of her force power. And it seems like this ends up competing a bit with Best’s own yellow aura.
Was Frigg’s force power a later stage idea (not part of the original plan for her)?
It wasn’t part of the original plan, no. Phil was pitching it when we were writing chapter 7 or 8, I believe.
What cat videos mean politically? Sheesh, they want to ruin everything don’t they…
At least they haven’t come for puppy videos, yet.