Chapter 17 – Cover
It’s the start of a new chapter, and you know what that means:
And once again, the random comment avatars are a-shuffled. What did you get this time?
It’s the start of a new chapter, and you know what that means:
And once again, the random comment avatars are a-shuffled. What did you get this time?
Hoping for a gnoll
Instead you got the BIGGEST Troll.
How droll!
I suppose that’s just how I roll.
This wordplay is really starting to take it’s toll.
it makes me want to hide in a hole.
So keep digging until you end up in Seoul.
I’m surprised no-one’s metioned the tree’s bole.
Wonder who will be the one to take the main role!
That’s enough of this fol-de-rol.
If you guys don’t stop, heads will roll.
Hey i can square with that.
Looks like the elves are taking a grass-roots approach to their staff development.
It’s important for all the branches to grow together.
So is synergy the green glowy stuff? I’ve always wondered what it looked like.
Going forward, the proactiveness is the green blobs, and the synergy is the green glow. The staff, ironically, is in the Cloud.
In the fullness of time, after a carfeul review, the elves will, I’m sure, come to appreciate their staff restructuring and relocation. They will then realise it was silly not to give the green light to the Tectonicus project. After all, we are making advancements daily, and it wood not do stand in the way of progress. Just as we were worried initially about coming down from the trees but learned to enjoy our new-found status, so, I’m sure will the elves learn to enjoy the rising tide of lava-tec.
I think you are, perhaps, overestimating their frondness for these developments #reallypostingtochecknewavatar
Don’t tell me I’ve misunderestimated the welves?
The green glowy stuff is radiation, probably Radium. They did Science to it!
They’re trying to turn over a new leaf as far as relations with the other kingdoms go.
New legendary weapon, anyone?
Nothing could possibly go wrong this chapter.
Is that Graiya? ‘Cause those don’t really look like grapes to me.
You’ve never heard of Great Graiya’s Green Glowing Grapes?
Chia Pets have come a long way.
Panel One Frigg should totes be in the avatar roundup.
Evil Iwatani.
…I’m okay with this.
Aw man! My avatar is the same as last time!
It was destined to be.
For some reason I wasn’t expecting a chapter change, but in retrospect…
Worst [insert quasi-religious winter holiday here] ever.
Pork-rind Wednesday?
Let me see who I got this time…
And I got…
And I for my part…..
Figures – the wood elves worship broccoli!
Heeeeeey, this doesn’t look like the Bloodlight Orb! I knew I should’ve taken the dungeon crawl at Albuquerque….
I got…
Looking forward to this chapter.
I hope mine’s the tree in the picture
Chapter 17!!! YAY
Wow. Scary Byron.
Now we know why Syr’nj was looking like that in the post-sex picture.
Her rod is bigger than Byron’s.
Insert pun here.
Yes…this will be…sufficient.
Look at him, like a rabbit in the headlights.
Except that bunny will fuck your car’s shit up.
I had this avatar last time. You have my blessing.
As for my new one – great, now I’m compelled to be awkwardly smooth and gregarious. Maybe even slightly punnous, as long as I keep my (awkward) cool while delivering it.
Yeah I think my signature or whatever, doohickey, doesn’t grab avatars from GA. It makes me faintly sad, yet my technical knowledge is inadequate to the challenge *wry grin*
Wood Elves:
…basically, we’re plant-based hippies.
There are other types of hippies?
Also, excellent avatar match there.
Sure, there are animal-based hippies and mineral-based hippies too, but the former mostly just wear poorly-made costumes and the latter are usually stoned.
(so stealthy)
I see you wear your sunglasses at night…
hit it.
Elven parties have the craziest party lights.
Randomly shuffled?
Oh right mine was drawn by my nephew…
yeh avatar test
booooooooo.i got the secretary -.-
oh well.waiting for the next avatar-reshuffle.
At least you can post what you want… look at me; I’ll have to be all blasé and snarky…
And I can make dramatic statements.
Any statement will be dramatic.
…I wonder what face my laptop will give me.
That depends, doesn’t it… on which Email you enter into the field.
It’s not IP-based, I think.
Nah, several people have mentioned that, unless it’s a ‘gravatar’, it changes with different computers they use.
Yeah, check this.
Everything I post is now extra EEEEEEEVIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLL
I do love to watch the avatar shuffles… Looks like we’re going to get a better look into the Elves. Awesome sauce.
Saw some ores
Sausage pause.
No more evil baby for me?
Byron, I am with Shrub.
Yay, new chapter time! Now to see how this sets the mood for our replies. :P
Take two…
Oh cool. Someone else does it, so now I don’t feel as bad doing it.
Take two!
Hmm, I don’t really use more than the two. At least I can deliver more of a pompously sick burn with my second one. Or perhaps appreciate a good burn, even.
…in bed! Ahah…
Take three…
New chapter?
I got a woody!
Yay, new chapter and new avatars!
Ohhh, I got special ops Syr’nj!
This is cool, I feel all cheated now. Maybe I should have someone mirror my avatar for me so I can be like all the trendy kids…
Testing. Excited for elf-times.
Oh shinies!
Glowy staff … nooo … nothing bad ever came from one of those. Uh-hu.
New avatar……
Try something diff…
Ohh this the email I signed up with!!!! YES!