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The Otherknown
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Paint the Town Red
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2 Slices
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Countdown to Countdown
Iris Black is a self-proclaimed inventor with the curious ability to bring his drawings to life, and yearns to find a space where he can use his powers freely.
On that note, it looks like HAMMERHEAD could be on the very right edge of last page’s first panel. His head and muscly arm, perhaps? Hard to tell though.
Gods, I can see it now… He’s always been there. We must have only ever seen his fin sticking out above the crowd of Shark people (Shark-kin? Sharkites? Sharkeans?).
A hive mind would still conceivably have standout members. He’s probably the reason the entire population of shark men isn’t so reduced in intelligence as to eat their own limbs off. (He does it for them, LOL ;-) )
Think of bees. A hive of bees functions as an organism, but each bee needs to have some autonomy or else they wouldn’t be able to forage effectively for pollen and nectar. They’d be (bee?) helpless the moment they fly too far from the hive, or else the entire colony would have to leave en masse to search for food. Instead, each member has enough individual thought in their teensy little ganglions to make judgement calls apart from consulting the colony. And astoundingly savvy ones at that, for an insect with a brain the size of a quinoa seed. Given that sharkman brains are probably comparable in capability if not size, maybe that explains the existence of Hammerhead?
Or maybe, Hammerhead is not a dude but the queen of the group? It’s not like shark ladies have breasts, and maybe they simply use the collective pronoun of “guy” for both male and female?
If Hammerhead were the Queen then he/she would be getting a lot more respect from the little guys.
Now, going on how the other guys don’t really seem to like Hammerhead here, isn’t it possible that he/she’s a mutant of sorts? One who isn’t really part of the hivemind of “Guys”.
Yeah I think I’m inclined to agree at this point. Otherwise, I feel, when Harky asks who is the strongest, it would be hundreds of Sharkmen turning to him in sync and saying in unison “I am the strongest” not the current scene which started off as a reminder to the “NO I AM SPARTACUS” scene
They aren’t necessarily telepathic, at least on on that level. Most insect hive minds use phermones. Even if we assume telepathy, it’s clearly not one overarching brain with multiple bodies. still individuals with their own thoughts.
Those thoughts (specifically moods) however, would be contagious. So mob mentality is an apt comparison, it’s easy for the mood of one shark to get momentum and shift the whole group (that’s why everybody’s all “I’m awesome” after a hunt.) Hammerhead might well be a mutant with m ore individuality, but I’m not so sure his existence disproves the hive.
Nah, more like anti-scipio. He’s big, like scipio, he’s loud, instead of quiet, he’s brutally violent, instead of generally helpful to others, but he’s self-absorbed, like scipio. Also, scipio is fairly intelligent, and he’s dumb as a sack of sharkman intestines.
You have it all wrong. He isn’t “The Hammerhead”. He’s Hammerhead. Note the absence of “The”. Instead of being referred to as “That Guy”, he has a name. It’s a simple name based on an obvious and not necessarily all too distinctive feature to be sure, but it’s not phrased as a title. So it’s a name.
There may have been some “guys” with hammerheads, but none of them were Hammerhead.
That’s important to note here.
Hammerhead is distinctive in more than just being bigger and stronger than the rest. He has a name and individual identity.
I must give the other Sharkmen credit for using contractions correctly and knowing ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ are different. They at least get points for that.
“Shout, push, hammerheads, bold and resolute
Marching, balancing, in too far to go back
Yes, yes, hammerheads, swimming, kissing
We are big and clever and we don’t know anything”
I can’t see how this guy would be anything but a liability. All Frigg would have to do is announce that she’ll fight the strongest of the Rebellion adventurers and then pretend to have a hard time choosing which that is. And then watch the fight finish itself.
Plus, he knows how to use verbs.
That’s his most dangerous trait!
He’s got articles down-pat too!
Clearly a gentleman AND a scholar.
More like a warrior poet, amirite?
Gurney Halleck among the Sharkonnen!
non-official gold star
Especially coming right after Jean-Luc.
Also, articles.
was just thinking…”did he just say am?”
“Am” amn’t an article.
Anybody else sense he will use “I AM THE HAMMERHEAD, B****!” during every single suitable occasion?
Please Hammerhead, don’t hurt ’em.
too late for that….
Mr. Hammerhead, you have a little something stuck between your teeth.
No, he has a little someONE stuck between his teeth.
…You make a compelling argument.
Well, the new guy certainly tore their arguments apart.
His intellect is just razor sharp.
Not to hammer the point home, but those other guys bit off more than they could chew.
You sure nailed it there, but I gotta give credit to the guy, nonetheless, for an eye-popping entrance.
I just realized why I love these guys so much…they remind me of street sharks.
Fantasy street sharks! That’s so jawsome!
my nostaligic meter is over a 9,000!
I have no reason to disagree with this fine gentlemen.
How did no one notice him before? He’s like, three times the size of everyone else ever!
On that note, it looks like HAMMERHEAD could be on the very right edge of last page’s first panel. His head and muscly arm, perhaps? Hard to tell though.
i think you are right, one can see the tip of his head there.
When he goes adventuring he gives new meaning to the term “dungeon crawl”.
Gods, I can see it now… He’s always been there. We must have only ever seen his fin sticking out above the crowd of Shark people (Shark-kin? Sharkites? Sharkeans?).
Well, so much for “The one quiet reserved member of the lot.”
Actually I’m not buying this. I think we’re about to see the guy come along who can take on this guy, and he’s the champion.
For one thing, the shark in the panel had a normal sized one.
The opening chapter page I mean.
This… Really doesnt look like they have a hivemind. Hammerhead seems too individualistic.
Not saying thatsbad, mind you… But it is a tad unexpected.
A hive mind would still conceivably have standout members. He’s probably the reason the entire population of shark men isn’t so reduced in intelligence as to eat their own limbs off. (He does it for them, LOL ;-) )
Think of bees. A hive of bees functions as an organism, but each bee needs to have some autonomy or else they wouldn’t be able to forage effectively for pollen and nectar. They’d be (bee?) helpless the moment they fly too far from the hive, or else the entire colony would have to leave en masse to search for food. Instead, each member has enough individual thought in their teensy little ganglions to make judgement calls apart from consulting the colony. And astoundingly savvy ones at that, for an insect with a brain the size of a quinoa seed. Given that sharkman brains are probably comparable in capability if not size, maybe that explains the existence of Hammerhead?
Or maybe, Hammerhead is not a dude but the queen of the group? It’s not like shark ladies have breasts, and maybe they simply use the collective pronoun of “guy” for both male and female?
You’re thinking about this all wrong.
If Hammerhead were the Queen then he/she would be getting a lot more respect from the little guys.
Now, going on how the other guys don’t really seem to like Hammerhead here, isn’t it possible that he/she’s a mutant of sorts? One who isn’t really part of the hivemind of “Guys”.
Right. He identifies his ‘self’ it seems, as ‘strongest’ and this causes discord in the hivemind which is kinda odd.
Landsharks probably aren’t an actual hive mind, they’re just kinda…fuckin’ dumb, ya know? :P
They end up being in agreement so often by virtue of their very limited selection of thoughts.
Yeah I think I’m inclined to agree at this point. Otherwise, I feel, when Harky asks who is the strongest, it would be hundreds of Sharkmen turning to him in sync and saying in unison “I am the strongest” not the current scene which started off as a reminder to the “NO I AM SPARTACUS” scene
Too many people think “hivemind” = Borg.
They aren’t necessarily telepathic, at least on on that level. Most insect hive minds use phermones. Even if we assume telepathy, it’s clearly not one overarching brain with multiple bodies. still individuals with their own thoughts.
Those thoughts (specifically moods) however, would be contagious. So mob mentality is an apt comparison, it’s easy for the mood of one shark to get momentum and shift the whole group (that’s why everybody’s all “I’m awesome” after a hunt.) Hammerhead might well be a mutant with m ore individuality, but I’m not so sure his existence disproves the hive.
I believe you’re correct. I think something like that was stated on the race’s introduction page, actually.
yea, like the other replies say, i really dont think the sharkmen are a hive mind.
i think mob mentality is probably closer to what they have going on.
“Looks like meat is back on the menu boys!”
“… but sir, it already was. We just killed these deer…”
Well, something tells me they’re going to have a champion retention problem after hiring this guy.
Sharkmen: the other other white meat.
No, no, no.
Sharkmen, the great white meat.
shark meat is rather tasty if you cook it properly. I had some when i was in NYC some years ago.
Clearly he’ll be the diplomat of the group.
Indeed. I mean, the Gastonians used Frigg to great effect, and this guy seems more eloquent, really able to drive the point through.
I’d pick him simply because he’s the most grammatically correct.
Is their grammar incorrect, or is grammar itself just stupid and not strongest?!
He’s the strongest, he’s the loudest he’s Hammerfrigg! (And to counter Frigg he is also the best spoken of the candidates.)
Nah, more like anti-scipio. He’s big, like scipio, he’s loud, instead of quiet, he’s brutally violent, instead of generally helpful to others, but he’s self-absorbed, like scipio. Also, scipio is fairly intelligent, and he’s dumb as a sack of sharkman intestines.
He might be intelligent, in his own way. Grammar is not indicative of smarts.
The Hammerhead?
Wasn’t there more hammerheads out there, I’ve seen some I’m sure…
or… did he wipe all hammerheads out without us knowing?
There are more, but each of them is a hammerhead, he is The Hammerhead.
No, no, no…
You have it all wrong. He isn’t “The Hammerhead”. He’s Hammerhead. Note the absence of “The”. Instead of being referred to as “That Guy”, he has a name. It’s a simple name based on an obvious and not necessarily all too distinctive feature to be sure, but it’s not phrased as a title. So it’s a name.
There may have been some “guys” with hammerheads, but none of them were Hammerhead.
That’s important to note here.
Hammerhead is distinctive in more than just being bigger and stronger than the rest. He has a name and individual identity.
If I have a son, I’m naming him Human.
What if he has a twin sister?
At first I was cracking up, then I started wondering:
(LockeZ:) If you’d have a daughter instead of a son you wouldn’t name her Human?
The hammerhead using a hammer to fight the lady who has the subtly of a hammer and uses a hammer made of holy hammer.
Hammer singularity?
Pentangularity, possibly.
Hammer, don’t hurt me.
The only warrior you can defeat by standing directly in front of.
And there’s our anti-Scipio.
I must give the other Sharkmen credit for using contractions correctly and knowing ‘your’ and ‘you’re’ are different. They at least get points for that.
So…I guess we have the anti-Frigg now
Good lord, he’s a shriekback song…..
“Shout, push, hammerheads, bold and resolute
Marching, balancing, in too far to go back
Yes, yes, hammerheads, swimming, kissing
We are big and clever and we don’t know anything”
méh. would have prefered a “normal” landshark.but i guess Hammerhead will do.
I can’t see how this guy would be anything but a liability. All Frigg would have to do is announce that she’ll fight the strongest of the Rebellion adventurers and then pretend to have a hard time choosing which that is. And then watch the fight finish itself.
Well, he *did* politely ask the other sharks to step aside. Then they didn’t, and threatened him on top of that. Then they all died.
I gotta admit though, that would be a great strategy.
Thank you Hammer-Head
I don’t think I can
Explain how important it was
That you ate the shark men
I will be splattered
I’d be crushed into teeth
Thank you sir for consuming meeeeee…
He’s also the tallest, so if the Irkens are among the coalition, he’ll have their respect.
And he isn’t far behind the Almighty Tallest in terms of intelligence and subtlety, as well.
I kind thought to myself in the last panel. “There ought to be a hammerhead shark.” “That sounds good, me”
Well, now I can pat myself on the back and say I saw this coming.
Well, we all think we are the strongest when we are hammerhead. Then in the morning we just feel hangoverhead.
I wonder if Sharkmen gain intelligence as they gain muscle mass?
“Candygram! Candygram for Mr. Hammerhead.”
Ironically in reality, most hammerheads are not known to attack people