All dialogue here is Flo’s, and what a wonderful piece it is. She really captured the profound mixed emotions running through Gravedust right now. He misses Byron too, and he’d love to ease Syr’Nj’s pain: “Our friend. Our brother.” He even puts in a nod to Syr’Nj’s argument: “A defier of death.” And yet…death should be death, isn’t that what a mystic should believe? There’s also the notion that more life for Byron might not even be a mercy, not after all that happened in Pardo’s village. “Must he fight on?”

The direction on the visuals and the quiet at the end, though, is me. I feel like the awkward soundlessness of the funeral parlor is more powerful here than any response the powers could’ve given.

Note that Byron is the only one of these many corpses to have been mummified, preserving his body as much as possible. It’s very likely Syr’Nj did this herself in order to increase the chances of reviving Byron, but it could also be the younger sky elves, volunteering their people’s techniques to aid Syr’Nj’s purpose. Hollister and Clair don’t seem particularly bothered when they meet an alive Byron later, so they’re probably not too skittish about resurrection spells. (Spoilers?)